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Control of Algal Scum Using Top-Down Biomanipulation Approaches and Ecosystem Health Assessments for Efficient Reservoir Management
An, Kwang-Guk | Lee, Jae-Yon | Kumar, Hema K. | Lee, Sang-Jae | Hwang, Soon-Jin | Kim, Baik-Ho | Park, Young-Seuk | Shin, Kyung-Hoon | Park, Sangkyu | Um, Han-Yong
The objectives of this study were algal control and health assessments in a temperate eutrophic reservoir. Laboratory and mesocosm-scale in situ top-down biomanipulation experiments using planktivorous fishes and filter-feeding macroinvertebrates were conducted along with identification of the limiting nutrient using nutrient enrichment bioassays (NEBs), and ecosystem health evaluation based on the modified index of biological integrity model (Reservoir Ecosystem Health Assessment; REHA). Nutrients and N/P ratio analyses during 5 years revealed that the reservoir was in a eutrophic-hypertrophic state and that the key limiting nutrients, based on the NEBs, varied among seasons. Reservoir trophic guilds indicated declines in sensitive and endemic fish species and dominance of tolerant omnivores. Model values from multimetric REHAs averaged 25.8, indicating that the ecological health was in “fair to poor” condition. Overall microcosm biomanipulation tests suggested that macroinvertebrates, specifically Palaemon paucidens and Caridina denticulata, were effective candidates for phytoplankton control, compared to fishes. In situ mesocosm experiments revealed the highest removal rates with bluegreen algae and a phytoplankton size fraction of 2-19 μm (R e > 90%, Mann-Whitney U = 64.5-74.0, p < 0.01), the dominant fractions in the reservoir. Our biomanipulation technique may provide a key tool for efficient management and restoration of eutrophied reservoirs.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Enhancement of Biological Nitrogen Removal from Wastewater by Low-Intensity Ultrasound
Xie, Beizhen | Liu, Hong
This paper investigated the influence of low-intensity ultrasound in biological nitrification and denitrification. The results showed that the nitrification activity of activated sludge could not be promoted significantly by ultrasound in 5-40 min with intensities ranging from 0.1 to 1.2 W cm⁻². It suggested the fact that nitrifying bacteria were insensitive to ultrasound, possibly related with their specific structures of cell membrane and ways of metabolism. Whereas, biological denitrification was enhanced quite remarkably by ultrasound and the optimal results were achieved at the ultrasonic intensity of 0.2 W cm⁻² and the irradiation time of 10 min. Compared with the control without ultrasonic irradiation, it took 5 h for the enhancement of denitrification rates induced by the optimum ultrasound to reach its peak level (16%). Therefore, ultrasound with intensity of 0.2 W cm⁻² could be employed in the biological denitrification system for 10 min every 5 h to obtain the optimal effect theoretically.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Enhanced Biodegradation of Used Engine Oil in Soil Amended with Organic Wastes
Abioye, Peter O. | Abdul Aziz, A. | Agamuthu, P.
Three organic wastes (banana skin (BS), brewery spent grain (BSG), and spent mushroom compost (SMC)) were used for bioremediation of soil spiked with used engine oil to determine the potential of these organic wastes in enhancing biodegradation of used oil in soil. The rates of biodegradation of the oil were studied for a period of 84 days under laboratory conditions. Hydrocarbon-utilizing bacterial counts were high in all the organic waste-amended soil ranging between 10.2 × 10⁶ and 80.5 × 10⁶ CFU/g compared to unamended control soil throughout the 84 days of study. Oil-contaminated soil amended with BSG showed the highest reduction in total petroleum hydrocarbon with net loss of 26.76% in 84 days compared to other treatments. First-order kinetic model revealed that BSG was the best of the three organic wastes used with biodegradation rate constant of 0.3163 day⁻¹ and half-life of 2.19 days. The results obtained demonstrated the potential of organic wastes for oil bioremediation in the order BSG > BS > SMC.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Suitability of using diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) to study metal bioavailability in mine tailings: possibilities and constraints
Conesa, Héctor Miguel | Schulin, R (Rainer) | Nowack, Bernd
Background, aim, and scope Diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) have been recognized as a suitable tool to assess in situ metal bioavailability in soils. Mine tailings have some singular characteristics such as high heavy-metal concentrations, low pH, or absence of water retention capacity that may compromise the correct application of this technique whose applicability is known to be pH dependent. The goal of this study was to determine the response of DGT devices in heavy-metal-polluted mine tailings with different pH. In addition some experiments were performed in order to determine the effect of acidic pH and dissolved ions on the binding properties of the chelating resin. Materials and methods We tested DGT devices on three different mine tailings: acid pH 3, acid tailing limed to pH 5.5, and neutral pH 7.2. The tailings showed high metal concentrations, e.g., 7,000 mg kg⁻¹ Pb, 9,000 mg kg⁻¹ Zn, and 380 mg kg⁻¹ Cu. Diffusive and Chelex resin gels were prepared according to previously published methods. Two chelating resins and diffusive gels thicknesses (0.4 and 0.7 mm) were tested. Four DGT devices of each type were placed during 24 h in pots (one device per pot) containing 1 kg mine tailings in a climate chamber with humidity (50-90%) and controlled temperature conditions (night 16°C and day 23°C). Pots were irrigated with deionized water to field capacity, and then two different experiments were performed: (a) allowing free drainage and (b) maintaining the water saturation. In addition, we tested DGT devices in solutions at pH 3 with similar properties to the soil solution measured in the acid tailing. Eluted Zn, Cd, Pb, and Cu from the chelating resins were measured using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES; Vista-MPX Varian). Results and discussion The metal concentrations taken up by the DGT devices were affected by the different pH values of the tailings. The highest metal concentrations measured with DGT (C DGT) were obtained in the pH 3 treatments (both saturated and free drainage). Significant differences for C DGT were observed between water-saturated and free drainage treatments in the acid pH 3 tailing. When limed pH 5.5 tailing and neutral pH 7 tailing were considered, these differences were lower and not significant. In pH 3 tailings low values for C DGT/C soil solution were obtained (<0.06), indicating that these soils have a low capacity to resupply depleted metals to the solution. The limed acid tailing and the neutral tailing showed values between 0.05 and 0.94 indicating a much more rapid resupply from the solid phase. Deployment under water-saturated conditions yielded much higher C DGT values than under free drainage, indicating the importance to adequately control the moisture content in these soils with poor water retention capacity. In solutions with pH 3 mimicking the soil solution composition of the tailings, a loss of the binding capacity of the resin of 50-60% and 60-80% for Zn in 0.7-mm DGT and 0.4-mm DGT devices, respectively, was observed. As a consequence, 0.7-mm DGT devices had better reliability to carry out in situ determinations in solutions with high metal concentrations and low pH. Conclusions The use of DGT in mining soils can be a promising tool to study bioavailable metals concentrations in mine tailings but it has to be used carefully under acidic pH. Competition with other cations that are present at very high concentrations may hinder the accumulation of metals by the chelating resins, which should be tested under the conditions of the particular mine tailing.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Heavy Metal and Nitrogen Monitoring Using Moss and Topsoil Samples in a Pyrenean Forest Catchment
González-Miqueo, L. | Elustondo, D. | Lasheras, E. | Bermejo, R. | Santamaría, J. M.
This study was carried out in order to assess both the deposition of heavy metal and nitrogen in a mountain ecosystem with low levels of metal deposition and its possible interactions with factors such as lithology and topography. For this purpose, samples of Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw. and topsoils were collected in a forest catchment within Bertiz Natural Park, an International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring site. Trace metals levels in mosses can be considered low compared with values reported elsewhere in Europe, and the dust soil mineral particles seemed to be the main source of these values. Only Cd and Hg presented external inputs, probably with an anthropic origin, for mosses according to the enrichment factor values, whereas historical pollution-related deposition in soils was determined for Pb, Cu, and Ni, attending to their total/extractable ratio.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]How Much Does the Presence of a Competitor Modify the Within-Canopy Distribution of Ozone-Induced Senescence and Visible Injury
Hayes, Felicity | Mills, Gina | Ashmore, Mike
Many natural vegetation species have been shown to be negatively affected by ozone. This study has investigated how the presence of competing species in a community affects two common responses to ozone: visible injury and senescence. Monocultures and mixtures of Trifolium repens and Lolium perenne were grown in large containers and were exposed in solardomes to either a rural episodic ozone profile (AOT40 of 12.86 ppm h) or control conditions (AOT40 of 0.02 ppm h) for 12 weeks. The proportion of ozone-injured or senesced leaves was different in the different regions of the canopy. The highest proportions of injured/senesced leaves were in the plant material growing at the edge of the canopy and the upper canopy, with a significantly lower proportion of injured leaves in the inner canopy. The presence of L. perenne increased the proportion of ozone-injured leaves in T. repens at the final harvest, whilst the presence of T. repens decreased the proportion of senesced leaves in L. perenne. In L. perenne, the proportion of injured leaves at the edge and inner canopy decreased significantly when grown in competition, whilst for T. repens the reverse effect occurred in the inner canopy only. Different mechanisms appeared to influence the interaction between response to ozone and competitors in these two species. In L. perenne the response to ozone may have been related to nitrogen supply, whereas in T. repens canopy structure was more important.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Historical Changes in Levels of Organic Pollutants in Sediment Cores from Brno Reservoir, Czech Republic
Franců, E. | Schwarzbauer, J. | Lána, R. | Nývlt, D. | Nehyba, S.
Results of a comprehensive study are presented on the spatial and depth-related distribution of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in sediments of the Brno reservoir, Czech Republic. Based on sedimentological observations, three major historic phases were identified related to the evolution of the depositional environment, flow rate, and material input. Data on organic carbon, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, and organochlorine pesticides showed specific distribution patterns in a 3-m-deep core. The analysis of the depth trends of the geochemical data combined with sedimentology made it possible to distinguish between remote sources of the pollutants, early weathering alterations of POPs, transport by river associated with organic matter as sorbent on one hand, and local sources weakly related to lithology on the other hand. The integrated sedimentological and environmental geochemical archive provided an improved dynamic view of the pollution in historical terms.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Oxidation of Di-(2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate (DEHP) in Aqueous Solution by UV/H₂O₂ Photolysis
Chen, Chih-Yu
The oxidation of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) in solution using UV/H₂O₂ and direct UV photolysis are analyzed in this study. It was found that DEHP was 100% removal in the solution by 180-min UV/H₂O₂ treatment and 73.5% removal by 180-min direct UV photolysis. The effect of different factors, such as DEHP concentration, H₂O₂ concentration, and UV light intensity, on photochemical degradation was investigated. The degradation mechanism of DEHP and the acute toxicity of intermediates were also studied. The photochemical degradation process was found to follow pseudo-first-order kinetics. The results of our study suggested that the concentration with 40 mg/L H₂O₂ and 5 μg/mL DEHP in the solution at pH 7 with 10.0 × 10⁻⁶ Einstein l⁻¹ s⁻¹ UV was the optimal condition for the photochemical degradation of DEHP. The photochemical degradation with UV/H₂O₂ can be an efficient method to remove DEHP in wastewater.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Removal of Fatty Acids from Palm Oil Effluent by Combined Electro-Fenton and Biological Oxidation Process
Babu, B Ramesh | Meera, K Seeni | Venkatesan, P. | Sunandha, D.
The main objective of this study was to find out a cost-effective treatment methodology for the treatment of palm oil effluent (POE) obtained from a food processing industry. An electro-Fenton pretreatment and biological oxidation has been suggested for the removal of recalcitrant contaminants present in POE. An initial COD of about 6,700 mg/L of POE was subjected to electrolytic degradation for 2 h and subsequently by biological oxidation. The biological oxidation was carried out using Aspergillus niger and Pseudomonas putida in anaerobic condition. Electro-Fenton process removed 48.35% of the COD. Biological oxidation subsequently decreased the COD to 86.12% and BOD to 85.23%. In the combined process, a high reduction in TOC and TN were achieved. Experimental conditions have been optimized and performances of these techniques have been discussed. The treated water can be reused for general and agricultural purposes.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Heavy Metal Contents and Distribution in Coastal Sediments of the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea, Italy)
Acquavita, Alessandro | Predonzani, Sergio | Mattassi, Giorgio | Rossin, Pietro | Tamberlich, Francesco | Falomo, Jari | Valic, Iztok
A set of ten heavy metals (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn) was investigated in surface sediments (0-5 cm) collected in 21 sites of the Gulf of Trieste, Northern Adriatic Sea (Italy). The aim of this work was to obtain a preliminary assessment about the levels and spatial distribution of these selected elements. Ancillary parameters such as grain size, total organic carbon, and total nitrogen were also determined. The enrichment factor was calculated to discriminate if a natural condition or a status of anthropogenic contamination occurs. In addition, a set of sediment quality guidelines, mean effect low range and effect medium range quotients, was also applied in order to predict the probability of adverse biological effects on the benthic community.
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