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Changes in vitreous humor associated with postmortem interval in rabbits
Henke, S.E. | Demarais, S.
Concentrations of serum and vitreous humor constituents at time of death, and concentrations of vitreous humor constituents at time of death and at 7 postmortem intervals were compared in 70 domestic, female New Zealand White rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Urea nitrogen concentration was significantly (P = 0.0094) different, but was linearly correlated in serum and vitreous humor at time of death and at the 4- and 8-hour postmortem intervals. Concentrations of gamma-glutamyltransferase were not significantly different in serum and vitreous humor at time of death, nor were concentrations significantly different in vitreous humor at time of death and at the 4-hour postmortem interval. The vitreous humor concentrations of glucose, triglycerides, sodium, potassium, cholesterol, total protein, albumin, lactate dehydrogenase, creatine kinase, aspartate transaminase, bilirubin, cortisol, and IgG were neither similar to nor predictive of serum constituents. Vitreous humor can be used as a source for estimates of serum urea nitrogen and gamma-glutamyltransferase up to 8 and 4 hours after death, respectively.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Evaluation of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of Eperuthrozoon suis antibodies in swine
Hsu, F.S. | Liu, M.C. | Chou, S.M. | Zachary, J.F. | Smith, A.R.
An ELISA was developed and tested to detect antibodies to Eperythrozoon suis in swine. Results were compare with those of the indirect hemagglutination (IHA) test. Antigen isolated from swine heavily infected with E suis was used for both tests. Comparison of the ELISA with the IHA test revealed a significant (P < 0.001) correlation between results. Of 114 samples obtained from 9 swine infected with E suis, 8 7.7% were seropositive (titer greater than or equal to 200) via the ELISA, and 80.7% were seropositive (titer greater than or equal to 20) via the IHA test. The sensitivity of the ELISA was greater than that of the IHA test. All blood samples obtained from specific-pathogen-free swine tested negative for E suis antibody. Cross-reactions were not observed between E suis antigen and antisera against various swine and cattle disease agents using ELISA. We concluded that the ELISA may be used for rapid and effective diagnosis of infection with E suis in swine.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Definition of the gracilis musculocutaneous flap for distant transfer in cats
Gregory, C.R. | Gourley, I.M. | Snyder, J.R. | Ilkiw, J.
Dissection, injection, and surgical studies in feline cadavers and in anesthetized cats were conducted to determine the feasibility of using the gracilis muscle as the basis for a free musculocutaneous flap. The vascular pedicle of the flap consisted of the femoral artery and vein. Mean length (1.6 +/- 0.2 cm) of the vascular pedicle and mean artery (1.33 +/- 0.19 mm) and vein (2.55 +/- 0.38 mm) diameters were satisfactory for microvascular transfer. Fluorometry revealed overlying cutaneous perfusion in the flaps on the basis of their muscle vascular pedicles. To ensure survival of the flap, the muscular branches of the femoral artery and vein supplying the gracilis muscle had to be carefully preserved during surgical elevation of the flap.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Morphologic and biochemical study of sternal cartilage autografts for resurfacing induced osteochondral defects in horses
Vachon, A.M. | McIlwraith, C.W. | Powers, B.E. | McFadden, P.R. | Amiel, D.
Using biodegradable pins, sternal cartilage autografts were fixed into osteochondral defects of the distal radial carpal bone in ten 2 to 3-year-old horses. The defects measured 1 cm2 at the surface and were 4 mm deep. Control osteochondral defects of contralateral carpi were not grafted. After confinement for 7 weeks, horses were walked 1 hour daily on a walker for an additional 9 weeks. Horses were euthanatized at 16 weeks. Half of the repair tissue was processed for histologic and histochemical (H&E and safranin-O fast green) examinations. The other half was used for the following biochemical analyses: type-I and type-II collagen contents, total glycosaminoglycan content, and galactosamine-to-glucosamine ratio. On histologic examination, the repair tissue in the grafted defects consisted of hyaline-like cartilage. Repair tissue in the nongrafted defects consisted of fibrocartilaginous tissue, with fibrous tissue in surface layers. On biochemical analysis, repair tissue of grafted defects was composed predominantly of type-II collagen; repair tissue of nongrafted defects was composed of type-I collagen. Total glycosaminoglycan content of repair tissue of grafted defects was similar to that of normal articular cartilage. Total glycosaminoglycan content of nongrafted defects was 62% of that of normal articular cartilage (P < 0.05). Repair tissue of all defects was characterized by galactosamine-to-glucosamine ratio significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that of normal articular cartilage. These results at 16 weeks after grafting indicate that sternal cartilage may potentially constitute a suitable substitute for articular cartilage in large osteochondral defects of horses.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of lung site and fluid volume on results of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid analysis in horses
Sweeney, C.R. | Rossier, Y. | Ziemer, E.L. | Lindborg, S.
Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid was analyzed in healthy horses, using different lavage fluid volumes and lung sites. The only significant difference in the cellular composition of BAL fluid between the right and left lungs was the mast cell numbers, which were significantly higher in the left lung. Total cell count ranged from 34 to 330 cells/microliter for the right lung and 43 to 330 cells/microliter for the left lung. Percentage of neutrophils ranged from 1 to 7% in the right lung and 1 to 5% in the left lung. The small-volume (50 ml) lavage had a greater percentage of neutrophils and a lesser percentage of mast cells in the large-volume (350 ml) lavage. Statistical difference in the composition of BAL fluid recovered was not detected between the 3 sequential 100-ml lavages and a single 300-ml lavage, except that macrophages were significantly higher in the 3 sequential 100-ml lavages. Values for BAL fluid analysis in healthy horses have varied considerably and this variation is from a failure to adhere to any standard technique for volume of fluid infused.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of exercise stress on various immune functions in horses
Wong, C.W. | Smith, S. E. (Susan E) | Thong, Y.H. | Opdebeeck, J.P. | Thornton, J.R.
Chemotactic locomotion and luminol-dependent chemiluminescence of neutrophils, mitogen-induced lymphocyte blastogenesis, serum cortisol concentration, immunoglobulin quantification, and leukocyte counts were determined to evaluate the effect of a single strenuous exercise in horses. Increased serum cortisol concentration (P < 0.01) and an increased neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio P < 0.05) indicated that horses had been stressed. The chemotactic index and peak chemiluminescence production decreased significantly (P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively) 1 day after exercise. Mitogen-induced blastogenesis of lymphocytes and serum immunoglobulin values remained unchanged in response to exercise. Results of this study indicated that a single bout of exercise may transiently impair neutrophil antimicrobial functions and nonspecific defense mechanisms, but not specific immunity in horses.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Diet and exercise as potential risk factors for osteochondritis dissecans in dogs
Slater, M.R. | Scarlett, J.M. | Donoghue, S. | Kaderly, R.E. | Bonnett, B.N. | Cockshutt, J. | Erb, H.N.
A matched case-control study was conducted to evaluate dietary components and exercise patterns as potential risk factors for osteochondritis dissecans in dogs. A telephone interview, with a standard questionnaire and protocol, was used to collect data on dietary intake of calories and nutrients and on the usual amounts and types of exercise of each dog. Thirty-one dogs with osteochondritis dissecans and 60 controls were matched on the basis of breed, sex, and age. Using a conditional logistic regression model, high dietary calcium, playing with other dogs, and drinking well water (rather than city water) were associated with increased risk of osteochondritis dissecans. Feeding of specialty dry dog foods was associated with decreased risk.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Efficacy of two formulations of albendazole against liver flukes in cattle
Craig, T.M. | Qureshi, T. | Miller, D.K. | Wade, C.G. | Rogers, J.A.
Albendazole (10 mg(kg of body weight) was administered as a drench suspension or as a feed additive to 24 cattle with naturally acquired infections of Fasciola hepatica and Fascioloides magna. Cattle were euthanatized 16 to 30 days after treatment, and the number of viable flukes was counted. Viable F hepatica and F magna were decreased by 91.4% and 70.6% for drench administration and by 82.9% and 71.9% for the feed additive treatment, respectively. There was no significant difference between the efficacy of the 2 formulations in decreasing viable fluke numbers, compared with untreated controls.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of analog filtering on brain stem auditory-evoked potentials in dogs
Kawasaki, Y. | Inada, S.
Effects of analog filter frequency on brain stem auditory-evoked potentials (BAEP) were investigated in 7 non-sedated dogs. The BAEP were recorded successively at various low-pass (LP) and high-pass (HP) filter frequency settings. The analog filters had a rolloff of 6 dB/octave. Decrease of LP filter frequency from 30 khz to 100 Hz caused prolongation of the peak latency and reduction of the peak-to-peak (from a positive peak to the following trough) and absolute (from a positive peak to the baseline) amplitudes for aU peaks, except the peak latency for P5 and the absolute amplitude for P4. Changes in these variables were statistically significant (P < 0.05) at different cutoff frequencies specific for the individual peaks. The inter-peak latency between P1 and P4, and P4/P1 peak to-peak amplitude ratio were not changed significantly. At the lowest LP filter frequency of 100 Hz, positive peaks (fast waves) seemed to be superimposed on a slow positive wave (slow wave). In contrast, increase of HP filter frequency from 0.53 to 160 Hz did not result in significant changes for any peaks, except for reduction in the absolute amplitude of P4. The various effects of LP filter frequency and negligible effects of Hp filter frequency on individual peaks may be attributable to their frequency composition and/or elimination of the slow wave at higher HP filter frequency settings. On the basis of our results, LP filter setting of 3 kHz and HP filter setting of less than or equal to 53 Hz are recommended for recording of BAEP in dogs. These settings sufficiently attenuate unwanted high-frequency artifacts, are adequate for recording of fast and slow waves, and have only slight effects on configurations, peak latencies, and amplitudes.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of dialyzable lymph node extracts on lymphoblast proliferative capacity of blood mononuclear cells in cattle with chronic paratuberuclosis
Kreeger, J.M. | Snider, T.G. III. | Olcott, B.M.
Dialyzable lymph node extracts (DLE) containing transfer factor prepared from calves sensitized to Mycobacterium paratuberculosis and keyhole-limpet hemocyanin (KLH) were administered to 4 adult cows with chronic paratuberculosis. Cutaneous delayed hypersensitivity, lymphocyte blastogenesis, monocyte migration-inhibition, and lymphoblast proliferative capacity as a reflection of interleukin-2 (IL-2) activity were measured in response to M bovis purified protein derivative, johnin, and KLH before and after treatment with DLE. Change in cutaneous delayed hypersensitivity was not evident after DLE treatment. Alterations in histologic features of pre- and posttreatment sections of ileum and mesenteric lymph nodes were not detected. Lymph node extract treatment significantly (P < 0.05) increased IL-2 activity and migration-inhibition in response to johnin and KLH in vitro. Treatment had no effect on lymphocyte blastogenesis. The data indicate that cattle with chronic paratuberculosis may benefit from DLE treatment, by virtue of increased IL-2 activity, and that effects of DLE are at least partially mediated by an increase in IL-2 activity.
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