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Use of organic acids to reduce Salmonella Typhimurium excretion in swine
Daniela Gomes da Silva | Eduarda Alexandra Gonçalves de Oliveira Moura | Thainara Vitoria Carnevalli Sanches | Caio Henrique Turco | Beatriz Belloni Zambotti | Fernando Antônio Moreira Petri | Gabriel Yuri Storino | Henrique Meiroz de Souza Almeida | Isabela Peixoto Rabelo | Marina Lopes Mechler-Dreibi | Karina Sonalio | Renato Ravetti | Luis Guilherme de Oliveira
The use of antimicrobials as growth promoters and disease prevention is being constantly reduced in several animal production systems, including in the swine industry. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of using acidifiers to control Salmonella Typhimurium in 65-day-old pigs by detecting the pathogen in organs at euthanasia. For this, 24 piglets were divided into two experimental groups consisting of 12 piglets each. An untreated control group (G1) and a treatment group (G2) received a liquid organic acidifier in the drinking water for 10 days (D-5 to D5). Five days after the start of treatment (D0), all piglets were challenged with 106 CFU of Salmonella Typhimurium and assessed for 12 days (D12). Every three days (D3, D6, D9, and D12), three animals from each experimental group were euthanized and then submitted for necropsy. Samples from the intestines (ileum, cecum, mesenteric lymph nodes, and ileocolic lymph nodes), liver, spleen, and lungs were collected to isolate Salmonella. The results show that, numerically, Salmonella isolation in the organs of G2 was lower than in G1 and that the number of positive cecum samples in G1 (66.7%; 8/12) was statistically different from the number of positive models in G2 (16.7%; 2/12), with a reduction of 28.6% of the total cecum positive samples in the treated group compared to the control. Therefore, it was observed that the liquid organic acidifier product could reduce the colonization of organs by Salmonella Typhimurium.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The role of pacas of captivity as a potential reservoir of zoonotic fungi in Acre, Western Amazon, Brazil
Tallison Filipe Lima de Oliveira | Tamyres Izarelly Barbosa da Silva | Vania Maria França Ribeiro | Girclyhanne da Costa Costa | Jhonatan Henrique Lima da Rocha | Marcos Bruno Zacarias Campelo | Breno Kalyl Freitas Nascimento | Sandra Albuquerque Lima Ribeiro
Wild animals can be natural reservoirs of different microorganisms, essential for monitoring these pathogens for the generation of knowledge and creation of tools aimed at programs for the prevention and control of infectious diseases, including zoonoses. The objective was to report the fungal diversity in the skin of pacas in captivity in Acre, Western Amazon, Brazil. Twenty-six animals were evaluated, from which skin samples were collected by superficial scraping, hair avulsion, and sterile plastic brush. The samples were seeded on Mycosel agar, and the phenotypic characteristics of the colonies were analyzed. In 80.8% of the samples, different fungi were isolated, from the genera Candida, Microsporum, and Trichophyton, among others. This is the first description of the identification of fungi in the skin of pacas and suggests that these animals can be considered essential reservoirs of saprophytic or pathogenic microorganisms with zoonotic potential in the Western Amazon.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Assessment of Complete Bleeding on Laying Hens Carcasses (Gallus gallus ) Sold in Traditional Markets in Banda Aceh
Andi Novita | Ismail Ismail | Risa Yanti | Teuku Reza Ferasyi | Azhari Azhari | Fakhrurrazi Fakhrurrazi
The complete bleeding in slaughtering animals is closely related to the halalness of the meat. This study aims to describe the completeness of blood drains in discarded laying hens carcasses sold at traditional markets in Banda Aceh City. The research samples were nine chicken carcasses bought from three traditional markets, i.e., Peunayong, Ule Kareng, and Seutui (three samples from each market). The study used a cross-sectional method to test the perfect carcass bleeding with the Malachite Green (MG) test in the form of seeing changes in the color of the solution. The results showed that all samples changed color from green to dark blue. A perfectly slaughtered chicken will not find hemoglobin in the chicken carcass, causing O₂ to oxidize malachite green to a dark blue, indicating that the slaughtering and bleeding occurred completely. In conclusion, the carcasses of discarded laying hens sold in the traditional markets of Peunayong, Ule Kareng, and Seutui are halal.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Histomorphometry of The Small Intestine on Turkey (Meleagris Gallopavo) at Different Age Levels
Dian Masyitha | Nurul Armita | Muslim Akmal | Zainuddin Zainuddin | Erdiansyah Rahmi | M. Jalaluddin | M. Nur Salim | Mustafa Sabri | Cut Dahlia Iskandar | Baidillah Zulkifli
This study aims to determine the histomorphometry of the small intestine of turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) at different age levels. This study used a completely randomized design. This study used 18 male turkeys, divided into 3 groups of ages 8, 16, and 24 weeks, each group comprising 6 turkeys. The necropsied turkey's small intestine was taken into histological preparations and stained with haematoxylin-eosin (HE). The results showed that the histological picture of the small intestine layer of turkeys at different age levels consisted of four layers: tunica mucosa, tunica submucosa, tunica muscular, and tunica serosa. Histomorphometrically, there was an increase in the thickness of all layers of the small intestine from 8 and 16 weeks of age (P0.05), and the height of the intestinal villi increased in all parts of the small intestine at 8, 16 and 24 weeks of age (P0.05 ). In conclusion, with histomorphometric measurements, it can be seen that there are differences in the three age groups.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Comparison of The Effectiveness of Campylobacter Growth Ability in Culture Media Added Supplements Lysed Sheep's Blood with Lysed Cow's Blood in Chicken Meat Samples
Yezzi Irmanora | Elisa Julianti | Faisal Faisal | Desriwan Angga Putra
Blood is a good growth medium for bacteria by preventing the accumulation of toxic oxygen (peroxide and superoxide) and increasing the growth ability of these bacteria. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of lysed sheep blood and lysed cow blood as a substitute for lysed horse blood on Campylobacter growth media, as well as evaluate the growth of Campylobacter from chicken meat samples on culture media supplemented with lysed sheep blood and lysed cow blood compared to the media cultures using lysed horse blood supplements. The concentration of lysed sheep blood, lysed cow blood, and lysed horse blood used was 5% each. The chicken meat samples used in this study were 30 samples. Based on the results, 14 samples of C. jejuni bacteria showed the ability to grow up to 107 and 16 samples up to 106. In the media added with lysed cow blood supplement only one sample was able to grow up to 106, 17 samples grew up to 105, and 12 samples grew up to 104. These results statistically used the one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test indicating a significant difference significant (P0.05). Further tests using post hoc least significance different (LSD) showed a comparison of the average growth in lysed horse blood, lysed sheep blood, and lysed cow blood significantly different (P 0.05), while the average value of each treatment was the addition of lysed horse blood supplements, lysed sheep blood, and cow blood consecutive lysis was 8.551 ± 0.340, 7.117 ± 0.544, and 5.265 ± 0.548. The addition of lysed sheep blood and lysed cow blood to bolton broth media in this study can be used for C. jejuni isolation. However, the blood of lysed sheep had a higher effectiveness in the ability to grow C. jejuni, which was close to the ability to grow with the addition of lysed horse blood as a control, compared to the addition of lysed cow blood.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Role of Gut Microbiota-derived Tryptophan Metabolites in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection: A Mini-Review
Novi Maulina | Zinatul Hayati | Kartini Hasballah | Zulkarnain Zulkarnain | Baidillah Zulkifli
The gut microbiota has a major contribution in human physiology and influences disease pathogenesis, including in tuberculosis (TB) lung infection. Gut-lung axis has demonstrated the interplay of these two organs, mediated by metabolites produced by the gut microbes or derived from host molecules transformation. Tryptophan (Trp) is one of the essential aromatic amino acids catabolized as kynurenine, serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine), and indole derivatives, including indole propionic acid (IPA), via 3 pathways. The latter was microbiota-derived Trp catabolism, which has known to have an immunomodulatory role, as ligands for Aryl hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR). Intriguingly, Mycobacterium tuberculosis required Trp as a nitrogen source, especially in CD4+ T cells-generated stress, to survive in the phagosome of macrophage and to cause disease. Recently, IPA is identified as a new anti-mycobacterial compound, which is specific and has broad spectrum of anti-mycobacterial activity. The structural similarity of this gut microbiota-derived metabolite and Trp allows IPA to inhibit the TrpE anthranilate synthase in Trp biosynthesis pathway in Mtb. In this review, we summarize findings from recent work by focusing on the role of Trp metabolites in host cells in TB infection. A better understanding of this chemical signal could potentially serve as a novel strategy for managing this chronic inflammatory disease.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of exogenous emulsifier and different fat sources on the performance, carcass characteristics, nutrient digestibility, and serum lipid profile of broiler chickens
Fernando Barbosa Tavares | Kedson Raul de Souza Lima | Maria Cristina Manno | Yan Matheus Leary Barata | Higor César de Oliveira Pinheiro | Janaína de Cássia Braga Arruda | Cristian Faturi
A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of an emulsifier on reduced-energy diets using two fat sources for broilers. The study was designed as a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement of treatments. The first factor was 2 fat sources (poultry fat or beef tallow). The second factor was a basal diet with the recommended energy levels, a diet with a 0.83 MJ/kg of energy reduction, and a diet with an energy reduction and inclusion of 1 g emulsifier/kg of diet. The emulsifier used in this study was composed of soy lecithin and polyethylene glycol ricinoleate. The emulsifier increased apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen balance (AMEn) in beef tallow diets compared to energy-reduced diets (P<0.001). Broilers fed poultry fat had higher weights and weight gains at 35 and 42 d of age (p=0.001), and they had higher daily deposition of fat in the carcass (P = 0.025) when compared to diets with beef tallow. The inclusion of emulsifiers in broiler diets improves AME and AMEn but did not affect the energy reduction diets, which resulted in reduced performance, decreasing daily fat deposition, but without effects on serum lipid profile in broilers.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of bovine subclinical mastitis on milk production and economic performance of Brazilian dairy farms
Goncalves, Juliano L. | Freu, Gustavo | Garcia, Breno L.N. | Barcelos, Melina M. | Alves, Bruna G. | de Freitas Leite, Renata | Pedrosa Monteiro, Camylla | Martins, M. | Tomazi, Tiago | Hogeveen, Henk | Veiga dos Santos, Marcos
This review summarized the significant results from Brazilian studies published in peer-reviewed scientific papers about the effect of bovine subclinical mastitis (SM) on economic performance and milk production. Different approaches were considered for (i) disease detection (indirect measurement of somatic cell count (SCC) and directly using microbiological culture) and (ii) milk sampling strategy (mammary quarters, composite cow samples, and bulk milk tank). Globally, bovine mastitis is the most common disease of dairy herds, and the subclinical presentation is the most frequent. Dairy farmers usually underestimate the economic losses associated with SM because no visual changes in milk and quarters, udder, and systemic symptoms are observed. SM reduces milk yield and quality, reducing dairy herds’ profitability. The estimation of losses depends on the causative pathogen, the lactation stage, and the parity of affected cows. Thus, estimating the economic caused by SM in milk production and economic performance in dairy herds can be used to decide which mastitis control strategies to adopt. Mastitis control involves adopting specific measures associated with the characteristics of each herd, the period of the highest frequency of cases, the transmission form, and the profile of the pathogens involved in cases of intramammary infection. Thus, using individual SCC, the microbiological identification of pathogens causing SM, adopting efficient drying-off protocols, and other management practices are essential for mastitis control, improved milk quality, and greater profitability of dairy herds.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Costs and Benefits of Innovations able to Reduce the use of Antimicrobials on Pig and Broiler Farms
De Roest, Kees | Molenaar, R. | Malchow, J. | Schrader, Lars | Bučková, Katarina | Niczyporuk, Jowita | Kozdrun, Wojciech | Tomczyk, Grzegorz | Thomas, Johan | Papasolomontos, Sotiris | Kefalas, George | Simitopoulou, Maro | Angastiniotis, Kyriacos
Many pig and broiler farmers struggle to reduce the use of antimicrobials on their farms. The improvement of the level of biosecurity certainly is one of the most effective ways to prevent pathogens entering the farm. Research is focused however also on other strategies, which may reduce the reliance on antimicrobials: increase animals’ resilience, early detection of diseases and targeted use of antimicrobials. These three strategies may exert a long term effect on the necessity tofight animal diseases. Several innovations are being tested that belong to these strategies, but most of these techniques have not yet been applied at farm scale In this paper a first analysis has been carried out to estimate the costs and benefits of innovations to improve resilience, to early detect diseases and to implement a targeted use of antimicrobials. As most of the innovations have been tested in experimental settings, the results of the economic analysis still have be treated with care. It provides however a first assessment of the economic convenience of the innovations and a list of key performance indicators that need to be taken into account in the analysis. For this analysis the partial budgeting approach has been used. Where broilers are concerned the analysis has been centred on on-farm hatching, elevated platforms, use of probiotics, automatic weighing systems and targeted use of non-antimicrobial feed and/or water additives. For pigs the analysis has been focused on innovative enrichment material to improve pig welfare and video-surveillance systems to early detect diseases.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]A Mini Review: Endophytic Bacteria from Plants and Their Potential to Produce Bioactive Compounds for Veterinary Applications
Wahyu Eka Sari | Henni Vanda | Muhammad Hambal | Baidillah Zulkifli | Rumi Sahara Zamzami | Azhari Azhari | Annisa Nurul Qomariah
Infectious diseases caused by microorganisms are still a problem in Indonesia, both humans and animals. The problem of bacterial resistance to antibiotics has an impact on increasing morbidity, mortality, and health care. The problem of bacterial resistance to antibiotics has also been found in livestock, which can threaten human health. This situation has led many researchers to search for new bioactive compounds as alternative antibiotic candidates to fight multidrug resistant bacteria such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Staphylococcus spp., and Streptococcus spp. This study aimed to discuss and determine the development of endophytic bacteria isolated from several plants so we can know the role of endophytic bacteria in producing bioactive compounds, especially for application in veterinary medicine. Endophytic bacteria provide great potential to produce various new bioactive compounds obtained from secondary metabolite compounds from their host. Plants are one of the hosts for endophytic bacteria. Bioactive compounds from endophytic bacteria are widely used in health and veterinary applications as antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant. This shows that endophytic bacteria can be a promising source of new antibiotics to overcome the problem of pathogenic bacterial resistance and disease in the world of animal health which also threatens human health. This review discusses some aspects in the phytochemistry of endophytic bacteria producing bioactive compounds and its application in veterinary medicine.
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