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Résultats 11-20 de 28
[Methodical approach to improvement of organization of land utilization and protection in erosion-unsafe agro-landscapes]
Stoiko N., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Kryshenyk N., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine)
The search of effective methods of agricultural land protection from soil erosion under conditions of land relations’ reform in Ukraine is a complex ecological and economic issue requiring a system approach to its solution, adequate organizational and economic support and scientific argumentation. The topicality of the research is based on the importance of the problem of arable land protection from soil erosion, and its solution is related to ecologically safe land utilization keeping to the principles of balanced development of land management. The aim of the research is to develop scientific basis for the recommendations how to improve the system of erosion-safe agricultural land management under conditions of reforming land relations in Ukraine. The article presents scientific fundamentals of organization of erosion-safe land management in the context of the balanced development of nature management, analyses conditions of utilization and protection of land in erosion-unsafe landscapes; develop scientifically grounded recommendations as to improvement of a system of erosion-safe agricultural land management at a local level. In the process of the investigation a combination of methods were used: monographic, induction and deduction methods, system analysis, cartographic, experimental projecting. A contour organization of the territory is recommended to apply to protect arable land from soil erosion. Reimbursement of money payments and tax privileges can motivate landowners and land users to introduce anti-erosion measures. It is required to consider use value and non-use value of land resources in the process of their estimation for land payments.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Large scale GIS mapping recommendation maps for solving land management issues
Bogdanets, V., National Univ. of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine)
The article shows results of compiling recommendation land use maps for land use and land resources management of the university experimental farm “Velykosnitynske”. Large-scale GIS mapping of experimental farms allows to improve land use and decision making, prepare recommendations to solve land management issues, planning of technology processes and efficient crop growing technology. Compiled recommendation maps are aimed to assist in rational land use planning and sustainable development of the territory.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Improvement of the procedure of division of rented land parcels in Ukraine
Trevoho, I., Lviv Polytechnic National Univ. (Ukraine) | Riabchii, Valeri, National Mining Univ., Dnipropetrovsk (Ukraine) | Riabchii, Vladyslav, Lviv Polytechnic National Univ. (Ukraine)
The current situation in land leasing in Ukraine is analysed, when a tenant of a land parcel with immovable property is sold in part, which causes the following controversy: the land parcel in someone’s lease has buildings or constructions owned by another physical or legal person (other than the tenant). The interested party wastes a lot of time on resolving this controversial situation with the existing procedures in Ukraine. This problem is not always solved professionally because of the lack of sellers’ and buyers’ knowledge of specific features of land management and geodesy. Three main variants of mutual location of the seller’s and the buyer’s buildings and constructions are defined, which determines the possibility of dividing a land parcel. Recommendations on the improvement of the procedure and normative legal acts of Ukraine concerning the issue are developed, aimed at significant acceleration of signing and registering new lease agreements.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Institutional support of the system of territorial planning in Ukraine
Stupen, O., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Stupen, R., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine)
From a theoretical point of view, the authors have grounded a new paradigm of theoretical planning of land management, which is based on space definition of a complex of factors of rational use of the existing land resources in correlation of interests of subjects-land-users and corresponding land relations in the terms of support of a balanced social-ecologic-economic environment. From a methodological point of view, the authors have proposed a set of methodic approaches as to determination of mechanisms of arrangement of the process of territorial planning in land management according to institutional fundamentals of land relations harmonization at different space levels of management. It is proposed to consider planning of land use as an obligatory and logically inevitable stage of the process of territorial space management that is determined as a primary link, because it specifies aims of the management. It is proved that effective territorial management of land resources and land-use is caused by its territorial planning, which determines the aims of an object development and activity of a managerial subject. A regional link of management should secure the supply of appropriate conditions for living standards of population, effective utilization of territorial resources and development of mutually favorable inter-regional relations. Implementation of efficient regional policy on the basis of market mechanisms requires further improvement of institutional fundamentals.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Current state and prospects for use of land resources in Republic of Belarus
Kolmykov, A., Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Gorki, Mogilev reg. (Belarus) | Avdeev, A., Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Gorki, Mogilev reg. (Belarus)
All land of the Republic of Belarus can be classified by categories (7 categories), types of lands (14 types), land users, forms of ownership and types of rights to land plots. The total area of land in the Republic of Belarus is 20760 thousand hectares, including agricultural land occupies 9103.0 thousand hectares (43.8%) of the total area of the republic; settlements, horticultural associations, dacha cooperatives – 849.0 thousand hectares (4.1%); industry, transport, communications, energy, defence and other purposes – 622.2 thousand hectares (3.0%); environmental, health, recreational, historical and cultural purposes – 868.7 thousand hectares (4.2%); forest fund – 8656.4 thousand hectares (41.7%); water fund – 37.3 thousand hectares (0.2%); reserve land – 623.4 thousand hectares (3.0%). The basis of the land resources used in the agro-industrial complex of the republic is arable land, meadows and land under permanent crops, which in general occupy 8387.1 thousand hectares, or 40.4% of the total area of land. The state owns 20683.6 thousand hectares (99.63%) of land, private property – 76.4 thousand hectares (0.37%) of the total area of all lands of the republic. In terms of environmental stability, the territory of the republic belongs to medium-stable territories, the coefficient of environmental stability is 0.63, and in terms of the degree of anthropogenic load – to territories with a relatively low anthropogenic load, the coefficient of anthropogenic load is 2.79.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Impact of technological changes in land management and geodesy on land surveying higher education in Ukraine
Martyn, A., National Univ. of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine) | Hunko, L., National Univ. of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine) | Moroz, Yu., National Univ. of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine)
The article shows that the rapid technological changes in the field of topographic, geodetic and cadastral activities that have occurred in recent decades, significantly affect the nature and content of work to be performed by future engineers in the field of geodesy and land surveying. The directions of adaptation of the content of geodetic and land surveying education to the needs of the national and world market of engineering services are considered. Global navigation satellite system (GNSS), laser 3D-scanning and operational mapping using unmanned aerial vehicles will have a decisive impact on the development of the industry in the near future. Paper maps are being replaced by multimedia devices that display dynamic map content tailored to a specific consumer. During the study, the student must get acquainted with all the most advanced technologies that will determine the future of the industry in the medium term to be ready for their practical application. A modern university lecture should be designed so that the student can hear only what he or she cannot find on the Internet. The aim of the article is to try to comprehensively generalize and analyse global trends and prospects for the development of topographic and geodetic, cadastral, registration and evaluation activities, as well as to determine on this basis the adaptation of geodetic and land management education to the needs of national and global engineering services.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Development of higher engineering education in Russia in the context of Bologna process
Chepurin, E., State Univ. of Land Use Planning, Moscow (Russian Federation) | Vasilieva, D., Samara State Technical Univ. (Russian Federation) | Vlasov, A., Samara State Technical Univ. (Russian Federation) | Parsova, V., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia)
The process of reforming higher education in Russian Federation continues. One of the main areas of these reforms is an introduction of principles of Bologna process into Russian higher education system. It was launched after Russia ratified the Bologna Declaration in 2003. Since the beginning of reforms and up to now there have not been lingering disputes about feasibility of introducing the principles of Bologna Agreement into higher education. The article deals with the history of reforms on the example of higher education in land management in Russia. Dynamics of indicators of higher education institutions which carry out training under programs in the field of land management and cadastre have been studied. Introduction of federal state educational standards associated with introduction and/ or updating of current education within Bologna process in 2020 has been considered. Updating (introduction of FGOS 3++ standard) will be implemented in all directions of bachelor degree. First of all it is guided to consideration of requirements of professional standards. The process of development of the Institute of State Accreditation of higher education institutions of Russia, its current status and problems faced by higher education institutions during accreditation process have been studied.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Good practice of state land planning in the case of Panevezys City Municipality
Kriauciunaite-Neklejonoviene, V., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania) | Gurskiene, V., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania) | Balevicius, G., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania)
Currently, the issues of the use and transfer of state land remain quite relevant in Lithuania. According to the data of January 1, 2019, more than 10 percent of the country's territory has not yet been formed and not authorized for use. A large proportion of unauthorized state land is located in major cities in the country. Only a few municipalities in Lithuania have detailed state land use planning. One of them is Panevėžys City Municipality, where, with the help of EU funds, detailed and special plans have been prepared for almost all state land and the municipality is actively looking for ways to encourage residents to become more actively involved in the process of land ownership or use. Detailed territorial planning documents for this municipality were prepared in three stages. Territories near public buildings, apartment buildings, former problem areas were planned. These plans are important for the development and renovation of engineering infrastructure, urban green spaces, management of residential areas, well-being of the population, and so on. Territorial planning documents are an important tool for the sustainable development of territories. The recent adjustment of the detailed plans is based on the principle of continuity. Effective real property management creates good conditions for investors, improvement of infrastructure and living conditions, and replenishment of municipal budget and so on.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Environmental policy and land management in rural areas of Ukraine
Stoiko, N., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Kryshenyk, N., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Soltys, O., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Cherechon, O., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine)
The research studies the issue of ecological stability of rural territories that is the most important component of the national environmental policy of Ukraine. A special attention is paid to degradation of arable lands as the main ecological problem of land management. On the example of Lviv region, the authors calculated the index of ecological nonconformity of current use of arable lands, proving a considerable excess of permissible ploughing of lands in the region. The carried analysis confirms that no measures were performed concerning land protection, including conservation that in the recent years. In this context it is necessary to improve land resources management on the basis of sustainable development. Integration is considered to be the main principle of land resources management. The research proves that solution of ecological problems of land management requires achievement of a set of coordinated targets concerning development of rural territories, land resources management and national environmental policy based on the principles of suitable development. The targets include: planning of land use outside settled areas on the landscape and ecological basis; land inventory; formation of the land bank of agricultural lands; development and support of alternative kinds of activity on rural area; development of an efficient mechanism to encourage performance of land protection measures; improvement of environmental responsibility of population and development of ecological education. The methodological basis of the research is the concept of sustainable development, which expects support for a continuous character of development in order to meet the current needs along with ensuring the needs of future generations. The fulfilment of the task requires examination of scientific works on the issue of sustainable management of land resources and an ecological component of rural territory development.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Methodology for determining site-specific management zones upon implementation of precision farming in Belarus
Myslyva, T., Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Gorki, Mogilev reg. (Belarus) | Kutsayeva, A., Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Gorki, Mogilev reg. (Belarus) | Kаzhekа, A., Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Gorki, Mogilev reg. (Belarus)
The aim of the study was to develop a methodology for determining homogeneous territorial zones for precision farming. In this study we took into account the national land use system which provides for the absence of private ownership of agricultural land. The algorithm for determining management-zones provides for: establishing zones of spatial heterogeneity; determining the presence of clusters and emissions; modelling the spatial distribution of soil quality indicators. It is recommended to use data from agrochemical soil studies which are conducted centrally every 4 years for each agricultural enterprise as input parameters. These data include: the humus content in the soil, the content of available phosphorus and potassium and soil pH. The data should be carefully examined using spatial statistics tools to provide a more accurate delineation of the management-zones boundaries. The developed technique makes it possible to determine fertile and marginal areas within each individual field and differentiate the use of fertilizers, taking into account the presence of intra-field heterogeneity. This will save from 2.5 to 21.8 kg P haE−1 and from 0.9 to 26.7 kg K haE−1 due to the redistribution of the fertilizer dose calculated for the planned yield, taking into account the identified site-specific management zones. The differentiated use of mineral fertilizers will increase the profitability of growing winter cereals by 2.2%, sugar beets by 1.3%, rapeseed by 1.1%, and malting barley by 0.8%.
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