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Optimizing the Location of Finsk Dam through an Environmental Approach in Alignment with Sustainable Development Goals
Nikfard, Yousef | Nabi Bidhandi, Gholamreza | Pardakhti, Alireza
Water is vital for human survival and has been instrumental in the development of ancient civilizations worldwide. However, in the modern era, humanity grapples with the pressing issues of environmental crisis and the depletion of natural resources. To address these challenges, it is crucial to embrace sustainable practices in land and resource management, ensuring the responsible use of natural resources while safeguarding the needs of future generations. The Finsk Dam, situated on the Sefidroud River, fulfills the vital purpose of providing potable water to the cities of Semnan, Mahdishahr, Sorkheh, and Shahmirzad. Moreover, it also caters to the requirements of downstream aquifers and environmental needs concerning drinking water development. As the Finsk Dam exceeds a height of 15 meters, it qualifies as a large dam according to the International Committee on Large Dams (ICOLD). Consequently, a comprehensive evaluation of its diverse environmental aspects assumes paramount importance. Despite the projections of regional development, the construction of the dam possesses the potential to yield adverse environmental effects within the region. To address this concern, the evaluation matrix method, as endorsed by ICOLD, was employed to scrutinize the various stages of the dam's construction and operation while assessing its environmental aspects. Following technical reviews, the third option emerged as the most suitable location for the dam's construction among the four available alternatives. Additionally, three distinct pipeline routes were identified and evaluated for the transportation of water from the dam to the Semnan province, with the second option being deemed the most appropriate choice.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Bioremediation: Assessment of Growth Attributes of Maize (ZEA MAYS) on Crude oil-Polluted Soils
Agbor, Reagan | Asuquo, Eno | Ivon, Ettah | Ellen, Simon
Environmental pollution has posed a major threat to terrestrial, aquatic, and marine ecosystems, thereby affecting microflora and micro-fauna populations. This study assessed the growth attributes of maize plants on crude oil-polluted soils amended with agro-wastes. Six kilograms each of composite soil sample was weighed and transferred into one hundred and fifty labeled plastic buckets with drainage holes for soil aeration and spiked with 300mls each of crude oil, allowing for 14 days of soil acclimatization. Soil amendments such as groundnut husks, cassava peels, empty fruit bunch of oil palm, and maize cob powder were applied and allowed for 90 days. Maize seeds were sowed, while periodic data were collected and subjected to a three-way ANOVA. The result obtained revealed that maize seeds grown on agro-wastes treated and pristine control soils show early seed germination than the crude oil-polluted control soil. The plant height obtained for GnH14P + MaC14P at 10% was the highest with a mean (of 152.81cm2), and the leaf area of the maize from soil treated with GnH14P + EFBOP14P at 10% had the highest mean (756cm2), the leaf length of maize from soil treated with GnH14P + CasP14P at 3%, 6%, and 10% was the highest with mean ranging (54-97 cm2) with no significant difference in mean values obtained. The stem girth, number of leaves, and leaf width were generally improved in the bio-remediated soils. The result for the yield performance of maize shows that the days to flowering were shortened in the bio-remediated soil compared to the prolonged flowering days observed in the crude-oil polluted control. The number of seeds per cob was high in the bio-remediated soils while no seed was obtained in the crude-oil-polluted control soils. It can be concluded that the ameliorated treatment with the agro-wastes improves the performance of maize plants in crude oil-polluted soils.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Antibacterial Activity and Cytotoxicity of Spinel Copper Ferrite Nanoparticles Synthesized by using Sol Gel Technique and Lemon Juice as Substrate
Jaafar, Raghad Shubbar | Hammood, Ahmed Yousif
The objective of the present study was to prepare CuFe2O4 ferrite nanoparticles using the sol-gel combustion method, employing lemon juice as a surfactant and energy agent. This method is located within the green chemistry, representing an environmentally friendly and less expensive approach compared to other methods. The nanoparticles were subsequently evaluated as antibacterial agents against different pathogenic bacteria. Before the antibacterial assays, a cytotoxicity test was conducted to evaluate their safety when applied to organisms. The structural, morphological, elemental composition, and magnetic properties of the samples were analyzed using Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM), and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Detection (EDX). The X-ray diffraction patterns confirmed both the phase purity and the particle size to be 24.27 nm. The results demonstrated that the CuFe2O4 nanoparticles exhibited substantial antibacterial activity against both Gram-negative bacteria (Sphingomonas paucimobilis) and Gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus lentus and Bacillus subtilis). The antibacterial efficacy was more pronounced against Gram-negative bacteria, with inhibition diameter 5.46mm and 10.64mm at concentrations of 5000 ppm and 10000 ppm, respectively. When making a comparison, the effectiveness against Gram-positive bacteria displayed a slight reduction. Inhibition zones measured 2.76 mm and 8.33 mm for Staphylococcus lentus, while they were 3.58 mm and 5.35 mm for Bacillus subtilis. These measurements were observed at nanoparticle concentrations of 5000 ppm and 10000 ppm, respectively. Furthermore, the study confirmed the safety of the CuFe2O4 nanoparticles by assessing their toxicity on human red blood cell at different concentrations (50, 100,250,500,1000,5000, and 10000 ppm).
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Preliminary Study of Reduction of Microplastics Contained in Salt Produced in Padang, Indonesia
Deswati, Deswati | Zein, Rahmiana | Bunda, Intan | Putra, Adewirli | Suparno, Suparno
Salt produced from seawater evaporation contains harmful microplastics (MP). For this reason, a technology that can remove MP from seawater using coagulation and filtration techniques is needed. The purpose of this study is to utilize alum as a coagulant and sand as a filtration media to reduce MP pollution in seawater as a source of raw material for salt making. Seawater from Buo Bay, Padang City, Indonesia was taken as raw material for salt production. The MP abundance of salt made from seawater without alum and sand treatment was found to be 400 particles/kg. To reduce the abundance of MP in the salt, we varied the alum concentration (0.1; 0.3; and 0.5 g/L) and sand particle size (≥2, ≥1-<2, and <1 mm). From the results obtained, the optimal condition is an alum concentration of 0.5 g/L and sand particle size is <1 mm. The optimal condition of salt made from seawater in treatment H obtained MP abundance from 400 particles/kg to 30 particles/kg with an MP reduction efficiency of 92.5%. Visual analysis using optical trinocular microscopy found 4 forms of MP, namely: fragments (51.13%), fibers (28.95%), films (15.41%), and pellets (4.05%). Rewith the most dominant MP size found was >100-300 µm. The results of ATR-FTIR analysis identified the types of MP as Polyethylene (14.28%), Polyethylene Terephthalate (42.85%), Polypropylene (14.28%), and Polyamide (28.57%).
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Enhanced Removal of Chromate from Aqueous Solution Using a Metal Oxide Nanocomposite Derived from Bimetallic Metal Organic Framework with Both Adsorption and Catalytic Properties
Salari, Hadi | Zeraatkar Moghaddam, Ali
Removing environmental pollutants and preserving the environment is an important issue and many efforts have been made in this regard in recent years. In the present work, chromate ions were removed from aqueous solutions by ZnO/CuO acting as both adsorbent and catalyst. Metal oxide fabrication from metal organic framework is one of the most important and interesting scientific issues for the synthesis of high surface area materials. Here, we demonstrate ZnO/CuO synthesis from bimetallic Zn-Cu metal-organic framework (Zn(50)-Cu(50)-BTC) using temperature-programmed oxidation method. The adsorptive and catalytic removal procedure were optimized in terms of its batch efficiency using experimental designs. The effect of hole scavenger type was investigated, and the relationships between the effective important removal procedure parameters and chromate removal efficiency were analyzed through the response surface methodology (RSM) based on central composite design (CCD). The correlation coefficient (R2) and F values were 0.9883 and 74.81, respectively. Finally, simplex non-linear optimization was carried out and the optimal pH, ZnO/CuO amount and contact time were determined to be 2, 20 mg, and 17.5 min. Under these conditions, the predicted removal efficiency of 50 ppm chromate at a 95% confidence level was 98.1 ± 2.4%, which was very close to the recorded response (i.e. 99.4 ± 1.9%). The kinetic and isothermal profiles of the proposed ZnO/CuO, were thoroughly investigated under optimal conditions. The adsorption isotherm follow the Langmuir model and kinetics were found to be pseudo-second-order.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Computational Toxicology in Aquatic Toxicology
Banaee, Mahdi | Zeidi, Amir | Faggio, Caterina
Computational toxicology is a rapidly growing field that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to predict the toxicity of chemical compounds. Computational toxicology is an important tool for assessing the risks associated with the exposure of finfish and shellfish to environmental contaminants. By providing insights into the behavior and effects of these compounds, computational models can help to inform management decisions and protect the health of aquatic ecosystems and the humans who depend on them for food and recreation. In aqua-toxicology research, Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) models are commonly used to establish the relationship between chemical structures and their aquatic toxicity. Various ML algorithms have been developed to construct QSAR models, including Random Forest (RF), Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Support Vector Machines (SVMs), Bayesian networks (BNs), k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN), Probabilistic Neural Networks (PNNs), Naïve Bayes, and Decision Trees. Deep learning techniques, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), have also been applied in computational toxicology to improve the accuracy of QSAR predictions. Moreover, data mining graphs, networks and graph kernels have been utilized to extract relevant features from chemical structures and improve predictive capabilities. In conclusion, the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the field of computational toxicology has immense potential to revolutionize aquatic toxicology research. Through the utilization of advanced algorithms and data analysis techniques, scientists can now better understand and predict the effects of various toxicants on aquatic organisms.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Estimation of Uranium Concentration of Cancer Patients' Blood in Babylon Province, Iraq
Essa, Haider | Al-Attiyah, Khalid Hussain | Ali Al-Hamzawi, Anees
Radioactive pollution is caused when radioactive materials are deposited in the environment or atmosphere, particularly when their presence is inadvertent, and poses harm to the environment owing to the radioactive decay of the radioactive elements. Exposure to uranium in the workplace or environment can damage cells and increase cancer risk. Uranium, a heavy metal of the actinide family, has negative consequences due to its chemical and radioactive toxicity. The fission-track method with CR-39 evaluated the uranium content in blood samples collected from healthy persons and cancer patients. This method counted the fission tracks in a detector after the nuclear reaction. The data reveal that the lowest value in the group of people with cancer is 1.84±0.36 ppb, while the highest is 2.95±0.32 ppb. This population has an average uranium content of 2.52± 0.32 ppb. The highest result was 1.88± 0.22 ppb, while the lowest was 0.39±0.15 ppb in the healthy group. This population has a mean uranium content of 1.09±0.27 ppb. The statistics show that the uranium content in cancer patients' blood is much higher than that in the blood of healthy individuals.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Performance of Natural Coagulant Extracted from Castanea Sativa Tree Leaves in Water Purification processes
Hasan, Manar | Hassan, Ahmad | Al-Tameemi, Israa M. | Hassan, Nawar
Numerous coagulants, including natural and chemical coagulants, have been examined in the context of water purification. The use of natural coagulants constitutes an affordable and eco-friendly method of purifying water. The main aim of the current study was represented by investigated the feasibility of coagulant extracted from Castanea Sativa Tree Leaves using three different salts and distilled water. The active coagulant component was extracted using 0.25, 0.5, and 1 M of NaCl and KCl, 0.025, 0.05, and 0.1 M of NaOH, and distilled water. Powdered Castanea Sativa Tree Leaves was also used as a coagulant. Jar tests were performed using synthetic turbid water, a turbidity level of 35 NTU to investigate the coagulants’ activity. The pH was measured to study the influence of a range of different pHs, coagulant doses and initial turbidity were also investigated to optimize the coagulation process. The highest level of activity was achieved using 0.5 ml/l of coagulant extracted with 0.5 M NaCl at pH level 8. Coagulant extracted using 0.05 M NaOH demonstrated the second highest level of activity. Poor coagulant activity was observed for the powdered Castanea Sativa Tree Leaves and distilled water extract. The protein content of the extracted coagulant was 0.322, 0.283, and 0.274 mg/ml using 0.05 M NaCl, 0.5 M NaOH, and 0.5 M KCl, respectively. The use of this natural coagulant was also found to moderately increase organic matter content in the treated water, which was proportional to protein contents of the extracts. Coagulation results were statistically examined using SigmaPlot 12.5 software.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Enhancement of Bio Oil Yield and Aromatic Compounds Selectivity via Co-Pyrolysis of Paulownia Wood and Polypropylene Waste Blend on a Horizontal Reactor
Balaghi Inaloo, Esmaeel | Tavasoli, Ahmad
Thermochemical conversion of biomass and petrochemical wastes blend is an excellent method to produce valuable fuels and reduce environmental pollution. Bio-oil production via blending of paulownia wood and polypropylene plastic was investigated in a fixed bed horizontal reactor at different reaction temperatures and different Polymer/ Biomass weight ratios. Biomass showed the highest amount of bio-oil production (52.8 wt.%) at 500°C. The results show that with increase in temperature, the production of lighter products (with lower carbon number) has increased. Co-pyrolysis on a horizontal reactor showed positive synergy for the production of liquid and gaseous products. Bio-oil production increased to 61.03 wt.% and the relative oxygen content of the liquid products decreased. In co-pyrolysis with the ratio of 60:40 of PAW: PP, aromatic compounds with 35% by weight constitute the highest amount of liquid product and production of furans and aldehyde/ketones reduced. While this number is equal to 8% for blend of 5% PP and 95% PAW.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Biodegradation of UV light treated plastic waste using local bacterial isolates
Sabei, Ansam | Gatea, Iman | Mousa, Nibal | Abbas, Adnan | Ojaily, Gameela | Tawfeeq, Rana | Abid, Ameena
Environmental threats from the accumulation of plastic trash are getting worse. It is robust, lightweight, corrosion-resistant, affordable, and durable. Microorganisms play a significant role in protecting our environment by degrading plastic wastes that are harmful either naturally or by chemical modification. The current study aims to investigate the biodegradation of synthetic polyethylene through the utilization of a laboratory bioreactor. Various types of additives were introduced to the soil samples before subjecting them to a 30-day UV treatment. The degradation of polyethylene was shown through a reduction in weight following a 24-week incubation period with certain bacterial strains. Experimental findings have revealed that models subjected to UV radiation exhibit the highest degree of vulnerability and degradation. Approximately 52% of polyethylene (PE) films underwent degradation when exposed to soil enhanced with peat moss. In contrast, only 40% and 45% of PE films were destroyed when subjected to garden soil that was untreated and treated with UV radiation, respectively. In contrast, the addition of husk resulted in a 48% to 53% reduction in weight for PE films that were buried for the same duration of the experiment. The highest level of effectiveness was achieved by the disintegration of the plastic material that was introduced into the soil along with organic fertilizers, resulting in a value of 56.60%. The weight loss outcomes have been substantiated by the utilization of the Atomic Force Electron Microscope (AFM) images, which exhibited the highest magnitude in the experimental model using soil supplemented with fertilizers.
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