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Employing multi-omics to elucidate the hormetic response against oxidative stress exerted by nC60 on Daphnia pulex
This study evaluated hormetic effect of oxidative stress exerted by fullerene crystals (nC₆₀) on Daphnia pulex, employing transcriptomics and metabolomics. D. pulex were exposed to various concentrations of nC₆₀ for 21 days. Hormetic effect of oxidative stress was most evident after 7 days, with markedly increased L-Glutathione (GSH) concentration and Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) activity at low doses of nC₆₀ exposure, and oppositely at high doses. The transcriptomics and metabolomics were used to elucidate the molecular mechanism underlying the hormesis in oxidative stress. There were significant alterations in major pathways involving oxidative stress and energy metabolism in D. pulex. Some important intermediates and the expression of their regulatory genes coincided with each other with first up-regulated and then down-regulated with the concentration increased, consistent with the hormesis description. The nC₆₀ interfered the TCA cycle of D. pulex. The synthesis of L-cysteine and glutamate was directly affected, and further disturbed the synthesis of GSH. This work is of great significance to provide the molecular-level evidence into the hormetic effect in oxidative stress of D. pulex exposed to nC₆₀.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Comparative health risk assessment of in-vehicle exposure to formaldehyde and acetaldehyde for taxi drivers and passengers: Effects of zone, fuel, refueling, vehicle's age and model
This study aimed to assess the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks of in-vehicle exposure in Tehran, Iran to formaldehyde and acetaldehyde for different models of taxis, and to explore the effects of city zone, taxi vehicle type, the taxi's age (<1, 1–5, 5–10), fuel type (gasoline, CNG, and LPG), and refueling activities on the estimated health risks based on previously measured concentrations. The overall and age-specific carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks of these compounds for taxi drivers and passengers were estimated separately using Monte Carlo simulations. Three scenarios of exposure frequency were defined for taxis commuting in different zones of city: Restricted Traffic Zone (RTZ) and Odd-Even Zone (OEZ) as two plans to reduce air pollution, and no-restriction zone (NRZ). The carcinogenic risks for drivers and passengers, the average risks of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde for most cases were above the 1 × 10⁻⁴. The health risks were greater in Restricted Traffic Zone (RTZ) and Odd-Even Zone (OEZ) in comparison to no-restriction zone (NRZ). The carcinogenic risk from formaldehyde exposures were higher than those for acetaldehyde in all cases. Taxis fueled with LPG showed lower cancer risks for both acetaldehyde and formaldehyde. Refueling increased the carcinogenic risk from both compounds. For non-carcinogenic risks from acetaldehyde, the average hazard ratios for both drivers and passengers were >1, indicating a non-negligible risk. Cancer and non-cancer risks for the taxi drivers were greater than the passengers given the higher time of occupancy. The present study showed that transportation in taxis can impose significant long-term health risks to both passengers and drivers. Development and investment in cleaner choices for public transportations are required.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of four food dyes on development of three model species, Cucumis sativus, Artemia salina and Danio rerio: Assessment of potential risk for the environment
Motta, Chiara Maria | Simoniello, Palma | Arena, Carmen | Capriello, Teresa | Panzuto, Raffaele | Vitale, Ermenegilda | Agnisola, Claudio | Tizzano, Monica | Avallone, Bice | Ferrandino, Ida
Food dyes, or color additives, are chemicals added to industrial food products and in domestic cooking to improve the perceived flavor and attractiveness. Of natural and synthetic origin, their safety has been long discussed, and concern for human safety is now clearly manifested by warnings added on products labels. Limited attention, however, has been dedicated to the effects of these compounds on aquatic flora and fauna. For this reason, the toxicity of four different commercially available food dyes (cochineal red E120, Ponceau red E124, tartrazine yellow E102 and blue Patent E131) was assessed on three different model organisms, namely Cucumis sativus, Artemia salina and Danio rerio that occupy diverse positions in the trophic pyramid. The evidence collected indicates that food dyes may target several organs and functions, depending on the species. C. sativus rate of germination was increased by E102, while root/shoot ratio was ∼20% reduced by E102, E120 and E124, seed total chlorophylls and carotenoids were 15–20% increased by E120 and 131, and total antioxidant activity was ∼25% reduced by all dyes. Mortality and low mobility of A. salina nauplii were increased by up to 50% in presence of E124, E102 and E131, while the nauplii phototactic response was significantly altered by E102, E120 and E124. Two to four-fold increases in the hatching percentages at 48 h were induced by E124, E102 and E131 on D. rerio, associated with the occurrence of 20% of embryos showing developmental defects. These results demonstrated that the food dyes examined are far from being safe for the aquatic organisms as well as land organisms exposed during watering with contaminated water. The overall information obtained gives a realistic snapshot of the potential pollution risk exerted by food dyes and of the different organism' ability to overcome the stress induced by contamination.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Composition of dissolved organic matter controls interactions with La and Al ions: Implications for phosphorus immobilization in eutrophic lakes
Du, Yingxun | Zhang, Qiaoying | Liu, Zhengwen | He, Hu | Lürling, Miquel | Chen, Musong | Zhang, Yunlin
Applications of aluminium (Al) salt or lanthanum (La) modified bentonite (LMB) have become popular methodologies for immobilizing phosphorus (P) in eutrophic lakes. The presence of humic substances, has been shown to inhibit this form of treatment due to the complexation with La/Al. However, the effects of other dissolved organic matter (DOM), especially that derived from phytoplankton (the dominant source in eutrophic lakes) are unknown. In this study, the interaction with La/Al of Suwannee River Standard Humic Acid Standard II (SRHA) and algae-derived DOM (ADOM) were investigated and compared. Differed to SRHA which was dominated by polyphenol-like component (76.8%, C1-SRHA), majority in ADOM were protein-like substance, including 41.9% tryptophan-like component (C2-ADOM) and 21.0% tyrosine-like component (C3-ADOM). Two reactions of complexation and coprecipitation were observed between SRHA/ADOM and La/Al. Complexation dominated at low metal inputs less than 10 μM and coprecipitation was the main reaction at higher metal inputs. For ADOM, the tryptophan-like component (C2-ADOM) was the important component to react with metal. The reaction rate for C2-ADOM with La were about two-third of that for C1-SRHA, indicating that the influence of C2-ADOM was significant during the P immobilization by La/Al-based treatment in eutrophic lakes. The P removal data in the presence of ADOM confirmed the significant inhibition of ADOM. In addition, based on the composition of coprecipitates and relatively biodegradable character of tryptophan-like substances (C2-ADOM), the coprecipitation of ADOM was assumed to reduce the stability of precipitated P in eutrophic lakes. The release of P from the potential biodegradation of the coprecipitates and thus the possible decline of the performance of P immobilization by La/Al-based treatments is an important work in the future.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Differential lethal and sublethal effects in embryonic zebrafish exposed to different sizes of silver nanoparticles
Liu, Xiaobo | Dumitrescu, Eduard | Kumar, Ajeet | Austin, Daniel | Goia, Dan | Wallace, Kenneth N. | Andreescu, Silvana
Various parameters can influence the toxic response to silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs), including the size and surface properties, as well as the exposure environment and the biological site of action. Herein, we assess the intestinal toxicity of three different sizes (10, 40, and 100 nm) of Ag NPs in embryonic zebrafish, and describe the relationship between the properties and behavior of Ag NPs in the exposure medium, and induction of lethal and sublethal effects. We find that the composition of the medium and the size contribute to differential NPs agglomeration, release of Ag ions, and subsequent effects during exposure. The exposure medium causes dramatic reduction in silver dissolution due to the presence of salts and divalent cations, which limits the lethal potential of silver ions. Lethality is observed primarily for embryos exposed to medium sized Ag NPs (40 nm), but not to the supernatant originated from particles, which suggests that the exposure to particulate silver is the main cause of mortality. On the other hand, the exposure to 10 nm and 100 nm NPs, as well as Ag ions, only causes sublethal developmental defects in skeletal muscles and intestine, and induces a nitric oxide imbalance.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Soil liming effects on CH4, N2O emission and Cd, Pb accumulation in upland and paddy rice
Khaliq, Muhammad Athar | Khan Tarin, Muhammad Waqqas | Jingxia, Guo | Yanhui, Chen | Guo, Wang
Keeping in view the expanding environmental pollution and irrigation water deficit, a pot experiment was performed for the upland (Huyou2, Hanyou737) and paddy rice cultivars (Taigeng8; Yixiang2292), to study soil liming effects on methane (CH₄) and nitrous oxide (N₂O) emission, bioavailability and accumulation of Cd, Pb in upland and paddy rice. Upland rice reduced 90% of soil CH₄ emission as compared to paddy conditions. Soil CH₄ emission decreased by 45% and 39% with dolomite, and it reduced by 35% and 33% with lime treatment both in upland and paddy conditions, respectively. Soil N₂O emission decreased by 44% and 52% with dolomite, and with the lime application, it was reduced by 37% and 44% for both upland and paddy conditions respectively. Reduction in soil DTPA-extractable Cd was between 37-53% and 43–80% with dolomite and 16–37% and 24–72% Cd decreased with lime application in upland and paddy conditions respectively. Soil DTPA-extractable Pb reduced by 27–44% and 25–53% with dolomite and 16–40% and 11–42% with soil-applied lime in upland and paddy conditions, respectively. Cd accumulation in rice grain was decreased by 47–88% and 62–79% with dolomite and 31–86% and 45–52% reduction by lime application in upland and paddy rice respectively. Rice grain Pb reduced by 58–91% and 66–78% with dolomite application and 32–71% and 44–71% with lime in upland and paddy rice, respectively. Our results showed that soil liming significantly reduced soil N₂O and CH₄ emission and Cd, Pb accumulation in rice grain, but dolomite was more effective as compared to lime. Altogether, results of this study suggest that upland rice can be cultivated in CdPb polluted soils with least soil CH₄ emission. Cd and Pb toxicity, accumulation, and N₂O emission in upland rice can be minimized by soil liming of 3 g kg⁻¹ and optimizing the nutrients composition of the soil.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of biochar amendment on the soil silicon cycle in a soil-rice ecosystem
Wang, Yaofeng | Xiao Xin, | Zhang, Kun | Chen, Baoliang
For the soil-plant ecosystem, knowledge about the effects of biochars on the soil silicon (Si) cycle is still tenuous. In this study, the effect of biochars on the yield, Si uptake and Si distribution within different tissues of rice plants and the soil Si cycles in a soil-plant system were investigated. Si-rich (RH300-700) and Si-deficient (WB300-700) biochars prepared from rice husk and wood sawdust were applied to high-Si soil (HSS) and low-Si soil (LSS). Biochar addition increased the yield of grain and straw and had no effect on the yield of root, and the increase in the yield with Si-rich biochars was obvious; this effect had a high response to LSS. Si-rich biochars increased the plant Si content of grain and root and had no effect on straw. RH300 amendment increased the Si concentration in grains, compared to RH500 and RH700. The addition of Si-deficient biochar to HSS had little effect on the Si content, while Si-deficient biochar-amended LSS had a great impact on the reduced Si content in rice straw and root, and WB700 decreased the Si concentration in grains, compared to WB300 and WB500. Finally, the Si-rich biochars increased the total Si uptake within rice, while Si-deficient biochars decreased the total Si uptake in LSS. According to the FTIR and SEM-EDX spectra of biochars before and after rice harvest, a new band of SiOSi at 471 cm⁻¹ was found after aged WB700, and the minerals of iron and Si were found on the surface of aged WB700; biochars can fix the dissolved Si on its surface as a temporary store to prevent Si loss. Therefore, biochars can be considered reservoirs of soil Si, which is a slow release source of available Si, to impact the speed of biogeochemical cycling of soil Si in agricultural paddy soil.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of myo-inositol hexakisphosphate, ferrihydrite coating, ionic strength and pH on the transport of TiO2 nanoparticles in quartz sand
Tang, Yadong | Wang, Xiaoming | Yan, Yupeng | Zeng, Huan | Wang, Gang | Tan, Wenfeng | Liu, Fan | Feng, Xionghan
Evaluating the fate and transport of nanoparticles (NPs) in the subsurface environment is critical for predicting the potential risks to both of the human health and environmental safety. It is believed that numerous environmental factors conspire to control the transport dynamics of nanoparticles, yet the effects of organic phosphates on nanoparticles transport remain largely unknown. In this work, we quantified the transport process of TiO2 nanoparticle (nTiO2) and their retention patterns in water-saturated sand columns under various myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (IHP) or phosphate (Pi) concentrations (0–180 μM P), ferrihydrite coating fractions (λ, 0–30%), ionic strengths (1–50 mM KCl), and pH values (4–8). The transport of nTiO2 was enhanced at increased P concentration due to the enhanced colloidal stability. As compared with Pi at the equivalent P level, IHP showed stronger effect on the electrokinetic properties of nTiO2 particles due to its relatively more negative charge and higher adsorption affinity, thereby facilitating the nTiO2 transport (and thus reduced retention) in porous media. At the IHP concentration of 5 μM, the retention of nTiO2 increased with increasing λ and ionic strength, while decreased with pH. In addition, the retention profiles of nTiO2 showed a typical hyperexponential pattern for most scenarios mainly due to the unfavorable attachment, and can be well described by a hybrid mathematical model that coupled convection dispersion equations with a two-site kinetic model and DLVO theory. These quantitative estimations revealed the importance of IHP on affecting the transport of nTiO2 typically in phosphorus-enriched environments. It provides new insights into advanced understanding of the co-transport of nanoparticles and phosphorus in natural systems, essential for both nanoparticle exposure and water eutrophication.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Zooremediation of leachates from municipal waste using Eisenia fetida (SAV.)
Jóźwiak, Małgorzata Anna | Jóźwiak, Marek | Kozłowski, Rafał | Żelezik, Monika
Leachates from municipal landfills are formed as infiltration waters flowing through the landfill. They contain toxic, dissolved products of biochemical reactions taking place in the deposit. They cause soil and groundwater pollution. It is necessary to take them out of the landfill cover and utilize toxins contained therein, in particular heavy metals. Such processes are conducted with the use of microorganisms. Due to the content of toxic compounds, introducing leachates into the process of biological purification poses a threat to the microorganisms used in these processes.An alternative to microbial co-treatment of sludge and leachate as well as soil contaminated with communal leachate is to use red hybrid of California (Eisenia fetida Sav.), an earthworm resistant to environmental toxins, in particular heavy metals.The aim of the conducted research is to demonstrate the possibility of using red hybrid of California in leachate bioutilization as a complementary or alternative method to the process of leachate utilization with the use of microorganisms.The obtained results led to the conclusion that Eisenia fetida accumulates environmental toxins well. By collecting and processing them in the tissues, it remedies the substrate and retains long life and fertility, and the ability to reproduce. The research demonstrated high dynamics of population growth (from 25 individuals in the initial deposit to 298 individuals after six months of research). These properties are related to the presence of enzyme proteins from the metallothionein group in the gastrointestinal tract cells. Packing heavy metals found in leachates into the metallothionein coat limits their toxic effect on earthworm tissues, which confirms the possibility of using earthworms in the processes of detoxification of municipal leachate.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Microplastics in offshore sediment in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea, China
Zhang, Chunfang | Zhou, Hanghai | Cui, Yaozong | Wang, Chunsheng | Li, Yanhong | Zhang, Dongdong
Microplastic particles are a global concern due to their widespread and growing threat to marine and coastal environments. To improve knowledge of microplastic pollution in China, we investigated 25 sediment samples collected with a box corer in the Southern Yellow Sea and East China Sea off the coast of China. The microplastics were extracted from sediments via density separation, after which they were observed under a microscope and characterized according to shape, color, and size, while polymer type identification was performed using micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The abundance of microplastics in the offshore region of the Southern Yellow Sea and East China Sea was mapped. The mean concentration of microplastics at the 25 sites was 13.4 ± 0.6 particles 100 g⁻¹ dry weight (range: 6.0–24.0 particles 100 g⁻¹ dry weight). Based on the categorization according to shape, color, and size, fiber (77%) was the most abundant shape, while blue (35%) and transparent (29%) were the most prevalent colors. In addition, the dominant size of microplastics was smaller than 1000 μm which accounted for 89%. Finally, polyethylene, polyethylene terephthalate, acrylic, polyester, cellulose, and cellophane were the most abundant types of microplastics identified. Our result highlighted the presence of microplastics in offshore sediments from the Yellow Sea and East China Sea, and provided useful information for evaluating the environmental risks posed by microplastics in China.
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