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Performance of Bell Pepper (Capsicum annum) Under Different Grow Bag Media in Lalitpur District, Nepal
Sakuna Nepal | Pratibha Khatiwada | Pankaj Karki Dholi | Safal Adhikari
Promoting rooftop farming using suitable grow bag media is of utmost importance in densely populated cities like Lalitpur to sustain the human race. To assess the productivity and other economic characteristics of bell peppers, an experiment was conducted from Feb 2022 to Jun 2022 in different grow bag media on the premises of Vegetable Crop Development Centre, Khumaltar, Lalitpur. The experiment was conducted in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), with four replications and five treatments with growing media: Coco peat: vermicompost (1:1), Soil: sand: FYM (Farmyard Manure) (1:1:1), Soil: Sand: FYM: Vermicompost (1.25:0.75:0.5:0.5), Soil: vermicompost (1:1), and Soil: ash: FYM (1:0.5:1) on the cultivar California Wonder. Growth parameters like plant height (47.865 cm), number of leaves (50.6), number of branches/plant (9.5), and stem diameter, and yield parameters like total fruit weight (1693.93 gm), average fruit weight (84.68 gm), number of fruits (42.75), fruit diameter (6.37 cm), and fruit length (7.22 cm) were observed during the experiment. The media consisting of T3 (Soil: Sand: FYM: Vermicompost (1.25:0.75:0.5:0.5)) proved to be statistically superior over the rest of the combinations for almost all aspects under investigation, whereas comparatively poor performance was observed in Coco peat: vermicompost (1:1) media. This study suggests that the grow bag media of Soil: Sand: FYM: vermicompost (1.25:0.75:0.5:0.5) gave the highest gross return and net return, with the highest B: C ratio (2.08) observed in the grow bag media of Soil: Sand: FYM (1:1:1).
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Determination of Germination and Emergence Performance of Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Seeds at Different Maturity Stages
Güngör Yılmaz | Cebrail Yıldırım | Nurullah Dursun Gür
Seed maturation in hemp is not homogeneous, and the harvest is done when the seeds are 70-80% mature. This study was carried out to determine the germination and emergence performance of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) seeds at different maturation stages. Mature, semi-mature and immature seeds were used as material in the study. The study was carried out as two separate experiments, germination and emergence. The germination test was carried out in petri dishes and the emergence test in viols. Both experiments were carried out according to the randomized complete block design with 3 replications. Germination rate (%), shoot and root length (mm), shoot and root fresh weight (mg plant-1) and shoot and root dry weight (mg plant-1) parameters were investigated in the germination study. In the emergence study, the emergence rate (%), seedling and root length (mm), seedling and root fresh weight (mg plant-1), and seedling and root dry weight (mg plant-1) values were examined. In the germination study, semi-mature seeds germinated but did not develop. Therefore, no data could be obtained from other parameters except germination rate. In germination study, germination rate varied between 6.67 and 84.67%, shoot length 27.2-38 mm, root length 39.4-50.8 mm, shoot fresh weight 30.66-49.89 mg plant-1, root fresh weight 4.32-7.69 mg plant-1, shoot dry weight 3.25-7.99 mg plant-1, root dry weight 0.68-2.03 mg plant-1. In the emergence study, emergence rate ranged between 5.18-82.69%, shoot length 68-136.4 mm, root length 37.4-69.6 mm, shoot fresh weight 60.33-154.80 mg plant-1, root fresh weight 27.30-46.73 mg plant-1, shoot dry weight 3.97-10.24 mg plant-1, root dry weight 2.61-5.43 mg plant-1. In both experiments, the highest values obtained from all the examined traits were obtained from mature seeds. In both studies, the highest values were obtained from mature seeds for all traits examined. Semi-mature and immature seeds gave similar results in terms of the traits examined.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Will Olive Groves have a Future Under Climate Change Conditions in The North Aegean Sub-Region, a Mediterranean Agricultural Ecosystem of Türkiye?
Murat Türkeş | Sinan Şahin
The study is aimed at investigating future changes in sustainability of olive farming by means of climate change, and changes in agricultural climatic suitableness and phenology of olive tree cultivation in the North Aegean sub-region of Türkiye mainly characterised with dry summer subtropical Mediterranean climate. According to projected changes based on RCP8.5 scenario, projected warming reaches an average of 5-6°C increase indicating most negative condition on olive cultivation. According to RCP8.5 scenario annual precipitation projections, present suitable areas of olive groves will decrease in the period of 2049-2073, and almost the entire study area will be in the category of medium suitable. With respect to projected Emberger Bioclimate classification, for RCP 8.5 scenario, there will be a significant increase in dry-sub humid areas in the period of 2049-2073. This increase will cover up the coastal areas in the period of 2074-2098, and even all the study region will be very likely characterised with dry-sub humid and semi-arid Mediterranean bioclimatic types except for some coastal areas. An increase of about 6°C is expected in maximum values of maximum air temperatures during the bud swelling periods in the spring, especially after 2050 under RCP8.5 scenario. This increase in extreme maximum temperatures may cause olive trees to bloom earlier and prolong the growth period. By regarding the high vernalization requirement of main olive variety in the study area, a 6°C temperature increase may significantly decrease olive yields and will force farmers to transition to new varieties with relatively low vernalization requirements. According to both RCP scenarios, there is a possibility of extension of suitable areas for olive cultivation towards low to mid-elevation plateaus and mid-elevation slopes of mountainous areas and high plateaus particularly facing suitable aspects to lower negative effects of projected future warming and dryness.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Effect of Different Sulphur Sources Applied at Various Rates on Soil pH
Fatma Nur Kılıç | Osman Sönmez
Soil pH, governed by the relative concentrations of hydrogen () and hydroxyl () ions, is a key factor affecting the chemical, physical, and biological properties of soils. Most soils in Türkiye are alkaline due to calcareous parent material and climatic influences, which restricts the availability of essential nutrients to plants. Sulphur applications are widely employed to reduce soil pH and increase nutrient bioavailability. The use of Sulphur for the amelioration of alkaline soils will continue to be a crucial strategy for enhancing agricultural sustainability in the future. This study investigates the effects of different Sulphur sources on the pH of sandy and clay-loam texture soils. This study investigates the effects of different Sulphur sources on the pH of sandy and clay loam textured soils. The soil samples used in the research were taken from Pınarbaşı and Melikgazi districts of Kayseri province, and soil samples were taken from both regions from a depth of 30 cm and from 20 randomly determined different points. Sulphur applications were applied at rates of (0, 0.02, 0.04 g 100 g-1) (X: powdered Sulphur ) and (0, 0.044, 0.088 g 100 g-1) (Y: granular Sulphur ) based on weight for clay-loam and sandy textured soils, respectively. Samples taken on days 0, 15, 30, 60, 90, 180, and 360 post-applications showed that the impact of Sulphur applications on soil pH change was significant across all treatments (p<0.01). The lowest pH measurement, 6.92, was observed in sandy textured soils with an application from granular Sulphur at 0.088 g 100 g-1. The pH change in clay-loam textured soils was found to range from 8.13 to 7.79, and in sandy textured soils from 7.69 to 6.92. These changes suggest that the acidifying effect of Sulphur oxidation on soil pH varies depending on the soil’s buffering capacity, particle size ratio, application rate, and incubation day. Consequently, the granular Sulphur was found to be more effective compared to the control and powdered Sulphur , and an application rate of 0.088 g 100 g-1 might be effective for both clay-loam and sandy soils. However, due to its lack of economic feasibility, 0.044 g dose or the doses from powdered Sulphur might be more appropriate.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Evaluating the Nutritional and Safety Aspects of Pyracantha coccinea: Antioxidant Activity, Mineral, and Heavy Metal Content
Gül Görmez
In this study, the fruits of Pyracantha coccinea, known for their ornamental and medicinal properties, were analysed to evaluate their antioxidant capacity, mineral content, and heavy metal concentrations. The antioxidant potential of Pyracantha coccinea was determined using DPPH, CUPRAC, and ABTS tests. Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES), Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS), and Gerthard Dumatherm techniques were used to determine the mineral and nutrient composition of the plant. As a result of the evaluation, calcium (0.25±0.02%), protein (4.29±0.47%), potassium (0.39±0.01%), magnesium (0.197±0.01%), sodium (0.08±0.01%), iron (0.012µg/g DW), aluminium (138±9.6 µg/g DW), cobalt (0.541±0.11 µg/g DW), chromium (0.422±0.05 µg/g DW), manganese (20±1.7 µg/g DW), zinc (43.9±4.6 µg/g DW), % DPPH (76.92±0.48) % ABTS value (77.52±0.39) and CUPRAC values (0.771±0.045 for 100ppm) were determined. In particular, the high levels of chromium (Cr) and zinc (Zn) in the fruits exceed the thresholds considered safe for medicinal applications and suggest that the heavy metal content in plants for medicinal use should be critically evaluated within acceptable limits. This study aims to explore the nutritional value and safety of Pyracantha coccinea by examining its antioxidant properties, mineral content, and potential heavy metal contamination. The findings will help shed light on its potential benefits and risks, offering valuable insight for its use in health, nutrition, and environmental applications.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Erzincan İli Kemaliye İlçesinde Arıcılık Faaliyetlerinin Mevcut Durumu ve Ekonomik Analizi
Mehmet Alkaya | Serhan Candemir
Arıcılık kendine has özellikleri ile kırsal nüfus için iyi bir alternatif iş ve gelir kaynağıdır. Türkiye ekolojik olarak arıcılığa çok uygun bir doğaya sahip olmasına rağmen maalesef potansiyelinin çok azını kullanmaktadır. Bu çalışma, ekolojik yapısı bakımından arı yetiştiriciliğine uygun alanların fazlalığı, zengin bitki çeşitliğine sahip olması nedeni ile önemli bir konuma sahip olan Erzincan İli Kemaliye ilçesindeki arıcılık faaliyetlerinin mevcut durumunu değerlendirmek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Bu kapsamda 2023 yılında Erzincan ili Kemaliye ilçesinde faaliyet gösteren 87 arı yetiştiricisi ile tam sayım yapılarak çalışmanın birincil verileri toplanmıştır. Anket çalışmasında 26 soru ile arıcıların demografik özelliklerinin yanı sıra, arıcılığın ekonomik analizi, arıcılık dışı faaliyetleri, üretilen arı ürünleri, bal verimleri, koloni sayıları, ana arı değişimi ile üretimi, hastalık ile zararlılarla mücadeleleri, gezginci arıcılık durumları, besleme şekil ile zamanları, koloni kayıpları, arıcılıkta karşılaştıkları önemli sorunları, pazarlama ve satış faaliyetleri gibi konular hakkında ayrıntılı veriler elde edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre Erzincan ili Kemaliye ilçesinde 1 kg bal maliyeti sabit arıcılarda 141,89 TL, göçer arıcılarda ise 107,20 TL olarak hesaplanmıştır. Kovan başına toplam maliyet sabit arıcılarda 1409,75 TL, göçer arıcılarda ise 1007,83 TL olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Genomic Analysis Methods of Microorganisms
Canan Kebabçıoğlu | Osman Erganiş
Molecular approaches used to identify bacterial species use 16S rRNA and MLST to determine the genetic linkage of bacteria; MLST characterizes clonal linkages by examining differences in various gene loci. MLVA determines the genetic relationships of bacterial strains and biovar-level differences and assesses the copy number of repeated DNA sequences. Sequencing provides genetic data by identifying DNA sequences; Sanger sequencing is the basis for next-generation approaches. CRISPR modifies the genetic code and can correct mutations or control genes using Cas9. These methods are important for identifying bacterial species and annotating genomic information. The methods used for this purpose are brought together in this study. The explanation and detailed description of the methods examined will contribute to their use in the field of microbiology.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Weeds in Sunflower Crops when Grown in Arid Conditions of The Steppe of Ukraine
Igor Aksyonov
In the arid conditions of the Steppe of Ukraine, the species composition of weeds characteristic of this soil-climatic zone develops. The correctly chosen method of basic soil tillage determines the effectiveness of weed suppression while simultaneously improving the growing conditions for sunflower varieties and hybrids. The purpose of the study was to identify the species composition of weeds in the steppe zone and establish the effectiveness the methods of basic tillage of soil in the technology of growing sunflower hybrids aimed at suppressing weeds and reducing the quantity of weeds in agrocenoses. Research has established that weeds of sunflower agrophytocenoses are represented by 78 species that belong to 2 classes, 18 orders, 27 families, 62 genera. In the agrophytocenosis of sunflower, the largest number of 93.5-96.3% is represented by dicotyledonous weeds (Magnoliopsida). The species composition is dominated by weeds of the Compositae family (Asteraceae) of the dicotyledonous class (Magnoliopsida), which leads to a significant decrease in the yield level. According to the species composition, 3 groups of weeds of the Asteraceae family (Asteraceae) were identified, of which 1 group of weeds is the most harmful and leads to the formation of a minimum yield of sunflower hybrids Yason and Daryi of 1.77-1.79 t/ha. The use of non-moldboard tillage leads to a percentage increase in the share of air dry mass of weeds of the Asteraceae family by 11.1-13.1%, while reducing the yield of sunflower hybrids by 0.13-0.21 t/ha. Thus, with the established species composition of weeds and the quantity of weeds, the use of plowing in sunflower cultivation technology makes it possible to form a maximum yield of 2.07-2.24 t/ha, providing more effective weed suppression in sunflower agrophytocenoses with a minimum percentage of air-dry mass of weeds of the Asteraceae family to the total number of weeds of 21.1-24.1%.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Dietary Supplementation of Solid-state Fermented Yellow Mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) Larvae Meal Enriched by Lactobacillus sp. in Guppy (Poecilia reticulata)
Doğukan Kaya | Ercüment Genç | Şenay Sarıca | Musa Yavuz
The current study examined the dietary solid-state fermented yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) larvae meal inclusion on growth performance, gut microbiota, body composition, liver and intestinal histology and histomorphometric parameters in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata) for 84 days. Guppies were fed diets included with no supplementation (C); 4 g/kg yellow mealworm larva meal (G1), 4 g/kg solid-state fermented with Lactobacillus brevis yellow mealworm larvae meal (G2), 4 g/kg solid-state fermented with Lactobacillus plantarum yellow mealworm larvae meal (G3), the combination of 2 g/kg solid-state fermented with L. brevis plus 2 g/kg solid-state fermented with L. plantarum yellow mealworm larvae meal (G4). For female guppies, the growth performance of the G4 group clearly differed from all groups with the synergistic effect of solid-state fermented with L. plantarum plus L. brevis. In male guppies, G3 and G4 groups showed the highest growth performance values among all groups. The intestinal microbiota of guppies was clearly varied with supplementation groups. Fusobacteria was the most abundant phylum in C, G1, G2 and G3 groups. However, Proteobacteria showed the most intensity in the G4 group. Intestinal villus height, width and surface area were positively affected in solid-state fermented yellow mealworm larvae meal supplementation groups, reaching higher values in G3 and G4 groups. In conclusion, solid-state fermented yellow mealworm larvae meal via 2 g/kg L. plantarum plus 2 g/kg L. brevis can improve growth performance by modulating the gut microbiota of guppies.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Detection of Prunus Necrotic Ringspot Virus (PNRSV) and Apple Mosaic Virus (ApMV) in Rose (Rosa spp.) Plants in Konya Province
Adile Tuğçe Orhan | Serkan Yeşil
This research was conducted to determine the presence of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) and Apple mosaic virus (ApMV) that can cause infection in rose (Rosa spp.) plants grown in Konya province. For this purpose, field and laboratory studies were carried out in areas where roses are mostly grown for landscaping purposes, and infection rates were calculated with the data obtained. The hypothesis of the study is that roses in Konya province may be infected with PNRSV and ApMV and the presence of these viruses can be determined. In line with this hypothesis, various rose growing areas in Konya province were selected as the research area. During the field studies in 2023, guided sampling was carried out and 94 leaf, branch and flower samples were collected from different rose varieties. The collected samples were tested for determining of PNRSV and ApMV infections by Double Antibody Sandwich (DAS) ELISA method, which is one of the serological testing methods in the laboratory. As a result of the tests, it was revealed that the single infections of PNRSV and ApMV were present in 12 and 11 samples of rose plants in Konya province. The total infection rate of both viruses in the province was calculated as 24.47%. Also, PNRSV+ApMV mixed infections were detected in 2 samples. In this study, the infections of PNRSV and ApMV on roses in Konya province were determined for the first time by serological methods. These results will serve as an important source of information for rose producers and agricultural engineers in the region and will allow the development of strategies to control the spread of viruses and minimize infections.
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