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A Street Canyon Model Intercomparison in Florence, Italy
Gualtieri, Giovanni
Assessing air quality in street canyons is a crucial concern, as the highest pollution levels and threshold exceedances are usually experienced within this kind of urban streets. A brief overview based on experimental studies and modelling techniques undertaken in literature is presented, including characteristic features affecting wind flow and pollutant dispersion within street canyons. In this work, a numerical street canyon model intercomparison has been performed in a typical urban canyon in Florence, Italy. In particular, STREET, Canyon Plume Box Model (CPBM) and Operational Street Pollution Model (OSPM) have been applied to compute the street-level 1-h carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations. In addition, the CALINE4 model has been applied to test the site morphology. Input data cover a 1-year time period and include meteorological observations as well as measured traffic volumes and driving speeds. Hourly road emissions have been calculated using the COPERT methodology taking into account vehicle fleet, traffic flows and driving speed, as well as ambient temperature to account for cold overemissions. A preliminary experimental data analysis has been carried out in order to investigate the dependence of observed CO concentrations on meteorological and traffic parameters. Hourly CO concentrations observed over the full year have been used to compare the STREET, CPB and OSP models, resulting in a detailed statistical analysis carried out by wind sector as well as on a seasonal basis.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Air Pollutant Transport Analysis Based on Hourly Winds in the City of La Plata and Surroundings, Argentina
Ratto, Gustavo Enrique | Videla, Fabián | Maronna, Ricardo | Flores, Alberto | de Pablo Dávila, Fernando
The city of La Plata and its surroundings are a very populated area, which has an important Industrial Pole and intense traffic activity but environmental studies have been rare so far. This article presents and discusses the importance of wind frequencies and velocities for the transport of air pollutants. The study emphasizes the importance of knowing wind patterns on an hourly basis that can be helpful for designing a monitoring network as well as for preventing exposure to pollutants. Correlation between monthly SO₂ concentrations and wind frequencies and velocities are discussed for a particular set of directions NNW-NE that carry pollutants from industrial sources toward populated areas. As a result, averaged wind frequencies have been found to be very important for determining patterns influencing pollutants transport; the influence of averaged velocities has shown low variability (hourly and monthly). Hierarchical cluster analysis applied to wind roses provided a useful approach for analyzing and describing the general daily occurrence of winds.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Lime and Gypsum as Source Measures to Decrease Phosphorus Loss from Soils to Water
Murphy, Paul N. C. | Stevens, R. J.
Phosphorus (P) loss from agricultural soils to water is a major contributor to eutrophication. In an incubation experiment with five contrasting soils, lime and gypsum showed potential as source measures to decrease P loss risk, as assessed by water extractions. Soils were incubated with lime to achieve a target pH of 6.5 and with gypsum at equivalent Ca rates for 108 days. P was added (17 kg P ha⁻¹) as KH₂PO₄ in solution. Gypsum appears to have greater potential as a source measure, decreasing molybdate-reactive P (RP) solubility by 14-56% and organic P (OP) by 10-53% across all soils. RP and Ca may have precipitated or co-sorbed, and OP may have been stabilised in organic matter complexes due to the bridging effect of Ca and the flocculating effect of increased ionic strength. Greater effectiveness of gypsum may be due to its higher solubility and the fact that it increases Ca concentrations without increasing pH. Lime decreased RP solubility in two soils (by 4% and 20%) but increased solubility in two and had no effect in a third. The overall effect of lime may depend on several competing effects of raised pH and Ca concentration that may vary in importance depending on soil characteristics such as base cation and P status. For the highest P status soil, both lime and gypsum were effective, decreasing RP solubility by 4% and 15%, respectively. Targeted treatment of high P soils may be an effective and economical strategy to minimise P losses.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Exposure to Bioaerosol from Sewage Systems
Haas, Doris | Unteregger, Martina | Habib, Juliana | Galler, Herbert | Marth, Egon | Reinthaler, Franz F.
Bioaerosols are conglomerates of biological particles such as bacterial and fungal propagules and are produced in sewers and sewage treatment plants through evaporation and turbulence. In order to evaluate the hazard to employees in wastewater treatment plants, airborne microorganisms were measured at two different sites in the sewage systems and in the grit chamber of a treatment plant. Two additional samples were taken during high-pressure cleaning in the relief sewer. Outdoor air samples served as background values. Airborne microorganisms were collected using the impaction method with the MAS-100® and the impingement method with the SKC Biosampler®. The concentrations of coliform bacteria as well as the fungal species Aspergillus fumigatus were determined in addition to mesophilic bacteria counts (cfu/m³). The highest concentrations of mesophilic bacteria were found in the encased grit chamber. Coliform bacteria were found infrequently only in the aerosol of the sewage systems; A. fumigatus was detected at all sampling sites both indoors as well as outdoors. During high-pressure cleaning, total bacteria concentrations reached up to 4.0 × 104 cfu/m3, coliforms up to 3.0 × 103 cfu/m3. These results show that personnel protective measures should be recommended to decrease the exposure risk to biological particles.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Occurrence of Emerging Contaminants in Brazilian Drinking Waters: A Sewage-To-Tap Issue
Sodré, Fernando F. | Locatelli, Marco Antonio F. | Jardim, Wilson F.
The goal of this work was to investigate the occurrence of emerging contaminants in drinking water of the city of Campinas, Brazil. Tap water samples were analyzed using SPE-GC-MS for 11 contaminants of recent environmental concern. Six emerging contaminants (stigmasterol, cholesterol, bisphenol A, caffeine, estrone, and 17β-estradiol) were found in the samples. The latter two were detected only during the dry season, with concentrations below quantification limits. Stigmasterol showed the highest average concentration (0.34 ± 0.13 µg L⁻¹), followed by cholesterol (0.27 ± 0.07 µg L⁻¹), caffeine (0.22 ± 0.06 µg L⁻¹), and bisphenol A (0.16 ± 0.03 µg L⁻¹). In Campinas, where surface drinking water supplies receive large amounts of raw sewage inputs, the emerging contaminants levels in drinking waters were higher than median values compiled for drinking and finished water samples around the world.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Control of Algal Scum Using Top-Down Biomanipulation Approaches and Ecosystem Health Assessments for Efficient Reservoir Management
An, Kwang-Guk | Lee, Jae-Yon | Kumar, Hema K. | Lee, Sang-Jae | Hwang, Soon-Jin | Kim, Baik-Ho | Park, Young-Seuk | Shin, Kyung-Hoon | Park, Sangkyu | Um, Han-Yong
The objectives of this study were algal control and health assessments in a temperate eutrophic reservoir. Laboratory and mesocosm-scale in situ top-down biomanipulation experiments using planktivorous fishes and filter-feeding macroinvertebrates were conducted along with identification of the limiting nutrient using nutrient enrichment bioassays (NEBs), and ecosystem health evaluation based on the modified index of biological integrity model (Reservoir Ecosystem Health Assessment; REHA). Nutrients and N/P ratio analyses during 5 years revealed that the reservoir was in a eutrophic-hypertrophic state and that the key limiting nutrients, based on the NEBs, varied among seasons. Reservoir trophic guilds indicated declines in sensitive and endemic fish species and dominance of tolerant omnivores. Model values from multimetric REHAs averaged 25.8, indicating that the ecological health was in “fair to poor” condition. Overall microcosm biomanipulation tests suggested that macroinvertebrates, specifically Palaemon paucidens and Caridina denticulata, were effective candidates for phytoplankton control, compared to fishes. In situ mesocosm experiments revealed the highest removal rates with bluegreen algae and a phytoplankton size fraction of 2-19 μm (R e > 90%, Mann-Whitney U = 64.5-74.0, p < 0.01), the dominant fractions in the reservoir. Our biomanipulation technique may provide a key tool for efficient management and restoration of eutrophied reservoirs.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Use of Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometry on Detection and Assessment of PAH Toxicity on Microalgae
Pérez, Patricia | Fernández, Emilio | Beiras, Ricardo
Cultures of the flagellate Isochrysis galbana were used to carry out the ecotoxicological evaluation of four PAHs [(naphthalene, phenanthrene, pyrene (Pyr) and fluoranthene (Flu)] by monitoring growth rate and the fluorescence variables F ₀, F m, F v and F v/F m, determined with a fast repetition rate fluorometer. The results presented in this investigation showed that F v was a suitable endpoint in acute ecotoxicological tests with marine phytoplankton. The derived effective concentrations followed the known narcotic mechanism of toxicity and showed sensitivity levels comparable to marine invertebrate embryo-larval bioassays. Pyr and Flu showed the lowest EC₁₀, which ranged between 168-279 and 189-697 nM, respectively.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]A Two-Phase Optimization Model Based on Inexact Air Dispersion Simulation for Regional Air Quality Control
Lu, Hongwei | Huang, Guohe | He, Li
This study proposes a two-phase optimization model for regional air pollution control. To predict the pollutant concentrations at receptor zones, an interval Gaussian plume model is advanced to facilitate the generation of optimal pollution control policies. Results from the case study indicate satisfactory performance of the proposed model in handling uncertainties in parameters expressed as intervals and in stipulations associated with pollutant emission and ambient air quality. Compared with conventional models, it has advantages of generating compromised management strategies according to decision makers' preference. This would be useful when the guarantee of satisfying all constraints is inapplicable or too costly. The proposed model is capable of identifying key factors and/or input conditions that may intensely affect system outputs and thus facilitating decision makers in adjusting current system status to benefit future management. The results also reveal a significantly enhanced satisfactory level would be obtained compared with conventional “single-phase”-based optimization models.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Amendment of an Acid Mine Soil with Compost and Polyacrylate Polymers Enhances Enzymatic Activities but may Change the Distribution of Plant Species
de Varennes, Amarilis | Cunha-Queda, Cristina | Qu, Guiwei
Many soils derived from pyrite mines spoils are acidic, poor in organic matter and plant nutrients, contaminated with trace elements, and support only sparse vegetation. The establishment of a plant cover is essential to decrease erosion and the contamination of water bodies with acid drainage containing large concentrations of trace elements. We tested the application of compost and polyacrylate polymers to promote the growth of indigenous plant species present in the mine area. Soil treatments consisted of unamended soil (control), soil with mineral fertilizers only, soil with fertilizer plus compost, soil with fertilizer plus polyacrylate polymers, and soil with fertilizer plus both amendments. Half of the soil was grown with Briza maxima L. (greater quaking grass), Chaetopogon fasciculatus (Link) Hayek (chaetopogon), and Spergularia purpurea (Persoon) G. Don fil. (purple sandspurry), while the remainder was left bare. In the absence of plants, the greatest improvements in soil conditions were obtained by the application of both amendments, which was associated with the greatest values of protease, acid phosphatase, and β-glucosidase, whereas the activity of cellulase and microbial respiration were similar in soil amended with compost or polymer. Dehydrogenase activity was greatest in soil with compost (with or without polymer), whereas urease activity was impaired by both amendments. In the presence of plants, the application of both amendments led to the greatest activities of protease, urease, β-glucosidase, cellulase, and microbial respiration, but acid phosphatase was mainly enhanced by polymer and dehydrogenase was increased by compost. Plant growth was stimulated in all treatments compared with unamended soil, but the greatest value for total accumulated biomass was obtained in fertilized soil receiving both amendments. However, species responded differently to treatment: while the growth of B. maxima was greatest in soil with compost and polymer, the growth of C. fasciculatus responded better to soil with compost, and S. purpurea grew better in polymer-amended soil. The amendments tested improved the quality of a mine soil and stimulated plant growth. However, botanical composition likely changes over time with amendments, and this needs to be considered when a large scale application of amendments is projected.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]In Situ Heavy Metal Accumulation in Lettuce Growing Near a Former Mining Waste Disposal Area: Implications for Agricultural Management
Conesa, Héctor M. | Pérez-Chacón, Jose A. | Arnaldos, Raquel | Moreno-Caselles, Joaquín | Faz Cano, A (Angel)
Mining wastes may pose risk nearby urban and agricultural areas. We investigated a lettuce crop land close to a former capped mine tailing in order to determinate the metal uptake by crops. Soil plot sampling design within the crop area and two transects along the tailing were performed. In addition, lettuces (root and leaves) were analyzed after transplant and harvest. The results showed a pH of around 7-8 for all the soil samples. Total metal concentrations were as follows: 190-510 mg kg⁻¹ Pb, 13-21 mg kg⁻¹ Cu, and 210-910 mg kg⁻¹ Zn. Diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid-extractable Pb was around 18% of the total Pb in some samples. Transects along the base and on the plateau of the tailing showed high metal concentrations of Pb (up to 5,800 mg kg⁻¹) and Zn (up to 4,500 mg kg⁻¹), indicating that capping layer had been eroded. Lettuce leaves showed Pb concentrations within standard for human health (<0.3 mg kg⁻¹ in fresh weight). For essential micronutrients such as Cu and Zn, leaves had optimal content (10-28 mg kg⁻¹ Cu, 60-85 mg kg⁻¹ Zn). A continued monitoring in metal uptake is needed in crop lands close to mining wastes in order to prevent risks in food safety. Capped tailings must be monitored and rehabilitation works performed from time to time.
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