AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

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Résultats 1-10 de 16

A statistical procedure for testing the host plant perference under choice and no choice situation a statistical procedure for testing the host plant perference under choice and no choice situation


m singh | s sithanantham

GARDIAN - United States of America

Scientometrics Analysis of Nanotechnology in MEDLINE


Ali Asgharzadeh | Fatemeh Eskandari | Mohammad-Hossein Biglu

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica mexicana sobre ingeniería hidráulica en revistas de la base de datos Science Citation Index-Expanded (1997-2008)


Rojas-Sola, José Ignacio(Universidad de Jaén) | Jordá-Albiñana, Begoña(Universidad de Jaén)

Scientific Electronic Library Online Mexico - Mexico

Biotechnology in Pest Management: Improving Resistance in Sorghum to Insect Pests


n seetharama | j w stenhouse | h c sharma | k f nwanze

GARDIAN - United States of America

Evaporation modelling in data scarce tropical region of the eastern Arc Mountain Catchments of Tanzania


f.; mkhandi | s.; kachroo | r. | zemadim | birhanu; mccartney | matthew; mtalo

GARDIAN - United States of America

From hand holes to vent holes: what’s next in innovative horticultural packaging?

2014 | 2011

Opara, Umezuruike Linus

Stellenbosch University - South Africa

Collagen-inspired self-assembling materals


Skrzeszewska, P.J.

Wageningen University & Research - Netherlands

Contour Laser Guiding for the Mechanized “Vallerani” Micro-catchment Water Harvesting Systems


Gammoh, I.A. | Oweis, Theib

International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas - Lebanon

Monitoring Soil Moisture under Wheat Growth through a Wireless Sensor Network in Dry Conditions


Inagaki, Masanori | Fukatsu, T. | Hirafuji, Masayuki | Miloudi, Nachit

International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas - Lebanon

Performance and Adaptation of the Vallerani Mechanized Water Harvesting System in Degraded Badia Rangelands


Gammoh, I.A. | Oweis, Theib

International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas - Lebanon