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State decoupling audit of low-carbon agricultural production
Datsii, O., Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Kiev (Ukraine) | Levchenko, N., National Univ. Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic (Ukraine) | Shyshkanova, G., National Univ. Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic (Ukraine) | Dmytrenko, R., Vinnytsia National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Abuselidze, G., Batumi Shota Rustaveli State Univ. (Georgia)
It is stated that the strategic benchmark for transformational changes in the economy is currently low-carbon production, the achievement of which is possible to provide with the consistent application of an arsenal of strict control measures, in particular, the introduction of state audit of low-carbon production. The effectiveness of the mechanism for ensuring the implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change has been assessed. The necessity of implementation in the domestic practice of the state audit of low-carbon production by the decoupling approach is proved. The agri-business portfolio has been formed according to the decoupling approach as one of the leaders in greenhouse gas pollution. The author's economic and mathematical models of estimation according to the decoupling approach of the impact of branches of crop and livestock production on environmental pollution are proposed. The dependence of greenhouse gas emissions on the volume of gross output of agricultural production, capital investment and current expenditures on environmental protection has been established. The results of a comparative analysis of the realism of forecasts of changes in greenhouse gas emissions according to the methodology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the author's methodology are highlighted. A roadmap for the introduction of a state low-carbon decoupling audit of the state decoupling audit has been proposed as part of the preparation of the second nationally determined contribution to the Paris Agreement. The expediency of supplementing GRI 300 “Environmental Disclosures” with the group of indicators GRI-305.5 “Reduction of GHG emissions”, formed by the decoupling approach, is substantiated.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Simulation of the flat-parallel movement of a bridge agricultural unit with an articulated frame
Bulgakov, V., National Univ. of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine) | Ivanovs, S., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Volskyi, V., National Scientific Centre “Inst. for Agricultural Engineering and Electrificationˮ of Ukraine, Hlevakha, Vasylkiv distr., Kiev reg. (Ukraine) | Kuvachоv, V., Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological Univ., Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia obl.(Ukraine) | Ihnatiev, Ye., Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological Univ., Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia obl.(Ukraine)
The work presents foundations of the dynamics of the flat-parallel movement of a bridge agricultural unit in a horizontal with the kinematic method of its control (turning the wheels) by changing the position of one of its parts relative to the other. The analysis of assessment of the degree of impact of the scheme and parameters of the investigated agricultural tool upon its controllability and stability of movement is based on the amplitude and phase frequency characteristics. The mathematical models of the movement of the bridge agricultural unit are presented in a differential and an operator form of recording. Based on mathematical models, the calculated amplitude and phase frequency characteristics of the dynamic control system of the control impact, presented as the angular displacement of its half-frames ψ, are constructed for various parameters and operating modes. The constructed mathematical models, amplitude and phase frequency characteristics make it possible to assess the impact of the control parameter of the bridge agricultural unit, as well as its design and other parameters upon the controllability of the movement.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Theoretical studies of the vibration process of the dryer for waste of food
Bulgakov, V., National Univ. of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine) | Sevostianov, I., Vinnytsia National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Kaletnik, G., Vinnytsia National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Babyn, I., Vinnytsia National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Ivanovs, S., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Holovach, I., National Univ. of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine) | Ihnatiev, Ye., Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological Univ., Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia obl.(Ukraine)
An urgent problem is drying and processing of the wet dispersed waste, obtained in the production of food products, which can then be efficiently used as a fertiliser, for feeding livestock or as biofuel. A new design of a vibrating fluidised bed dryer has been developed, which, with low energy consumption, provides a pre-set productivity and the required final moisture content. The process of vertical oscillations of the body of a vibration dryer, together with the food waste contained in it, is analysed analytically, the necessary equivalent scheme is built, on the basis of which differential equations of the vertical oscillations of the body are compiled, their analytical solutions are obtained, and a numerical calculation is performed on a PC using the developed program.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Mechanism of subsidies as an element of state support of livestock sector’s development in Ukraine
Shyian, N., Kharkov V.V. Dokuchaev State Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine)
The article presents results of the analysis of the cattle breeding industry’s development in Ukraine, the main trend of which was the decrease in the number of cattle, including the number of cows. A way to support livestock in the industry using the subsidy mechanism is suggested. This approach is aimed at increasing profitability of the cattle breeding industry output per 1 ha of fodder crops in the farm to profitability of barley production from 1 hectare in the area. The results of the proposed approach show that increasing milk profitability from 1 hectare of fodder crops to barley profitability from 1 hectare can be the basis for maintaining the livestock sector. The use of the livestock productivity factor (cow milk yield) in the proposed methodology makes farms more interested in increasing livestock productivity, which in turn increases the number of subsidies in the industry. In addition, an increase in fodder crops area in the farm has an ecological effect.
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