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The Comparative Efficiency Analysis of EU Members Agriculture Sectors
Laurinavičius, Eligijus | Rimkuvienė, Daiva
Production economics forms a very important part of an enormous range of economic theory. Agricultural production is no exception. When evaluating the competitiveness of the multifunctional agriculture, it is necessary to use the measure of efficiency instead of productivity. The conception of the efficiency is explained and the methods for measurement are provided. The authors discuss the methods of Stochastic Frontier Approach (SFA), Free Disposal Hull (FDH) and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) that are particularly useful for multi-criterial evaluation of multifunctional processes. Those methods assign an efficiency score to each Decision Making Unit (DMU) based on how well it transforms a given set of inputs into outputs. Most studies have only focused on application of DEA method for assesment of the efficiency of agriculture farms. There is still a need on applications for sectors. This paper provides an examination of the applicability of DEA method to agriculture sectors efficiency measurement. By applying mathematical models, which are based on the DEA, the efficiency of agriculture in each EU country was evaluated.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Creating a Regulatory Framework for the ESG-investment in the Multimodal Transportation Development
Datsii, Oleksandr | Levchenko, Nataliia | Shyshkanova, Ganna | Platonov, Oleg | Abuselidze, George
The work states that the strategic guideline for building an effective competitive national transport system and prosperous using Ukrainian multimodal potential is the formation of a regulatory environment for scaling ESG-investment in the context of transformation to a “climate-neutral” economy. The absence of a unified methodology for (assessment) scoring ESG-direction of business as the basis for decision-making on ESG-investment is established in the world and national practice. For the first time, the author’s model of scoring trends and regularities of business development is proposed in accordance with ESG-principles, in contrast to traditional trend dynamic models, which identifies and iteratively conceptualizes processes by the set of ESG-indicator components determined using the cocoupling-analysis toolkit (tools for assessing the cocoupling-effect). A classification of the cocoupling-effect has been developed and each of its types has been characterized. Possible options for ESG-effectiveness of business are identified, which conditionally correspond to the four zones of the ESG-investment decision-making matrix. A research on the expected cocoupling-effect of ESG-investment in the multimodal transportation development is carried out to validate the feasibility of implementation the author’s scoring model for the ESG-direction of business and obtaining realistic results according to the data of the International Energy Agency and the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. An effective measures arsenal of creating the regulatory framework for ESG-investment in the multimodal transportation development is identified and a Roadmap is proposed for their high-quality implementation, which would ensure positive changes in Ukraine’s position in the world ranking of countries by multimodal potential usage efficiency.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]An AHP [Analytic Hierarchy Process] – based assessment of scenarios for promoting employment of people with disabilities in Latvia
Oborenko, Z., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia). Faculty of Economics and Social Development | Rivza, B., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia). Faculty of Economics and Social Development | Rivza, P., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia). Faculty of Information Technologies
The employment of people with disabilities has multidimensional aspects − economic, social, legal, human rights, discrimination, psychological, ethical and responsibility aspects − with different actors involved representing various kinds of interests. The European Union Disability Action Plan and Strategy specifies the objective of promoting the employment of people with disabilities in the open labour market. The employment of such individuals is not only an economic issue, but also an issue of social inclusion, poverty reduction, equal opportunity and socially responsible employment. Effective and fair use of human resources for national economic development requires a variety of support mechanisms, including regulatory frameworks, the active involvement of local municipalities, and measures taken by state institutions. Because of the different issues and the various actors with different interests involved, an integrated way has to be considered to analyse the employment factors and employment opportunities for people with disabilities. The purpose of this study is to explore and substantiate the possible scenarios associated with promotion employment opportunities for people with disabilities in Latvia. The research methodology employed for this study is based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process, and expert interviews are used to analyse the interests of all involved parties, in order to determine the best possible scenarios as to how to stimulate employment for people with disabilities. As a result, three scenarios to promote the employment of people with disabilities were developed. Although the results showed slight differences between the three scenarios, experts believe that the optimal scenario for promoting the employment of people with disabilities is the one in which the EU participates.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The missing link of UTM
Rumba, Rudolfs | Nikitenko, Agris
As the use cases for rural unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) missions are evolving, the next step is to make on-site UAV missions controlled over long distances. The control is called Beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) and there is a great need for use cases to become autonomous or self-sustaining over long distances. Designing airspace to include autonomous and BVLOS UAV involves proposals for traffic that do not exist to date, different actors, and a multitude of risks; system design must answer a wide range of questions before its release. Luckily, most of the technical questions are already solved, most of the safety regulations are there in place in general aviation, and the industry is waiting for a new type of transportation. In this paper, the authors propose action for policymakers on how to approach the challenge of developing UAV Traffic Management (UTM) systems that can be applied to any geographic location and identify missing links in decision-making to enable development.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Municipal transport route planning based on fair mobility budget
Arhipova, Irina | Bumanis, Nikolajs | Paura, Liga | Berzins, Gundars | Erglis, Aldis | Rudloff, Christian | Vitols, Gatis | Ansonska, Evija | Salajevs, Vladimirs | Binde, Juris
A series of initiatives have been adopted in the European Union to address greenhouse gas emissions and establish a society that is resilient to climate change. In response to these initiatives, the implementation of mobility budgets offers a more precise strategy for addressing carbon footprints associated with travel. Prioritizing localized carbon footprint control, mobility budgets are calculated and customized according to distinct regions, goals, and target demographics. When prioritizing the mobility budget as the central objective in municipal transport route planning, the focus should encompass principles of fairness and equity in travel. This entails considering factors such as accessibility, variety of mobility choices, inclusivity of transportation modes, and social justice. Therefore, this article aims to formulate an enhanced activity modelling methodology that would aid data-driven decision-making in municipal transport route planning, while upholding the principles of travel fairness and equity. Тhe results obtained from scrutinizing data related to public bus services and mobile networks are presented. The evaluation of Jelgava’s city transportation network to facilitate mobility budget reduction is undertaken, and this assessment is based on an analysis of data derived from a survey on public transport use coupled with an examination of the city’s mobility budget. The research presents the communication challenges that municipalities will face in planning and implementing changes that are needed to meet the greenhouse gas emission targets and outlines the possible use of visualization tools for modelling, explanation and communication of scenarios.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Possibility of renewable energy solutions usage in rural areas of Western Balkans: Fuzzy-rough approach
Jeločnik, Marko | Puška, Adis | Nedeljković, Miroslav | Božanić, Darko | Subić, Jonel
Energy production, supply and consumption are global issue with many economic, environmental and social implications. Mentioned issue is even more expressed in remote rural areas, in particular in developing countries, as are the countries of the Western Balkans (WB). Renewable energy sources (RES) could represent optimal energy alternative for sustainable performing of agricultural and other activities, as well as for improving the current state of living conditions in rural communities. The main goal of research is to mark the most suitable RES alternative (six alternatives) for wider implementation in rural space of WB. The applied methodology framework implies experts’ opinion (engagement of eight experts) and the use of multi-criteria decision-making methods (MCDM), (specifically fuzzy-rough LMWA and fuzzy-rough CRADIS methods) under the predefined criteria (nine criteria). Derived results show that the implementation of the solar energy plants could play an optimal solution, while as the relatively unsuitable alternative could be marked the use of energy potential of watercourses. Gained final result, i.e. ranking order of the considered alternatives is additionally verified by the appliance of other MCDM methods, while the sensitivity analysis was also performed.
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