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A review on maize-finger millet relay cropping in hills of Nepal: Prospects and constraints
Dipika Parajulee | Sangam Panta
Maize (Zea mays) and Finger millet (Elusine corocana) are two key staple crops grown in the hills of Nepal. These crops are planted in a relay intercropping system developed by farmers since the dawn of time. The unique example of cereal-cereal intercropping with its cropping system and cropping pattern at different altitudes is reviewed along with the yield comparison of direct-seeded and transplanted finger millet with maize. Relay cropping is the planting of second crop in the same land area before the harvest of first crop with the goal of higher productivity by sharing the available resources. Considerable research has been done on maize and millet but there has been a limited approach to their cropping system. This paper reviews the existing system of cropping, its prospects, and its constraints. The prospects of maize/finger millet cultivation are pronounced in the form of yield increment, economic and efficient use of available resources, insurance against crop failure, and reduced insect, pest, and weed incidence. Although this cropping system has benefits, it exhibits limitations as well which are competition between crops, lack of suitable varieties, labor-intensive system, and soil-nutrient loss. As maize and finger millet are the main food crops in hilly terrain, it is urged to provide the focus and encouragement regarding their sustainable and modern approaches by developing and disseminating crop growing and management technologies.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]High yield and pest resistant genotypes of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) for cultivation in Umudike, Southeastern, Nigeria
J. I. Ulasi | R.S. Okim | E.U. Rivers
Newly developed progenies of sweet potato were evaluated to identify promising genotypes with high storage root yield, dry matter, starch content and susceptibility to Cylas spp. at the National Root Crops Research Institute, Umudike, Southeastern Nigeria during the 2015 and 2016 cropping seasons to evaluate variation among crosses of different sweet potato families, namely: LigriXFaara (17), LigriXApomoen (9) and LigrixSauti (8), including two check varieties (Umuspo 3 and TIS 87/0087). Analysis of variance, correlation and principal component analysis were employed for data analysis. In this study, four genotypes; LigriXFaara/3 (16.02t/ha), LigriXFaara/2 (14.67t/ha), LigriXFaara/1 (13.66t/ha) and LigriXFaara/6 (10.33t/ha) produced higher fresh storage root yield than the national check (TIS 87/0087). Four genotypes recorded starch content above 50mg100-1; LigriXApomoden/1 (69.71mg100-1), LigriXApomoden/3 (62.98mg100-1), LigriXApomoden/2 (60.89mg100-1), LigriXApomoden/4 (57.53 mg100-1). Among the thirty-four genotypes evaluated, twenty-nine genotypes were susceptible to the attack of C. puncticollis. LigriXFaara/1 recorded the highest attack of C. puncticollis, followed by LigriXApomoden/5, LigriXFaara/4, LigriXApomoden/3, LigriXSauti/3, LigriXFarra/5 while five genotypes; LigriXFaara/4, LigriXFaara/5, LigriXSauti/5, LigriXFaara/8, LigriXFaara/7 and LigriXFaara/14 did not show any sign of vulnerability of C. puncticollis. Promising genotypes that recorded high yield, dry matter and resistance to Cylas spp. could be subjected to advanced yield trail and incorporated into further breeding program.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of foliar spray of micronutrients and hormones on cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.)
M. Rahman | M.K. Shahadat | M.H. Rashid | F.A. Nasim
In order to achieve optimal plant growth and production, essential nutrients must be readily available in adequate quantities and in a balanced proportion to give a good yield, especially cauliflower which has health benefits that may not be found in many other plants. For this purpose, this experiment was carried out during the seasons 2020-2021 in the on station of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Khulna under Smallholder Agricultural competitiveness project. Although the treatments showed a positive effect on yield, quality and economics but, T1 revealed most significant influence on all parameters under study as compared to T0 (control). For micronutrients and hormone, T1 treatment produced the highest curd yield (29.99 t ha-1) and the lowest (17.04 t ha-1) was control from the varietal effect the highest curd yield was (35.14 t ha-1) from V4 (It Amazuku 33) and the lowest was (16.21 t ha-1) from V5 (BARI Fulcopi-1). In case of combined effect, the highest curd yield (45.16 t ha-1) was obtained from T1V4 and the lowest curd yield (10.27 t ha-1) from T0V1. Therefore, it can be suggested that the highest curd yield and good shape cauliflower curd can be obtained application of Zn 8.83 kg/ha, B 3.5 kg/ha, Ma 8.43 kg/ha and Flora (Hormone) 2 ml/1 L of water. Therefore, foliar application of micronutrients and hormone is suitable way to feed the cauliflower crop to enhance the marketable yield and quality.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of different fertilizer doses on the production of Chaite-5 paddy variety in Dhanusha District, Nepal
Bhushan Adhikari | Abichal Poudel | Karuna Kafle | Santosh K. Yadav | Rashil Gelal | Biplov Oli
The application of inorganic nutrient sources is necessary for proper agricultural growth that can ensure high quality food production. A field experiment was carried out in Hansapur, Dhanusha from March 2021 to July 2021 to study the effect of different fertilizer doses on the growth and yield of rice. The experiment was set up in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 7 different treatments following three replications. The treatments were named as T1: Control, T2: RDF (Recommended dose of fertilizers - 100:30:30 kg NPK/ha), T3: Double dose of RDF (200: 60: 60 kg NPK/ha), T4: A half dose of RDF (50: 15: 15 kg NPK/ha), T5: 125% dose of RDF (125: 37.5: 37.5 kg NPK/ha), T6: Locally available Azolla (300 kg/ha), and T7: FYM (6 ton/ha), respectively. Different doses of RDF showed a significant effect on growth, yield, and yield contributing characters of Chaite-5 variety. Results of the study showed that the application of a double dose of RDF (200: 60: 60 kg NPK/ha) gave the maximum yield (9.50 ton/ha). It was also recorded that 125% dose of RDF, recommended dose of fertilizers and FYM gave satisfactory results. Results revealed that the highest plant height, effective tillers/hill, panicle number, panicle length, total spikelet/hill, 1000-grain weight, grain yield, and straw yield were obtained from the use of a double dose of RDF (200: 60: 60 kg NPK/ha). It was observed that yield of rice can be increased substantially with the application of higher doses of nitrogenous fertilizers. Hence, a double dose of fertilizer can be the best supplement for improving growth and yield in rice.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Livelihood pattern and food security of tribal people in a selected area of Bangladesh
Mou Chhanda Saha | Mohammad Ataur Rahman | A.S.M. Golam Hafeez | Tanjima Akter
Asset’s possession and food consumption level of tribal people in Bangladesh express their socioeconomic status. The study was conducted to analyze the socioeconomic characteristics, measure the livelihood assets, and determine the calorie intake level of the sample households. Primary data were collected through field survey using an interview schedule from 60 tribal households. Tabular analysis and capital asset pentagon from DFID livelihood framework were used for data analysis. Household consumption data were converted to per person per day calorie intake level. The major findings of the study were that about 41.67% of the respondents were being 15-29 years of age, 30% respondents’ education was in the secondary level, average family size was 5.81, 40% of the respondents were occupied with agriculture as their primary occupation, average annual income and expenditure were Tk. 258560 (US$3015.28) and Tk. 242373.50 (US$2826.51), respectively. The livelihood assets were moderate. About 83.34% of the respondents belonged to the poor category and rest 16.67% of the respondents belonged to non-poor category. About 98.33% and 96.67% respondents suggested that, if job opportunity increases and ensure proper education; then their socioeconomic improvement will be faster. So, government and other organizations need to come forward to create more employment opportunity and education facilities for improving their livelihood pattern and food security status.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Changes in growth parameters and forage quantity and quality of corn harvested at different developmental stages
Suleyman CAGIR | Yakup Onur KOCA
Due to the different agricultural practices such as second cropping or more for the increase product obtained from the areas of suitable climate, some differences in harvesting stages of plants have been occurred. The study was carried out in the Menemem location of Izmir in the coastal Aegean region of Turkey under Mediterranean climate in 2018 and 2019 to determine the performance of corn cultivars in different maturity stages. Seven varieties of corn (Everest, Aga, Kilowatt, Burak, Samada-07, P30B74 and P31Y43) were harvested at 3 different growth stages (silking, end of milk and dough stages) to determine the changes in some parameters of growing, forage quantity and quality. The highest average of dry forage yield (24159 kg ha-1 average of years) was determined at the third harvest date. The maximum cob rate was also measured at the third harvest date, but the maximum leaf and stalk rates were measured at the first harvest date. The average protein rate decreased throughout the growing period while ADF and NDF increased. Almost all of the varieties were found to have large leaf areas. The Burak variety came to the fore due to its long length and relatively thick stalk features and high green and dry yields. Moreover, P31Y43 was determined to have a high quality in addition to high green and dry grass yields. Therefore, the Burak and P31Y43 can be suggested in terms of high parameters both quantity and quality under different crop conditions for increase production.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Enhancement of climate-resilient livelihoods in coastal agricultural communities with an emphasis on women
Nirmal Chandra Roy | Md. Atick Chowdhury | Kazi Rabeya Akther
Climate change is causing widespread concerns along the coast, reducing agricultural productivity and destroying livelihoods. A study was conducted in two cyclone-prone districts of Bangladesh, Khulna and Satkhira, with a focus on women, to improve the climate-resilient livelihoods of coastal communities. Participatory rural appraisal techniques were used to collect community perceptions of climate change and variability, as well as adaptation options. A total of 699 participants were involved, where 466 respondents were in the treatment group mostly vulnerable to climate change, and 233 were in the control group similarly matched to the treatment groups. Female respondents were adequately involved in this research and accounted for 63% of the treatment and 60% of the control areas. Climate change was impulsive, according to the findings, and variability has increased over time with no optimistic outlook. The women had an idea about climate change, with 62.7% in the treatment group and 58% in the control group being aware of it. About 55.3% in treatment and 45% in control were willing to take preventative measures against climate change. Natural disasters and difficulty in selling their products impacted agricultural harvests, and as a result, both the treatment and control groups attempted to adapt to the alternative livelihoods in response to climate change. Respondents cited changes in rainfall patterns, cyclones, saline water intrusion, and other factors as causing lower yields and crop damage. To improve the adaptive capacities of their climate-resilient livelihoods, communities adapted to the changing environment by accepting high-yielding salt-tolerant varieties, introducing new technologies, and modifying livelihood options.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Taxonomic diversity of weed flora in pulse crops growing field at south-western part of Bangladesh
Md. Shahriar Kobir | Suchana Paul | Pradip Hajong | Md. Harun-Or-Rashid | Md. Hafijur Rahman
Pulses are important field crops in Bangladesh and weed infestation in pulses field is a great concern now a days. So, a rigorous field survey was conducted throughout the pulses growing season at pulses grower farmers’ field of south-western part of Bangladesh to know the present status of weed infestation in pulses field. During the survey, fresh samples were collected along with other related information e.g., habitat, location, collection date, flowering time, crop/plant association. Fresh samples were dried well for making herbarium specimens. A sum of 13 weed species under 12 genera and 08 families were collected and documented their uses in various ailments. Among the families, Amaranthaceae is the highest-represented family with 03 species. Among the genera, the largest genera Amaranthus represented by 2 species. Cyperous rotundus, Cynodon dactylon, Chenopodium album, Amaranthus spinosus, Croton bonplandianum, Coccinia grandis are the common and major weed species in pulse crop growing field in south-western part of Bangladesh. The knowledge generated from the present research would be helpful for the management practices of pulse crop associated weeds as well as for getting high economic benefits from beneficial species.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]A review on use of agrochemical in agriculture and need of organic farming in Nepal
Susan Makaju | Kabita Kurunju
The growing use of chemical pesticides haphazardly and their harmful influence on ecosystem and human health highlight the necessity for safe and sustainable organic production in our time. The article reviews a general overview of organic farming; the impact of organic farming on soil health and climate mitigation in comparison with conventional farming practice in Nepal. The article identifies the problems and possibilities of organic farming to resuscitate the pesticide-dominated conventional practice in Nepal. Organic farming now has been embedded in the natural agriculture policy in Nepal. Organic farming benefits in terms of environmental protection along with better living health. Various governmental and non-governmental bodies, farmers, and individuals are working to promote organic farming in Nepal. With the increase in awareness of health and environmental concerns, the adoption of organic agriculture and the demand for organic agricultural products is increasing. It holds a great prospect in countries like ours where an integrated crop-livestock system is still prevalent in many parts of the country. As a result, an organic farming system in Nepal must be thoroughly investigated and supported through proper regulations and tactics. It is urged to supplant pesticide-based conventional farming with organic farming that leads towards agricultural sustainability for the upcoming generation.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Binamorich-2: A new high yielding Chilli variety of Bangladesh
Md. Nazmul Hasan Mehedi | Md. Rafiqul Islam | Md. Shamsul Alam | Sadia Tasmin
Chilli is one of the most important spices as well as cash crop in Bangladesh. This study was undertaken at Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA) to characterize the collected germplasm morphologically and select a desirable one for commercial cultivation in Bangladesh. More than fifty chilli germplasm were collected from local and exotic sources were put into evaluation to select desirable ones for directly use as varieties or for future usage as breeding materials. Through observation trials five germplasm were selected considering their better agronomic performance. Selected germplasm was evaluated through different trials at different chilli growing areas of Bangladesh during 2018 to 2020. Recommended cultural management for chilli cultivation was followed. The germplasm, IndoCF-25 produced significantly higher yield both green chilli and dried chilli than control varieties (Binamorich-1 and BARI Morich-1) in most of the trials. Over two years of advanced yield trial and on-farm trial, IndoCF-25 produced higher yield (32.00 t ha-1) while BARImorich-1 produced (12.15 t ha-1). IndoCF-25 was produced the longest plant height (78.8 cm), higher number of fruits (78.8) compared to Binamorich-1 (52.8), longer fruit size (13.95 cm), breadth (5.32 cm) and single fruit weight (11.38 g) compared to the check varieties. IndoCF-25 was found to be moderately tolerant to anthracnose, wilting and mosaic diseases, and also showed lower insect infestation than control varieties. Results of yield trials indicated that IndoCF-25-1 was suitable for cultivation in Bangladesh. Though check variety Binamorich-1 produced the highest yield (34.05 t ha-1) among three tested genotype/varieties, due to the better pungency as well as other quantitative and qualitative performances, BINA has applied for registration of IndoCF-25-1 to the National Seed Board (NSB) of Bangladesh. Consequently, the NSB of Bangladesh registered IndoCF-25-1 as a high yielding better pungent chilli variety in 2020 as Binamorich-2 for commercial cultivation all over Bangladesh.
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