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Do social networks have effects on the risk attitude of commercial poultry farmers? Evidence from Southwest Nigeria
Obayelu, O.A., University of Ibadan (Nigeria) | Olowe, O.O., University of Ibadan (Nigeria) | Faleye, T.G., University of Ibadan (Nigeria)
Poultry production decision setting is full of risk and imperfect information. Attitude towards risk is a measure of farmers’ willingness to take risks which is an important determinant in their production decisions. Strong social capital emanating from social networks can lead to efficient risk management strategies, thereby minimizing risks faced by the farmers. Therefore, the effects of social capital on the risk attitude of small-scale commercial poultry farmers in Oyo state were assessed. Data were collected from two hundred small-scale farmers and analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics, factorial analysis, multinomial logit and a two-stage least square. Results showed that 52.5%, 37.5% and 10% of the poultry farmers were risk averse, risk neutral and risk preferring, respectively. About 31.4% and 68.6% of the female and male farmers respectively were risk averse. Close to a fifth, a quarter and two-thirds of the risk averse, risk neutral and risk takers respectively contributed 21-30% of the decisions in the associations. Fourteen percent of the farmers belonged to homogeneous groups. The choice of being risk averse was affected by marital status, educational level, family size, percentage spent on poultry income and aggregate social capital. There was no reverse causality between risk attitude and social capital.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Growth and yield of 15-year plantations of pine, spruce and birch in agricultural land
Daugaviete, M., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Lazdins, A., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Lazdina, D., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Makovskis, K., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Daugavietis, U., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia)
The growth data and the potential returns from 15-year-old plantations of pine Pinus sylvestris L. (6 trial sites), spruce Picea abies Karst L. (9 trial sites) and silver birch Betula pendula Roth (13 trial sites), established in abandoned agricultural lands in a variety of soil types (sod calcareous, anthrosols, podzolic, podzols, gley, podzolic gley, alluvial), using the planting density 2,500 and 3,300 and also 5,000 trees/ha are analysed. For tree plantations in agricultural soils (alluvial sod-gley, gley-sod podzolic, sod-podzolic gley, typic podzol) at the survival of 80-98% the stock volume for 15-year pine is as high as 102-155 m**3haE−1 with the volume growth 5.72-8.94 m**3haE−1 per year; the same indices for spruce in agricultural soils (gley sod-calcareous, sodpodzolic, cultivated, sod-podzolic gley, alluvial sod-gley, base-unsaturated brown) are 75-98 m**3haE−1 and 10.26-15.76 m**3haE−1, respectively. For 15-year plantation birch the mentioned indices may vary from 61 to 169 m**3haE−1 and from 7.54 to 29.82 m**3haE−1 per year. The lowest volume growth (4.66 m**3haE−1 per year) is for birch in heavy clay soil (gleyic sod-podzolic), the highest (29.72-29.82 m**3haE−1 per year) – in cultivated soils and pseudogley soil. Plantation cultivation of pine, spruce and birch in agricultural lands may by the age of 15 years yield with a profit such forest products as pulpwood, fire wood and woody biomass. The gross income gained from first commercial thinnings of plantation pine, utilizing pulpwood, fire wood and logging residue biomass, may vary from 679-2267 EUR haE−1, for spruce the same indices are 1644-3272 EUR haE−1, for birch - 683-2188 EUR haE−1.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Application of statistical methods in the analysis of sentence structure
Piaseckiene, K., Siauliai Univ. (Lithuania). Faculty of Technology, Physical and Biomedical Sciences
The goal of this research is to explore sentence structures expressed by parts of speech. Due to a small amount of data, a problem of sparse data has arisen, which was solved by recording the annotated sentences and considering a “framework” of a sentence made up from a verb and a noun, which was conditionally called a code. The code of a sentence is created by changing each word of a sentence by a symbol (letter or number) that encodes one or other property of that word as a constituent of the sentence. Zipf’s law describes sentences, encoded like that, rather well. If we ‘learn’ well to identify and analyze (annotate, translate, etc.) sentences of the simplest structure, we can automatically process quite a large part of text sentences. It is possible to identify at least 17% of sentences consisting of the simplest structure.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Chemical composition of soybean harvested in different stages of maturity and its suitability for forage production
Sterna, Vita | Jansons, Imants | Jansone, Inga | Damskalne, Margita
Climatic conditions for soybean cultivation in Latvia are challenging because of their variability. In addition, the sum of sunlight hours and the ratio of temperature and precipitation required to produce a quality crop are unpredictable. There is a risk that even early soybean varieties will not ripen due to weather conditions in a region. Studies show that soybean plants, including the green part of the crop, are well suited for animal nutrition prepared as hay or silage. The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition of different soybean varieties harvested before ripening and assess them as hay or silage raw material. Weight, protein, fat, ash, fibre, acid detergent fibre (ADF) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) of soybean varieties ‘Erica’, ‘Bolgar’ and ‘Viola’ green mass were determined at different stages of maturity. The results of the study showed a significant increase in protein (from 9.18% to 12.06%) and fat (from 1.18% to 4.40%) content of the dry matter variety ‘Bolgar’ from September to October. The protein content of the dry soya green mass was not affected by variety at the same developing stage but significantly changed among different stages of maturity. As the plant develops, the sucrose content in the green mass increases, the same as the total sugar content.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Small scale poultry farmers’ choice of adaption strategies to climate change in Ogun State, Nigeria
Adepoju, A.O., University of Ibadan, Oyo State (Nigeria) | Osunbor, P.P., University of Ibadan, Oyo State (Nigeria)
Climate risks constitute an enormous challenge to poultry production and have affected the livelihoods of the people who depend on them. Thus, farmers have adopted various strategies that can help them cope with the adverse effects of climate change. The aim of this study is to examine the factors influencing small scale poultry farmers’ choice of adaptation strategies to climate change. Data used for this study were obtained from 121 representative farmers selected through a two-stage random sampling procedure. Descriptive Statistics, Likert Scale and the Multinomial Logit Model were the tools used for analysis. Results showed that the mean age and household size of the respondents were 45 years and 5 persons respectively, while the average number of birds per farmer stood at 583 birds. Majority of the respondents had a moderate perception of the impacts of climate change on poultry farming and chose management adaptation strategies in their fight against climate change. Econometric analysis showed that the age, gender and educational status of farmers, number of birds, household size, poultry experience, access to cooperative societies, poultry housing system, access to credit, access to extension services and farm size were the factors influencing farmers’ choice of climate change adaptation strategies in the study area. Therefore, policy should focus on awareness creation on management adaptation strategies through enhancing education and extension services as well as access of poultry farmers to credit facilities to indirectly insure farmers against climate change impacts.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of agripreneurship on employment and income generation in cattle fattening business in Nigeria
Obayelu, A.E., Federal Univ. of Agriculture, Abeokuta (Nigeria) | Olaniyi, A., Nigeria Youth Agripreneurs Unit, Ibadan (Nigeria) | Ogbe, A., Federal Univ. of Agriculture, Abeokuta (Nigeria)
Unemployment is a major issue in Nigeria because the youth finds it difficult or impossible to secure jobs that meet their expectations. There appears to be a mismatch between graduate skills and those sought by employers. The study investigated the effect of International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) youth Agripreneurs (IYA) programme on employment and income generation on cattle fattening enterprise under the N2Africa Borno youth project. A two-stage sampling procedure was used to select IYA participants and non-participants. Results revealed that the majority of respondents were males in both categories. It also indicated that youths who are in their productive age are more into cattle fattening enterprise in both categories. The study also found that, unemployment and skill acquisition are the main driving reasons for participating in IYA. It also indicated that both categories of respondents’ required external capital support for start-up of their enterprise, and that IYA programme participants on the average earn more income per month than nonparticipants. IYA programme participants generated more employment opportunities which implied that the programme had not only empowered participants but also made the participants’ become employers. The study recommended that there is a need to support youths with funds, access to trainings on capacity development and skill acquisition to make them self-employed and job creators.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Welfare implications of domestic land grabs among rural households in Delta State, Nigeria
Adepoju, A.O., University of Ibadan, Oyo State (Nigeria) | Ewolor, S., University of Ibadan, Oyo State (Nigeria) | Obayelu, O.A., University of Ibadan, Oyo State (Nigeria)
Rural households are displaced from their lands without any plan in place to resettle or compensate them, for a promise of improvement in their living standards. This has not only resulted in a decline in the living standard of the rural populace, in terms of loss of land and livelihoods, the poor are also further marginalized and impoverished. This study examines the welfare implication of domestic land grabs among rural households in Delta State, Nigeria, employing primary data obtained from one hundred and seventy-three representative farming households. Descriptive analysis revealed that majority were low-income earners and engaged in farming as their major occupation. Econometric analysis revealed land size, secondary education, community leaders’ influence, compensation and the use to which the grabbed land was put into as some of the significant factors influencing domestic land grabs in the study area. Further, the size of land grabbed, no compensation for the use of land and low farm output were found to have negative effects on the welfare of the farmers. Thus, the need to intensify efforts to ensure that the rural populace is not being unreasonably dispossessed of its lands, becomes imperative. The need for commensurate compensation of rural households whose lands were grabbed and periodical checks on community leaders who positively influence domestic land acquisitions arbitrarily also becomes pertinent for improvement in the welfare of the farmers. This is especially so, if these small-scale farmers are to be significant drivers of global food security.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Analysis of precipitation and runoff conditions in agricultural runoff monitoring sites
Siksnane, I., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Lagzdins, A., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia)
In order to assess the nature of climate change, it is important to analyse the indicators of climate variability in different scales: spatial and temporal. The analysis at different scales can lead to understanding of the nature of variations. Climate change studies are essential for comprehending the nature of global processes, to refine global climate patterns and also develop further research for natural processes (Meinke, Stone, 2005; Hulme et al., 1999). Processes in nature are united, continuous and in constant interaction. Variance of interaction types are immeasurable, types can be connected with different scales and science fields, for example, biological, ecological, physical etc. If interaction is taking place between the land and atmosphere, it is defined as hydrological interaction. As water is significantly important for many purposes on the Earth, it is relevant to analyse precipitation and water runoff on a local scale. In the territory of Latvia, the amount of precipitation exceeds the level of evapotranspiration. Long-term monitoring data show that precipitation leads to average runoff of 250 mm per year (Ziverts, 2004). The monitoring data collected at three research sites located in Latvia was used for this research including Berze (Lielupe river basin, meteorological station in Dobele), Mellupite (Venta river basin, meteorological station in Saldus monitoring) and Vienziemite (Gauja river basin, meteorological station in Zoseni). The results from this study show that there is a pronounced interaction between runoff and precipitation with an average of 53 to 82%.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Impact of sowing dates on the variability of different traits of fenugreek
Bobos, Іrina | Fedosiy, Ivan | Zavadska, Oksana | Komar, Oleksandr | Tonkha, Oksana | Furdyha, Mykola | Rucins, Adolfs
The article presents the results of studies of two samples of fenugreek: blue (Trigonella coerulea (Desr.) Ser.) and hay (Trigonella foenum graecum L.) on the set of economic, biological and biochemical parameters. The researched samples of fenugreek have a wide range of variability of indicators depending on the terms of sowing and weather conditions. More rapid development was shown by fenugreek species on the summer sowing dates (III decade of June) with a vegetation period of 36–37 days. To obtain a high yield of green mass of fenugreek plants, the early spring (II–III decade of April) and late spring (I decade of May) sowing terms were more suitable. The obtained green mass yield was: 5.7–6.9 t∙haE–1 – blue fenugreek, and 7.3–9.3 t∙haE–1 – hay fenugreek, with the content of the dry matter being 12.4–28.4%, the sum of sugars 2.5–5.0% and vitamin C – 38.0–51.8 mg∙(100 g)E−1. To obtain spices called “mushroom grass”, it is promising to use hay fenugreek with early spring (II–III decade of April) and late spring (I decade of May) terms of sowing, as a more developed vegetative mass is formed with the dry weight yield of plants 1.3–1.4 t∙haE–1. An increase in the amount of precipitation by 1 mm resulted in fluctuations of green mass yield from 15.0 to 77.3 kg∙haE–1 and dry mass yield from 0.693 to 25.9 kg∙haE–1.
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