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In vitro responses of distal airways in horses with recurrent airway obstruction
Distal airway segments (ID, 3 to 4 mm; length, 5 mm) from 2 groups of horses were isolated and suspended in tissue baths filled with Krebs solution, aerated with 5% CO2 in oxygen and maintained at 37 C. Responses to exogenous acetylcholine, isoproterenol, or electrical field stimulation were compared. Control horses (n = 30) had no history of recurrent airway obstruction, whereas principal horses (n = 15) had recurrent airway obstruction and were studied during an acute episode of airway obstruction. Although the distal airways contracted in response to the cumulative half-logarithmic addition of acetylcholine (10(-10)M to 10(-3)M) in both groups, bronchi obtained from principals were less sensitive to acetylcholine than were bronchi obtained from controls. Tetrodotoxin-sensitive electrical field stimulation-induced contractions were observed in both groups of airways, but the tension achieved in principal bronchi was less than in controls. All electrical field stimulation-induced contractions were abolished by atropine, indicating that the only excitatory innervation of equine distal airways is through the parasympathetic system. To examine the effect of isoproterenol and determine inhibitory innervation, bronchi were precontracted with histamine. Electrical field stimulation did not cause relaxation of precontracted bronchi in either group, thus indicating that distal airways lack inhibitory innervation. Isoproterenol caused similar, dose-dependent relaxation in both groups.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Atypical cilia in the oviductal epithelium of healthy prepubertal gilts
Roperto, F. | Galati, P. | Papparella, S. | Campofreda, M. | Rossacco, P.
Specimens of the uterine tube epithelium (ampulla) were obtained from 20 healthy, prepubertal, ovariohysterectomized gilts. A 2 to 3% proportion of atypical cilia was observed. Of 6,600 transversely sectioned cilia, 122 (1.8%) had microtubular disorganization, whereas 444 of 48,080 totally examined cilia (0.9%) were compound, 104 (0.2%) were swollen, and 44 (0.09%) were intracytoplasmic.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Proto-oncogenes of genomic DNA in clinically normal animals of various species
Miyoshi, N. | Tateyama, S. | Ogawa, K. | Nosaka, D. | Ohashi, T. | Sunyasootcharee, B.
To provide information about oncogenes for molecular biological studies of tumors in domestic animals, theproto-oncogenes homologous to the c-myc, c-erbB-2, c-ros-1, c-yes-1, v-myc, v-Ki-ras, and v-Ha-ras oncogenes of genomic DNA in cattle, horses, pigs, dogs, cats, and chickens were investigated by Southern blot hybridization. High molecular weight genomic DNA in each of the animals contained proto-oncogenes that had a certain homology with the oncogenes used, but the extent of nucleotide homology of the proto-oncogenes differed in number and molecular weight: ie, 1 or 2 bands at 1.6 to 22.0 kilobase (kb) in the c-myc probe, 1 or 2 bands at 1.1 to 16.0 kb in the c-ros-1 probe, 1 to 3 bands at 0.7 to 23.0 kb in the c-erbB-2 probe, 1 to 4 bands at 0.6 to 18.0 kb in the c-yes-1 probe, 1 to 3 bands at 1.6 to 30.0 kb in the v-myc probe, 1 to 7 bands at 1.0 to 36.0 kb in the v-Ki-ras probe, and 1 to 4 bands at 1.0 to 27.0 kb in the v-Ha-ras probe. Furthermore, signal strength of each band, as determined by autoradiography, was not always the same for each probe in the various animals. Our findings indicate that these proto-oncogenes are well conserved with species specificities in each animal.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Coronavirus infection in the laboratory rat: immunization trials using attenuated virus replicated in L-2 cells
Percy, D.H. | Scott, R.A.W.
Sixty-nine specific pathogen-free male Wistar rats approximately eight weeks of age were used to evaluate the efficacy of an attentuated strain of sialodacryoadenitis (SDA) virus in providing protection against infection on subsequent challenge with virulent SDA virus. Fifty-four animals were inoculated intranasally with approximately 10-1.5 median cell culture infectious doses of the 25th passage of SDA virus in L-2 cells. Randomly-selected vaccinated animals were killed in order to evaluate the safety and efficacy of attenuated virus by histopathological examination of the salivary glands, lacrimal glands, and lower respiratory tract, and titration of sera for antibody to SDA virus. At three months and six months post-vaccination (pv), animals were selected at random and challenged with virulent SDA virus. Seronegative, age-matched animals were also challenged, and served as controls. In animals examined at six to ten days pv, lesions were absent in submandibular and parotid salivary glands and lacrimal glands, but transient lesions were present in major airways of the lower respiratory tract. In a comparison of the incidence and extent of lesions, and antibody titers in challenged vaccinates and seronegative controls, lesions were minimal or absent in vaccinates compared to challenged naive rats, particularly in animals inoculated at three months pv. In addition, antibody titers in challenged vaccinates were much higher than were postinoculation titers in inoculated controls. In a comparison of lesions in salivary and lacrimal glands in vaccinated and control animals challenged at six months pv, there was a significant reduction in the number of animals without lesions in the vaccinated group (p = < 0.0001). Based on the incidence of lesions in target tissues and the marked antibody response in vaccinates on challenge with virulent SDA virus, it was concluded that prior inoculation with the attenuated strain of SDA virus provided a significant level of protection for up to six months postvaccination.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Pulmonary structure and function in adult dairy cows with an expanded lung field
Gallivan, G.J. | Viel, L. | Baird, J.D. | McDonell, W.N.
Pulmonary function tests were performed on seven adult dairy cows with an expanded tung field (ExLF) and the results were compared to the values from seven cows with normal lung fields. The cows with ExLF had an increased functional residual capacity (FRC) and end-tidal N2 concentration of the final breath of the multiple-breath N2 washout (FET(N2),fb), and an abnormal distribution of ventilation. The measurements of ventilation and gas exchange and pulmonary mechanics did not differ between the two groups. Postmortem examination of the lungs of five of the cows in each group indicated the cows with ExLF had a bronchiolitis with varying degrees of goblet cell hyperplasia, epithelial cell hyperplasia and metaplasia, smooth muscle hypertrophy, inflammatory cell infiltrate, vascular thickening, peribronchiolar fibrosis, and a mild overinflation of the lung. A histopathological score, based on the preceding indices and bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue, was correlated with FRC, FET(N2),fb, the lung clearance index and pulmonary resistance. There were no correlations between the histopathological score and any of the measures of ventilation and gas exchange.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of intestinal microflora on digestible energy and fiber digestion in chickens fed a high-fiber diet
Muramatsu, T. | Kodama, H. | Morishita, T. | Furuse, M. | Okumura, J.
The effect of intestinal microflora on digestible energy (DE) value and fiber digestion was studied in single-comb White Leghorn chickens fed a low-fiber diet (experiment 1) or a high-fiber diet with low or adequate metabolizable energy (ME) value (experiment 2). Fecal energy excretion was calculated from the difference between total energy excretion in urinary and fecal droppings and urinary energy excretion, which was estimated from the energy values for individual urinary nitrogenous compounds extracted with Li2CO3. When the birds were fed the low-fiber diet, no differences in growth, DE, or ME were observed between germ-free and conventional environments. Of birds fed the high-fiber diet, growth of those in the conventional environment was similar to that of the birds in the germ-free environment at the adequate ME value, whereas birds in the conventional environment grew faster than the birds in the germ-free environment at the low ME value. Changes in observed dietary ME values of the high-fiber diets, being higher in birds in the conventional environment than in birds in the germ-free environment (experiment 2), were almost entirely accounted for by those in dietary DE values, most of which was contributed by crude fiber digestion. It was concluded, therefore, that by means of fiber digestion, the intestinal microflora may benefit the host bird by supplying extra energy, which would result in growth promotion, particularly when the bird is deficient in energy.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Bacterial and mycoplasmal flora of the healthy camelid conjunctival sac
Gionfriddo, J.R. | Rosenbusch, R. | Kinyon, J.M. | Betts, D.M. | Smith, T.M.
Healthy conjunctival sacs of 88 animals of 3 species of captive camelids (Lama glama, Lama guanicoe, Lama pacos) and llama-guanaco hybrids were sampled for bacterial and mycoplasmal flora. Mycoplasmas were not isolated from any animal. Eleven genera of bacteria were isolated. The most frequent isolates were Staphyloccus epidermidis and Pseudomonas spp. Nine varieties of Pseudomonas were found, which represented at least 3 Pseudomonas species. Many of the bacterial isolates (especially the pseudomonads) are potential pathogens in the eyes of these camelids.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Influence of age on the disposition kinetics of chloramphenicol in equine neonates
Adamson, P.J.W. | Wilson, W.D. | Baggot, J.D. | Hietala, S.K. | Mihalyi, J.E.
The effect of age on the pharmacokinetics of chloramphenicol was determined after IV administration of chloramphenicol sodium succinate (25 mg/kg of body weight) to 6 foals at 1 day and 3, 7, 14, and 42 days of age. The disposition of chloramphenicol was best described, using a two-compartment open model in all foals at all ages evaluated. Significant age-related changes were observed in values for the major kinetic terms describing the disposition of chloramphenicol in foals; the greatest changes were observed between 1 day and 3 days of age. The mean +/- SD value for elimination rate constant (beta) for chloramphenicol in 1-day-old foals (0.131 +/- 0.06 h-1) was significantly (P < 0.005) lower than the value in 3-day-old foals (0.514 +/- 0.156 h-1), and both values were significantly (P < 0.005) lower than values for beta in 7-, 14-, and 42-day-old foals. With increasing age, the increase in the mean value for beta resulted in decrease in the harmonic mean elimination half-time (t1/2 beta) for chloramphenicol, from 5.29 hours in 1-day-old foals to: 1.35 hours in 3-day-old foals; 0.61 hour in 7-day-old foals; 0.51 hour in 14-day-old foals; and 0.34 hour in 42-day-old foals. At 1, 3, and 7 days of age, values for t1/2 beta of chloramphenicol in a premature foal born after parturition was induced with oxytocin, were considerably longer than comparable t1/2 beta values for term foals born naturally. The mean body clearance (ClB) of chloramphenicol in 1-day-old foals (2.25 +/- 0.67 ml/min.kg of body weight) was significantly lower than values in: 3-day-old (6.23 +/- 2.22 ml/min.kg; P < 0.05); 7-day-old (8.86 +/- 1.90 ml/min.kg; P < 0.0005); 14-day-old (9.63 +/- 1.63 ml/min.kg; P < 0.0005); and 42-day-old (9.68 +/- 2.76 ml/min.kg; P < 0.0001) foals. In foals of all ages, ClB of chloramphenicol in the parturition-induced premature foal was lower than the mean value for term foals born naturally. The volume of distribution (V'd[area]) of chloramphenicol decreased progressively with increasing age between day 1 and day 42, so that the mean value for 42-day-old foals (362 +/- 163 ml/kg) was less than a third the mean value for 1-day-old foals (1,101 +/- 284 ml/kg). The mean value for V'd(area) in 1-day-old foals was significantly greater than values for: 7-day-old (491 +/- 158 ml/kg; P < 0.01); 14-day-old (426 +/- 65 ml/kg; P < 0.005); and 42-day-old (362 +/- 162; P < 0.0005) foals, and the mean value for V'd(area) on day 3 was significantly (P < 0.05) greater than the mean value for V'd(area) on days 7, 14, and 42. Using dosage calculations based on mean values for the pharmacokinetic terms derived for each age group, it was predicted that to maintain plasma chloramphenicol concentration > 8 microgram/ml, chloramphenicol sodium succinate (25 mg/kg) would have to be administered at dose intervals of 10, 3, 1.5, 1.5, and 1 hours in clinically normal foals 1 day and 3, 7, 14, and 42 days, of age, respectively. It was concluded that the marked changes in the disposition of chloramphenicol detectable during the first few days of life, the variation between individuals, the potentially major effect of prematurity, and the potential for compromised liver function in septicemic foals indicate that use of drugs, such as chloramphenicol, which rely heavily on hepatic metabolic processes for elimination, should be avoided whenever possible during the early neonatal period, unless plasma concentration is monitored.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Prospective vaccine prepared from a new mutant of Toxoplasma gondii for use in cats
Frenkel, J.K. | Pfefferkorn, E.R. | Smith, D.D. | Fishback, J.L.
Kittens are the principal disseminators of Toxoplasma gondii. They can shed > 10(8) oocysts in the feces after initial infection with bradyzoites in tissue cysts. Thereafter, most kittens develop protective immunity and do not shed oocysts again if they are reinfected. Bradyzoites of a T gondii mutant, designated T-263, were used to vaccinate kittens. Their use did not result in oocyst shedding, but successfully prevented 84% (31/37) of the kittens from shedding oocysts when challenge exposed with a normal isolate of T gondii. Vaccination of outdoor-roaming cats and kittens would be a useful public health measure to prevent transmission of toxoplasmosis near homes, on farms, and in zoos. It is anticipated that several years will be required for a lyophilized bradyzoite vaccine to be ready for licensing and possible commercial availability.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of intra-articular administration of methylprednisolone acetate on normal equine articular cartilage
Trotter, G.W. | McIlwraith, C.W. | Yovich, J.V. | Norrdin, R.W. | Wrigley, R.H. | Lamar, C.H.
The effects of the corticosteroid 6-alpha-methylprednisolone acetate on normal equine articular cartilage were evaluated, using the middle carpal joint in 4 clinically normal young horses. One middle carpal joint of each horse was injected 3 times with 100 mg of 6-alpha-methylprednisolone acetate, at 14-day intervals. The opposite middle carpal joint (control) was injected with 2.5 ml of lactated Ringer solution at the same intervals. Effects were studied until 8 weeks after the first injection. Evaluation included clinical and radiographic examination, and gross, microscopic, and biochemical evaluation of joint tissues. Horses remained clinically normal during the study, and significant radiographic changes were not observed. Safranin-0 matrix staining intensity and uronic acid content were significantly (P < 0.05) lower and hydroxyproline content was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in articular cartilage of corticosteroid-injected joints vs control joints.
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