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Bacterial Diversity and Aerobic Biodegradation Potential in a BTEX-Contaminated Aquifer
Alfreider, Albin | Vogt, Carsten
In order to gain insight into the community structure and the biodegradative potential of bacteria residing in a BTEX-contaminated field site, with benzene as main pollutant, an investigation strategy with a variety of cultivation-independent and -dependent approaches was undertaken. Based on 16S ribosomal DNA sequence analysis, sampling stations in the center of the pollution plume were found to be dominated by a bacterial consortium affiliated with various members of the class of Proteobacteria and Firmicutes, including different sporulating and non-sporulating sulfate-reducing bacteria and members of the genus Geobacter. Non-polluted samples retrieved from outside the plume revealed several phylotypes which were also observed in the centre of the plume. Bacterial sequences retrieved from the fringe of the plume were dominated by several genera of beta Proteobacteria subclass which were not associated with other phylotypes obtained in this study. All sampling stations were tested positive for catechol 2,3-dioxygenase genes, indicating the presence of microorganisms with the genetic potential degrading aromatic compounds via the meta-cleavage pathway. The groundwater system at the down-gradient edge of the plume was characterized, in contrast to all other sampling stations in the center and outside the plume, by high numbers of cultivable bacteria and cultivable aerobic benzene and toluene degraders. These findings are also in accordance with the investigations based on fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes, suggesting the presence of an actively benzene degrading bacterial community of beta Proteobacteria at the fringe of the pollution plume.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Modelling Seasonal Dynamics from Temporal Variation in Agricultural Practices in the UK Ammonia Emission Inventory
Hellsten, S | Dragosits, U | Place, C. J | Misselbrook, T. H | Tang, Y. S | Sutton, M. A
Most ammonia (NH₃) emission inventories have been calculated on an annual basis and do not take into account the seasonal variability of emissions that occur as a consequence of climate and agricultural practices that change throughout the year. When used as input to atmospheric transport models to simulate concentration fields, these models therefore fail to capture seasonal variations in ammonia concentration and dry and wet deposition. In this study, seasonal NH₃ emissions from agriculture were modelled on a monthly basis for the year 2000, by incorporating temporal aspects of farming practice. These monthly emissions were then spatially distributed using the AENEID model (Atmospheric Emissions for National Environmental Impacts Determination). The monthly model took the temporal variation in the magnitude of the ammonia emissions, as well as the fine scale (1-km) spatial variation of those temporal changes into account to provide improved outputs at 5-km resolution. The resulting NH₃ emission maps showed a strong seasonal emission pattern, with the highest emissions during springtime (March and April) and the lowest emissions during summer (May to July). This emission pattern was mainly influenced by whether cattle were outside grazing or housed and by the application of manures and fertilizers to the land. When the modelled emissions were compared with measured NH₃ concentrations, the comparison suggested that the modelled emission trend corresponds fairly well with the seasonal trend in the measurements. The remaining discrepancies point to the need to develop functional parametrisations of the interactions with climatic seasonal variation.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of Nitrogen Supply on the Sensitivity to O₃ of Growth and Photosynthesis of Japanese Beech (Fagus crenata) Seedlings
Yamaguchi, Masahiro | Watanabe, Makoto | Matsuo, Naoki | Naba, Junichi | Funada, Ryo | Fukami, Motohiro | Matsumura, Hideyuki | Kohno, Yoshihisa | Izuta, Takeshi
To obtain basic information for evaluating critical levels of O₃ under different nitrogen loads for protecting Japanese beech forests, two-year-old seedlings of Fagus crenata Blume were grown in potted andisol supplied with N as NH₄NO₃ solution at 0, 20 or 50 kg ha-¹ year-¹ and exposed to charcoal-filtered air or O₃ at 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 times the ambient concentration from 16 April to 22 September 2004. The O₃ induced significant reductions in the whole-plant dry mass, net photosynthetic rate at 380 μmol mol-¹ CO₂ (A ₃₈₀), carboxylation efficiency (CE) and concentrations of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) and total soluble protein (TSP) in the leaves. The concentrations of Rubisco and TSP were negatively correlated with the concentration of leaf acidic amino acid, suggesting that O₃ enhanced the degradation of protein such as Rubisco. The N supply to the soil did not significantly change the whole-plant dry mass and A ₃₈₀, whereas it significantly increased the CE and concentrations of Rubisco and total amino acid. No significant interactive effects of O₃ and N supply to the soil were detected on the growth, photosynthetic parameters and concentrations of protein and amino acid in the leaves. In conclusion, N supply to the soil at <=50 kg ha-¹ year-¹ does not significantly change the sensitivity to O₃ of growth and net photosynthesis of Fagus crenata seedlings.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Acidification at Plastic Lake, Ontario: Has 20 Years Made a Difference
Watmough, Shaun A | Aherne, Julian | Eimers, M Catherine | Dillon, Peter J
In response to reduced sulphur emissions, there has been a large decrease in sulphate ( [graphic removed] ; -0.97 μeq l-¹ year-¹) and hydrogen (-1.18 μeq l-¹ year-¹) ion concentration in bulk precipitation between 1980 and 2000 at Plastic Lake in central Ontario. The benefit of this large reduction in [graphic removed] deposition on stream water chemistry was assessed using the gauged outflow from a conifer-forested catchment (PC1; 23.3 ha), which is influenced by a small wetland located immediately upstream of the outflow. Sulphate concentrations declined, but not significantly due to large inter-annual variation in [graphic removed] concentration. Between 1980 and 2000, there were significant increases in dissolved organic carbon, ammonium and potassium concentration likely reflecting increased mineralisation in the wetland. Calcium concentrations in PC1 decreased during the two decade period (-2.24 μeq l-¹ year-¹), as a consequence there was no improvement in stream pH and the Ca:Al ratio in PC1 continued to decline. A similar response was noted in an upland-draining sub-catchment of PC1-08 that has been monitored since 1987. Despite large reductions in [graphic removed] deposition and almost complete retention of nitrogen in soil, there has been no improvement (in terms of pH) in stream water at PC1 due to a combination of soil acidification and climatic (droughts, increased mineralisation) perturbations.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Impact of Sewage Discharge on the Macroalgae Community in the Yellow Sea Coastal Area Around Qingdao, China
Liu, Dongyan | Bai, Jie | Song, Shuqun | Zhang, Jing | Sun, Ping | Li, Ying | Han, Gang
The dynamics of macroalgal communities and the impact of sewage on their growth were studied in the tidal zone around Zhanqiao Pier of the Qingdao coastal area, in the northwest of the Yellow Sea, China, from September 2001 to September 2003. The tidal zone of the study area is divided into western and eastern sections by the Zhanqiao Pier. Inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus in seawater showed higher concentrations on the eastern side of Zhanqiao Pier than on the western side, because a sewer drains into the eastern side. The macroalgal communities on each side of the Pier showed an obvious difference due to the effect of this sewage discharge. A total of 47 macroalgal species including 10 greens, 11 browns and 26 reds was identified in this study. The species composition and biomass indicated higher values in the nutrient-rich area on the eastern side of Zhanqiao Pier compared with the nutrient-poor area on the western side of Zhanqiao Pier. Some ephemeral and filamentous species dominated seasonally on the eastern side of Zhanqiao Pier, in contrast to the western side where slow-growing species dominated throughout the year. Nutrient gradients and temperature were considered the main factors affecting the distribution of macroalgae communities in time and space. The results are consistent with the common observation that nutrient-poor areas are dominated by slow-growing rather than ephemeral algal species. Moreover, the species diversity in the whole study area had declined when compared to previous records.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Impact of Harvest Intensity on Long-Term Base Cation Budgets in Swedish Forest Soils
Akselsson, Cecilia | Westling, Olle | Sverdrup, Harald | Holmqvist, Johan | Thelin, Gunnar | Uggla, Eva | Malm, Gunnar
The effects of harvesting on the long-term mass balances of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K) were evaluated on a regional level in Sweden. A new high-resolution weathering database was used together with estimates of total deposition, losses through harvest and leaching. Estimates were made for pine and spruce separately and for two harvesting intensity scenarios: stem harvesting and whole-tree harvesting. The mass balance calculations showed net losses of Ca and Mg in almost the whole country for both scenarios. The losses were smaller for pine than for spruce. The K balances were mainly positive for pine but negative for spruce. Leaching was a main factor in the mass balances, especially for Ca and Mg. Whole-tree harvesting in spruce forests led to substantially higher net losses of K and Ca than stem harvesting, according to the calculations. In the whole-tree harvesting scenario in spruce forests the estimated yearly net losses of Ca, Mg and K corresponded to at least 5%, 8% and 3% of the pools of exchangeable base cations, respectively, at 25% of the analysed sites. If losses of this magnitude continue the depletion of the pools of Ca, Mg and K may lead to very low base saturation of the soils, possibly accompanied by negative effects on soil fertility, runoff water quality, tree vitality and tree growth within a forest rotation in parts of Sweden. Avoiding whole-tree harvesting can improve the situation substantially for K, but the losses of Ca and Mg will still be significant.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Fungal Generation of Organic Acids for Removal of Lead from Contaminated Soil
Ousmanova, Dilara | Parker, Wayne
The use of solid-state fermentation (SFF) of low cost substrates by fungal species to generate organic acid solutions for washing of lead from a contaminated soil was evaluated in this study. SFF filtrates were generated by fermentation of four substrates (corn cobs, apple pomace, rice and hay) with three fungal species (Aspergillus niger NRRL 2001 (A. niger 1), Aspergillus niger ATCC 64065 (A. niger 2), Aspergillus foetidus NRRL 337) at three fermentation times. The concentration and speciation of organic acids of the filtrates was found to be a function of the substrate type, the fungal species and the fermentation time. Fermentation of rice resulted in the highest concentrations of citric acid while fermentation of corn cobs, apple pomace and hay tended to generate oxalic acid with an increasing fraction of this acid as the fermentation progressed. Batch extraction tests that employed the SSF filtrates revealed that soluble lead concentrations as high as 35 mg/l could be achieved. Filtrates containing elevated concentrations of citric acid resulted in the greatest lead extraction while oxalic acid inhibited solubilization. Due to the buffering of pH that was provided by the soil in the batch tests this factor did not appear to influence lead extraction. Lead extraction was observed over an extended period of time in a column test. Lead extraction was strongly influenced by the pH of the soil column and less strongly influenced by the organic acid content of the SSF filtrate. The speciation of organic acids was substantially modified from primarily citric acid in the SSF filtrate to gluconic acid in the soil column discharge.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Ozone Biomonitoring with Bel-W3 Tobacco Plants in the City of Valencia (Spain)
Calatayud, Vicent | Sanz, María José | Calvo, Esperanza | Cerveró, Júlia | Ansel, Wolfgang | Klumpp, Andreas
A biomonitoring study using the ozone-sensitive bioindicator plant Nicotiana tabacum cv. Bel-W3 was conducted in the city of Valencia (eastern Spain) and surrounding areas in 2002. Plants were exposed to ambient air at seven sites, including four traffic-exposed urban sites, a large urban garden and a suburban and a rural station, for six consecutive 2-week periods using highly standardised methods. Foliar injury was registered at all stations in at least one of the exposure periods. The urban stations submitted to intense traffic showed lower ozone injury than the less traffic-exposed stations. Strong changes in the intensity of ozone injury were observed for the different exposure periods. Leaf injury was significantly related to both mean ozone values (24 and 12 h means) and cumulative exposure indices (AOT20, AOT40). However, correlation strength was moderate (r s = 0.39 to 0.58), suggesting that the plant response to ozone was modified by environmental factors. The use of sensitive bioindicators like tobacco Bel-W3 in cities provides complementary information to that of continuously operating air quality monitors, as the impact of ambient ozone levels is directly measured.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Relationships Between Macroinvertebrate Assemblages of Stony Littoral Habitats and Water Chemistry Variables Indicative of Acid-stress
Johnson, Richard K | Goedkoop, Willem | Fölster, Jens | Wilander, Anders
Gradient analyses were used to correlatively determine the importance of acid-related variables for littoral macroinvertebrate assemblages. To better ascertain the effects of acidity on macroinvertebrate assemblages we removed sites judged to be affected by other stressors such as agriculture, urbanization and liming. PCA of land use and water chemistry confirmed the presence of an acidity gradient; several acidity variables (e.g. pH and buffering capacity) were strongly correlated with the first PC axis, which explained Ca 32% of the variance in the environmental data. Partial constrained ordination of littoral macroinvertebrate assemblages with water chemistry, after removing the effect of other confounding variables (e.g. land use/type), showed that acidity variables accounted for significant amounts of among-lake variability in assemblage structure. Regression of canonical scores (a metric of community composition) and diversity with pH and alkalinity was used to visually determine ecological breakpoints or threshold values. Five classes were established for pH: pH < 5 (extremely acid), 5 < pH <= 5.6 (very acid), 5.6 < pH <= 6.2 (acid), 6.2 < pH <= 6.8 (weakly acid) and pH > 6.8 (neutral-alkaline). Similarly, three classes were determined for alkalinity/acidity: <0.02, 0.02-0.1 and >0.1 meq/L.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Temporal Trends of Non-sea Salt Sulfate and Nitrate in Wet Deposition in Japan
Noguchi, Izumi | Hayashi, Kentaro | Aikawa, Masahide | Ohizumi, Tsuyoshi | Minami, Yukiya | Kitamura, Moritsugu | Takahashi, Akira | Tanimoto, Hiroshi | Matsuda, Kazuhide | Hara, Hiroshi
Temporal trends of non-sea salt (nss-) sulfate and nitrate were analyzed from nationwide precipitation chemistry measurements provided by the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) for the 1988-2002 fiscal years (April-March). The concentrations and deposition of nss-sulfate were found to be decreasing, and those of nitrate were stable or slightly increasing at most sites. These deposition trends were discussed from the viewpoint of emissions of SO₂ and NOX during the period of interest. Because monitoring techniques have changed in the number of active sites, samplers, and analytical methods during the operation period, the median of all annual depositions measured in Japan in a specific year was selected as the annual representative. The contribution of specific emission sources was also calculated for 1990 on the basis of the nss-sulfate and nitrate deposition in Japan obtained with a model simulation in which the model did not include volcanic emissions from Mt. Oyama, Miyakejima Island, which began to erupt suddenly and violently in 2000. For nss-sulfate, the calculated deposition agrees well with the intensity and trends of the median up to 1999. After 2000, a higher deposition than calculated in the preceding years was evident, which is attributable to the volcanic SO₂ from Mt. Oyama. For nitrate, both the calculated and observed depositions were slightly increasing; however, the calculation was found to exceed the observation.
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