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Replenishment of Cultivated Soybean Varietes Market (Glycine hispida Maxim, Moench..
О. І. Безручко | О. В. Колесніченко
There provided ways of using valuable protein crop, soybean, as well as its production worldwide growth rates during recent years, possibility and necessity of attaching to the crop a strategic importance in our State and the tasks and outlooks of soybeanrecourses generation. A complete description of new soybean varieties listed in the Register of Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukraine has also been provided.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Synthetic of winter wheat (secale cereale I.) Zabava
В. В. Скорик | Волод. В. Скорик | Н. В. Симоненко | О. П. Скорик
There provided brief description of genetic, biological and morphological and qualitative characteristics of new short-stem large-grain synthetic of Zabava winter rye. Essential negative genetic correlation of the output plants height, and positive correlation of seed size and number of seminal roots with grain yield of Zabava winter rye, has been established. Joint cooperation is proposed to put the new variety in production.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]introduction and selection of interspecific hybrid nectarine (Prunuspersica (L.)Batsch var. nucipersica) forms in the conditions of Dnepropetrovsky Botanical Gardens
А. М. Кабар | В. Ф. Опанасенко | Є. П. Шоферістов
The results of introduction and selection of interspecific hybrid nectarine forms in the conditions of Botanical Gardens of Dnepropetrovsky National University named after O. Gonchar have been given in the article. The perspectives of further use of selected nectarine genotypes in breeding work and nursery practice have been.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Establishment of control system for coordinated feeding with liquid pesticide and planting material into the operational section of agricultural crops protectant, is grounded
І. В. Колесник
Investigational development of modern treater seed of agricultural cultures status. The analysis of efficiency of work control the system modem treater seed is conducted. The ground of creation of cont rol the system by the concerted serve working liquid (liquid poison) and seed is conducted in the working area of treate.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Changeability of low winter wheat sorts according (Triticum aestivum L.) to high-yielding properties
Г. П. Жемела | А. В. Баган
Changeability of low winter wheat sorts according to high-yielding properties and elements of productivity depending on years of growing has been investigated. Characteristics for effective selection of high quality. genotypes of winter wheat have been singled out.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]New Winter Wheat Varieties Productivity Subject to the Terms of Sowing.
Л. І. Уліч | М. М. Корхова | О. А. Котиніна
Sowing dates and response to them of newly registered and perspective varieties of winter wheat were studied. Reasons provided for changing sowing dates to the later.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Introduction of representatives of supfamily Maloideae C. Web. (Rosaceae Juss.) in Botanical Garden of Dniepropetrovsky National University
А. М. Кабар | В. Ф. Опанасенко | Л. Л. Русецька | Д. Д. Тищенко | Є. П. Шоферістов
The present state of genofond of the collection that includes 78 taxa supfamily Maloideae C. Web. (Rosaceae Juss.) in DNU Botanical Garden.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Оцінка сортового складу пшениці ярої м’якої (Triticum aestivum L.) за продуктивністю і адаптивністю
Л. І. Уліч | В. М. Лисікова | В. В. Скиба
У статті представлено результати досліджень і оцінку новозареєстрованих і перспективних сортів ярої пшениці м'якої за генетичним потенціалом, продуктивністю й адаптивністю. Проведено класифікацію сортів за реакцією на рівні агрофонів і типи вимог до умов вирощування. Підкреслюється необхідність посилення селекції ярої пшениці на стійкість до посухи, хвороб та створення сортів степового екотипу.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The problems of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) selection for grain quality
Жемела, Г. П
The problems concerning selection of winter wheat and grain quality have been studied. It has found out the regularity of formation of technological values required in hybrid plants; questions of intensification of protein and gluten producing in grain; questions of their quality and inheritability in varieties. Key words: winter wheat, mass of 1000 seeds, protein and gluten contain, sedimentation, flour power, bread volume, heredity, selection steps, falling time.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Obtaining of nectarinum (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch subsp. nectarina (Ait.) Shof.) polyploid plants in Nikitsky Botanical Gardens
Шоферістов, Є. П
Firstly in Ukraine as the result of resiprocal interbreedings of autotetraploid (2n=4x=32) / diploid (2n=2x=16) and diploid (2n=2x=16) / autotetraploid (2n=4x=32) four sintetic triploid (2n=3x=24) hybrid forms (611-91, 13-93, 14-93, 18-93) have been obtained. Spontaneous triploid nectarinum 166-80 has been shared out from diploid hybrid seedlings population. Tetraploid and triploid nectarinum forms are valuable sources for directoinal selection and making hybrids with the complex of new signs, which are difficult or impossible to receive on diploid level.
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