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[Methodical approach to improvement of organization of land utilization and protection in erosion-unsafe agro-landscapes]
Stoiko N., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Kryshenyk N., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine)
The search of effective methods of agricultural land protection from soil erosion under conditions of land relations’ reform in Ukraine is a complex ecological and economic issue requiring a system approach to its solution, adequate organizational and economic support and scientific argumentation. The topicality of the research is based on the importance of the problem of arable land protection from soil erosion, and its solution is related to ecologically safe land utilization keeping to the principles of balanced development of land management. The aim of the research is to develop scientific basis for the recommendations how to improve the system of erosion-safe agricultural land management under conditions of reforming land relations in Ukraine. The article presents scientific fundamentals of organization of erosion-safe land management in the context of the balanced development of nature management, analyses conditions of utilization and protection of land in erosion-unsafe landscapes; develop scientifically grounded recommendations as to improvement of a system of erosion-safe agricultural land management at a local level. In the process of the investigation a combination of methods were used: monographic, induction and deduction methods, system analysis, cartographic, experimental projecting. A contour organization of the territory is recommended to apply to protect arable land from soil erosion. Reimbursement of money payments and tax privileges can motivate landowners and land users to introduce anti-erosion measures. It is required to consider use value and non-use value of land resources in the process of their estimation for land payments.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Current trends and tasks of training of land management specialists
Kosinsky, V., State Univ. of Land Use Planning, Moscow (Russian Federation) | Burov, M., State Univ. of Land Use Planning, Moscow (Russian Federation)
In 2015−2016 the State University of Land Use Planning and land management faculties of higher educational institutions released the final mass enrolment of graduates who studied “engineer” qualification for five years. Starting from 2016−2017, bachelors and masters of land management began to leave the walls of the State University of Land Use Planning and land management departments of universities. Has the division into two parts - bachelor's and master's been justified? Basically, we can say that this is an international practice and we would not want to live separately from the international community, since we study foreigners from many countries of the world who want to receive education in a Western way; in addition, our students also study abroad. But, unlike the Western baccalaureate, we remain specializations. There are profiles in the undergraduate program: land administration, land management, real estate cadastre, urban cadastre, land valuation, real estate valuation, and so on, that is students receive professional knowledge. Mastership is designed to deepen them. But it is absolutely not necessary to choose undergraduate and graduate programs in the same direction, it can be changed. If a student is not satisfied with the direction or specialization chosen before, he can correct it by studying another mastership program. One undoubted positive consequence of Russia's accession to the Bologna process is the simultaneous assumption of international obligations to maintain the wide accessibility of higher education regardless of financial situation of young people. Europe seeks to provide broad social protection in this area, where Russia has been catastrophically losing ground in recent years. The United States, with all its wealth, has never tried to positively solve this problem and is not going to accept the Bologna rules, and they have enough compelling arguments for this. First of all, do we need a bachelor degree? How will a master match with a candidate of science? Today, the heads of land surveying firms and companies, sociologists, professors of universities as well as educational and scientific institutions are discussing this problem.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Main directions of urban land optimization in Kiev agglomeration
Tsvyakh, O., National Univ. of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine) | Openko, I., National Univ. of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine)
Land as a production factor occupies a special position in the economic activities of the urban population. Land resources in big cities are not only territorial basis for placing industrial and production structures, but also a space for urban life in general. However, to assess the effectiveness of urban land use, primarily the ecological and economic potential of the use of the urban land resources should be determined aimed at sustainable development of urban agglomerations (Volodchenkov, 2010). The rapid pace of development of large cities in the world and an increase of their impact on the environment and society is accompanied by the set of economic, ecological and social problems which significantly influence the development of settlements in general (Stolʹberh, 2000; Onyshchuk, 2001). However, the process of urbanization as a result of rapid scientific and technological revolution requires large areas for deployment of large scale production facilities and urban settlements in the conditions of natural resource management (Kontorovich, Rivkin, 1986).
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Soil conservation measures: assessment of economic efficiency in terms of Ukraine
Shevchenko, O., National Univ. of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine)
The solution of preserving and restoring the soil fertility problem of agricultural lands in the process of economic activity is one of the main tasks in achieving global food security. Implementation of a complex of soil protection measures, as a rule, ensures the preservation and even growth of soil fertility. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to determine the economic efficiency of introducing soil protection measures in the use of agricultural land. For this purpose, the following tasks were set and solved: the analysis of the current state and trends of the land resources use in agriculture; to investigate the tendencies of carrying out measures on preservation of soil fertility and prevention of its degradation; to substantiate scientific and methodical estimation principles of economic efficiency of introduction of soil protection measures in the conditions of Ukraine. The following basic methods were used to solve the research objectives: monographic analysis – when developing scientific publications on environmentally friendly use of agricultural land; comparative and statistical analysis – in studying the dynamics of the structure of the land fund of Ukraine by main types of land and economic activity; system-structural analysis and grouping – in the study of the nature and content of ecological and economic consequences of soil degradation, as well as approaches to assessing the economic effectiveness of soil protection measures; economic analysis and calculation of relative indicators – to evaluate the economic efficiency of soil protection measures in the process of agricultural land use; abstract-logical method − for theoretical generalizations and conclusions formation, etc. Established that soil degradation is now one of the most important industrial and environmental issues, which is the main reason for the inability to achieve high rates of environmental and economic efficiency of land use in the future. It was also substantiated scientific and methodical approach to determining the economic efficiency of soil conservation measures in the current market conditions, which is based on the additional income that is received as a result of increase crop yields on protected lands. It is established that effective protection of soils from degradation is possible with the systematic implementation of soil protection measures complex, developed taking into account the specific natural and economic conditions of each region or agricultural enterprise. The priority directions of realization measures on land protection are given.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Analysis and possibilities of application of the American experience of agricultural land use organization
Dudych, L., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Dudych, H., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Soltys, O., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Cherechon, O., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine)
Having analysed research results, it is ensured that sustainable land use of US agricultural lands for the support to farmers to improve the efficiency of their major activities and adherence to the principles of soil protection and rational land use in farms. An analysis of the American experience allows us to make conclusions that the success of the process of improving land relations depends on the level of their scientific validity, the degree of balance of government regulation and the degree of coordination of participants’ interests in transformations and land market transactions. Land lease in the United States of America as one of the economic methods of land use regulation has been analysed in the article. It has been established that long-term lease relations are beneficial for both parties concerning soil improvement and pollution control in case of clear legislation. Having analysed foreign experience, the main measures of land use rationalization in the USA, which people can use in Ukraine, have been proposed. It is also possible to implement the US experience in actively controlling the ecological condition, intended use and other quality characteristics of agricultural land to improve regulation of land use in Ukraine. After analysing the measures for land protection in the United States, taking into account the considered and researched American experience of agricultural land use, ways to improve the existing system of use and protection of agricultural land in Ukraine are proposed.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Peculiarities and prospects of solving land degradation problem in Ukraine
Stoiko, N., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Tkachuk, L., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine)
In Ukraine, degradation of land resources is a complex ecological problem, preventing sustainable development of land employment. Land protection from degradation requires development of measures in the process of land management at regional and local levels. Efficiency of the measures depends considerably on reliable information about quantitative and qualitative conditions of lands, due to the fact that it forces timeliness of the research. The aim of the research is to study problems of land degradation in terms of land management while developing measures of land resource protection. To reach this aim, the following tasks were set out: to analyse the drawbacks of informational support in terms of land management fulfilment at the current stage of land relations development; to describe prospective ways to implement the measures on land protection from degradation in Ukraine. Methodological basis of the research is includes the method of system analysis (performed while studying the process of land resource degradation) and cartographic method (employed while detecting the spread of degradation processes and its drawbacks in land employment). The research has determined that soil maps and plans of employment of lands do not provide reliable information about quantitative and quantitative conditions of land resources. The existing organisation of land use, first arable one, does not always correspond to soil-conserving requirements. It is proposed: to update plan-cartographic material based on space images and data of agrochemical classification of agricultural lands; to establish efficient organisational and economic mechanisms to implement ecological policy in the field of land management.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Prevention of land degradation processes
Parsova, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Cahrausa, I., Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Riga (Latvia)
Land degradation is a topical issue not only in Latvia, but also in Europe. Even the real estate additional tax rate of 1.5% does not prevent agricultural land from overgrowing, and there is no other legal mechanism to control it. One of the mechanisms of prevention of land degradation process is reconstruction of drainage systems, change of worthless agricultural land (less than 25 points) to forest land or improvement and return of agricultural land (more than 25 points) to economic production. Although such actions require financial resources, there may be a variety of financial support programs, for example, the decrease of the real property tax rate (in case of afforestation).
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Assessment of rural development land use projects for farmstead site selection (Elektrėnai municipality as example)
Valciukiene, J., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Sletkeviciute, G., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
The purpose of this article is to analyse the rural development land use projects for farmstead site selection prepared in the municipality of Elektrėnai during the period between the years of 2012 and 2016, and to determine their potential impact on the growth of built-up areas and the rational use of land. According to the survey data, it can be stated that drafting rates of rural development land use projects for farmstead site selection tend to grow especially in those municipalities that are close to Vilnius and which have a good geographical position as well as a special landscape and national cultural heritage values (Vilnius district, Trakai district and Elektrėnai district municipalities). Having carried out the agricultural land change analysis, it is noted that during the analysis period (2012 - 2016) in Elektrėnai municipality, similarly to the whole Vilnius county, land utilities structure is dominated by agricultural land, mostly arable land, but the significant trend of agricultural land reduction at the expense of the growth of built-up areas was noticed. During the analysed period the built-up areas in the municipality of Elektrėnai increased even by 6 times, and the area of agricultural land declined on average, by almost 2 percent every year. A detailed analysis of specific projects and information gathered during qualitative research suggest that the prepared rural development land use projects for farmstead site selection are not prepared for the improvement of the actual farming activity conditions in constructing farm and other buildings.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Problems of rural areas management in Lithuania
Aleknavicius, A., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Aleknavicius, M., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
The article analyses the changes of agricultural production development and the demand of rural planning in the post-reform period. The main aim of the research is to identify the problems of land use and the formation of farms as the territorial-production structures in Lithuania as well as to analyse the possibilities of finding solutions to them. Tendencies of the decrease of the number of rural residents and farms were determined, the regulation of which is possible by improving working and living conditions in rural areas by means of public support measures. In order to form land holdings of rational farms, to coordinate the residential construction, farmlands and the local road network, to preserve efficient agricultural land, it is suggested preparing the documents of land management planning. The implementation of these documents is associated with the regulation of the land use provided for by legislation, formation of cultural landscape, as well as with the EU and public support for the development of production of viable farms and environmental protection. It is recommended to supplement the rules of the preparation of documents of land management planning with methodological requirements for the arrangement of land parcels and for their conversion into other agricultural areas.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The analysis of the land use of the homesteads of former manors
Gurskiene, V., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Cirvinskiene, A., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Parsova, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
From the old times Lithuanian manors were the main centres of diplomacy, administration and culture. The applied land reforms, war and post-war periods and changing regimes altered the structures of the manors; their owners and users changed as well. The number of homesteads of manors and their territory highly decreased. During various periods of time more than 150 manors were present in the current territory of Panevėžys district municipality. The aim of the research is to analyse the land use of the least researched homesteads of former manors in 1923 and 2016. Six homesteads of former manors that are located in Panevėžys district have been analysed. The research has revealed that a great amount of small land lots aggravates the farming conditions and does not allow the rational land use. Certainly, this problem is solved partially by renting or selling the land to the owners of the adjacent land lots. Land consolidation would help to pass beneficial decisions for the land use. In the recent years, due to the initiatives of state institutions and individual people a fair part of homesteads of manors are being rebuilt and adjusted to the use of society.
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