AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

Date de publication

Résultats 1-10 de 11

The rheological properties of the liquid sponges with low humidity and its transportation via industrial pipelines | Реологические свойства жидких опар пониженной влажности и их транспортирование по технологическим трубопроводам


Libkin A.A., | Kostin, V.F., Research and Development Institute of Baking Industry, Moscow (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

Effect of the non-traditional vegetable oils on fatty acid composition of bread from wheat flour | Влияние растительных масел нетрадиционных видов на качество и жирнокислотный состав хлеба из пшеничной муки


Nevskij, A.A. | Dremucheva, G.F. | Kosovan, A.P., Research and Development Institute of Baking Industry, Moscow (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

Technological justification for the use of products of flax seeds processing in the baking industry | Технологическое обоснование использования продуктов переработки семян льна в хлебопекарной отрасли


Merenkova, S.P. | Kretova, Yu.I. | Lukin, A.A., South-Ural State Univ., Chelyabinsk (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

Нетрадиционное растительное сырье для производства хлебобулочных изделий функционального назначения | Non-traditional vegetable raw materials for the production of bakery products for functional use


Drevin, V.E. | Taranova, E.S. | Kalmykova, E.V., Volgograd State Agrarian Univ. (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

Технология производства булочных изделий, включающих продукты переработки топинамбура и черноплодной рябины, с пониженным содержанием дрожжей | Production technology of bakery products containing processed artichoke and chokeberry products, with low yeast content


Safronova, T.N. | Evtukhova, O.M. | Fedotova, I.Yu., Siberia Federal Univ., Krasnoyarsk (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

Production technology of bakery containing powdered apple pomace | Технология производства хлебобулочных изделий, содержащих порошок из яблочных выжимок


Chaldaev, P.A. | Roganova, E.E., Samara State Technical Univ. (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

The technological and breadmaking properties of the zoned and promising varieties of winter soft wheat | Технологические и хлебопекарные свойства районированных и перспективных сортов озимой мягкой пшеницы


Kravchenko, N.S. | Ignat'eva, N.G. | Ionova, E.V., The I.G. Kalinenko All-Russia Research and Development Inst. of Cereal Crops, Rostov Region (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

Influence of the nutrient mixtures composition on the biotechnological properties of sourdough | Влияние состава питательных смесей на биотехнологические свойства закваски


Nevskaya, E.V. | Tsyganova, T.B. | Tolmacheva, I.P. | Golovacheva, O.V., Research and Development Inst. of Backing Industry, Moscow (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

Improving the Assortment of Bakery Products for Astronaut's Nutrition | Совершенствование ассортимента хлебобулочных изделий для питания космонавтов


Shlelenko, L.A. | Nevskaya, E.V. | Borisova, A.E., State Research and Development Inst. of Breadmaking Industry, Moscow (Russian Federation) | Pavlova, L.P. | Abdulina, S.Kh., Research and Development Inst. of Food Concentrate Industry and Special-Purpose Food Technology, Moscow (Russian Federation)

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation

Laboratory information and measurement system for monitoring the kneading dynamics of wheat dough and pressing noodle products | Лабораторная информационно-измерительная система мониторинга динамики замеса пшеничного теста и прессования макаронных изделий


Chernykh, V.Ya. | Sarbashev, K.A. | Stipanyuk, K.V., Research and Development Inst. of Backing Industry, Moscow (Russian Federation) | Artem'eva, E.V.

Central Scientific Agricultural Library - Russian Federation