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Post-Harvest Loss and Grain Storage Technology- A Review
Bayode Julius Olorunfemi | Sunday Emmanuel Kayode
The aim of this write up is to explore technological developments in the area of post-harvest grain storage techniques. Post-harvest losses occur between harvest and the moment of human consumption. They include on-farm losses, such as when grain is threshed, winnowed, and dried, as well as losses along the chain during transportation, storage, and processing. Use of traditional grain storage facilities such as cribs, improved rhombus, and brick bins are ineffective against mold and insects already present in the grain before storage. While plastic bins reduce insect pests’ infestation, Purdue Improved crop storage bags and wooden silo were proved to be a viable management tool for preventing aflatoxin accumulation in storage and moisture migration. The metal silo still remains an effective grain storage technology for reducing post-harvest insect and pathogen losses if the challenges of moisture and temperature can be adequately managed. An effective grain storage technology would be the ones that can sustain quality of grain stored for a long period (≥5 years), durable, cost-effective, and be managed scientifically, possibly by computer-aided grain management system.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Determination of some Quality Characteristics in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Genotypes and Relationships between Characteristics
Sinem Tuğçe Cin | Nurdoğan Topal
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is one of the important plants in terms of nutrition. The yield and quality studies on chickpea, which has the highest production value among edible grain legumes, continue at full stem in our country. When it comes to quality, certain consumer expectations such as protein content, cooking time and seed coat ratio dominate the quality improvement. This study was conducted according to the experimental designs of randomized blocks under the Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Sciences, Uşak University and the laboratory conditions of Faculty of Agriculture, Ondokuz Mayıs University. In this study, a total of 30 chickpea genotypes were used, 13 of them have different varieties. Cooking Time (min), Water Absorption Index (%), Seed Coat Rate (%), Protein Rate (%) and Amylose Rate (%) values of the genotypes have been obtained. The statistically significant differences have been detected between the genotypes in terms of all parameters examined in the variance analysis conducted as a result of this study. Similarly, the result of this study has revealed the correlation between the properties. This study was obtained from a part of the master’s thesis.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Antioxidants and Mineral Contents of Chicory as Coffee Additive
Uğur Başaran | Erdem Gülümser | Cennet Yaman | Medine Çopur Doğrusöz | Hanife Mut
In this study, roots of Turkish origin wild chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) genotypes were investigated for total flavonoid and phenolic contents, radical cation scavenging activity (ABTS), Free radical scavenging activity (DPPH), and radical, mineral content. These characteristics were also compared with other coffee varieties. The total flavonoid and phenolic contents ranged between 0.290-4.350 mg QE/g dry weight (DW) and 0.943-13.860 mg GAE/g DW. The DPPH was listed here from high to low value: raw coffee beans = roasted coffee beans > roasted fruits of turpentine tree > instant coffee = roots of chicory. The content of P, Ca, Mg, Zn, B, Cr, Co and Mo ranged between 0.71-2.78%, 0.25-0.46%, 7.29-20.66, 4.44-11.07, 0.40-1.67, 0.49-5.48 and 5.69-14.46 ppm, respectively. As a result, chicory roots exhibited low antioxidant activity, but higher mineral content compared to the other tested coffee varieties which indicates that chicory could be used a coffee additive.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]A model for determining the interactions between some honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) genotypes and different grooming times in terms of aggression
Samet Hasan Abacı | Selim Bıyık
In honey bee (Apis mellifera L.), aggression and aggressive behavior occur due to many reasons and the most important one is the genotype. However, regardless of genotype, a bee colony can have different levels of aggression at different times. If the bee’s aggression is not due to racial characteristics, this may indicate some problems in the colony. One of the most important reasons is the absence of queen bees in the colony, and the other is that the amount of nutrients in the hive has decreased to a critical level. Some other environmental effects are effective on bees’ aggression and aggressive behavior. In this study, the determination of the relationships between the aggression of four different honey bee genotypes (Carniolan, Caucasian, Black Sea and Muğla) in Samsun province in two different months (July, August) at different times of the day (09:00-13:00-17:00) was intended. For this purpose, a Log-linear model analysis was made. According to the findings, genotype, month and time, which are the main effects, and genotype × month interaction among the second-order interactions were found to be statistically significant, while genotype * hour and month × hour interactions were not significant. In Samsun province, it was determined that the Carniolan genotype was 7.846 times less, the Caucasian genotype 3.991 times and the Black Sea genotype 3.888 times less aggressive than the Muğla genotype. In addition, it was determined that the aggression in July was 1.185 times less than in August, and they were less aggressive in the daytime than in the evening and morning hours. It was determined that the Carniolan genotype was 2.04 times less aggressive than the Muğla genotype in July. Before and after the nectar flow seasons, studies to determine the aggression for all genotypes suitable for the regions will be a good source of information for beekeepers and researchers.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Karyotypical Identification of Some Important Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Lines in Turkey
Uğur Özkan | Berk Benlioğlu
Chromosome line and characterization of nine Turkish alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) lines were investigated using karyological techniques in this study. Root tips were obtained from germinated alfalfa seeds in petri dishes at room temperature (25°C) for visualizing somatic chromosomes. The chromosome numbers of nine alfalfa lines were determined as 2n=4x=32. The karyotype formula of 2n=32= 30m+ 2sm (30 median + 2 submedian) were noted for Line 1, 2and 3. Whereas, Line 4, 6, 8, 9 showed the karyotype formula of 2n=32=32m (32 median). The karyotype formula of Line 5 and 7 were 2n=32=28m+4sm (28 median + 4 submedian). Satellite chromosome pairs were observed from Line 5. The results of the karyotype asymmetry index analysis showed that intrachromosomal asymmetry is higher than interchromosomal asymmetry in the karyotypes of alfalfa lines.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Evaluation of Heavy Metal Accumulation in Whiting Fish (Merlanguis merlangus euxinus Nordmann, 1840), a Local and Economic Species of the Central Black Sea Region
Oylum Gökkurt Baki
The present study aimed to determine the heavy metal cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg) accumulations in muscle tissues, gills, gonads, liver, and other visceral organs (liver) of whiting fish (Merlanguis merlangus euxinus Nordmann, 1840) samples obtained by hunting from the Sinop (Black Sea) coasts. The mean cadmium value in muscle tissue, which concerns public health, was found to be 1.07±0.02 µg.kg-1, the chromium value was found to be 1.48±0.07 µg.kg-1, the nickel value was found to be 1.77±0.14 µg.kg-1, the lead value was found to be 5.38±0.29 µg.kg-1 while the mercury value was determined only in the gill and could not be determined in organs, and since it was below the limit values declared by international organizations for all metals, it was determined that it would not create adverse effects for human consumption. Also, examining the order of accumulation of heavy metals in tissues and organs from highest to lowest, it was sorted as liver> visceral organ> gill> muscle> gonad for cadmium; visceral organ> gill> muscle> liver> gonad for chromium; visceral organ> gill> liver> muscle> gonad for nickel; gill> visceral organ> liver> muscle> gonad for lead, while the mercury accumulation was detected only in the gill. Also, the data obtained as a result of the analyses made in the gonad is an important determination in terms of the effects of heavy metals on the reproduction of the species, as well as on the continuity of the population. Since the values determined in the other analyzed tissues were below the limit values reported by international organizations, the results showed that they do not pose any threat to human health in terms of workplace and time, type, and determined heavy metals.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Tarım Arazilerinin Değeri Üzerine Etki Eden Faktörlerin Analizi: Ankara İli Evren İlçesi Örneği
Zeki Bayramoğlu | Şenol Özdemir
Bu çalışmada, tarım arazilerinin değerine etki eden faktörlerin belirlenmesi ve bu faktörlerin değer üzerindeki etki oranlarının tespit edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda, Ankara ili Evren ilçesinde gayeli örnekleme yöntemi ile belirlenen 104 adet işletme ile anket çalışması yapılmış ve tarım arazilerinin değerine etki eden faktörlerle ilgili görüşleri alınmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin analizinde AHP yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucuna göre arazi değerini etkileyen faktörler, arazi verimliliği %19,63, arazi genişliği %9,60, arazi şekli %4,47, arazi eğimi %3,63, arazinin yola uzaklığı %2,57, arazinin yerleşim yerine uzaklığı %2,84, arazinin sulama olanakları %30,38, arazi satışının hareketli olması %3,31, arazinin kadastro görmüş olması %2,70, arazinin yola cepheli olması %2,80 ve arazinin toprak yapısı %18,06 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Bu doğrultuda, tarım arazilerinin üretim kabiliyetlerine yönelik faktörlerin değer üzerinde daha etkili olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]First Scientific Record for Sivas Aquatic Systems Related to Alien Fish Species:Small-scaled Pacu; Piaractus mesopotamicus (Teleostei:Characidae)
Bülent Ünver | Durdu Akdağ | Saniye Müzeyyen Vicdanlı
In July 2017, three specimens of an alien fish species were caught by the amateur fishermen in Kızılırmak River at Sivas city center. One of the fish specimens was taken from the fishermen for ichthyologic examination. The morphological, metric (23 features) and meristic characters (13 features) of this specimen were determined. The alien fish is with ovoid shape and flattened laterally. Mouth is in a sub-ventral position. The tooth row is double. Teeth formula are 3,2 / 2,3 (at first row on maxil) and 2 / 2 (at second row on maxil), 3,3 / 3,4 (at first row on mandibul), 1,1 (at second row on mandibul). The number of rakers on the first gill arch is 33. The scale numbers in line lateral are 107 (on right side) and 103 (on left side). The number of branched rays of dorsal, anal, pectoral, and ventral fins are 14, 24, 14, and 7; respectively. As a result of the evaluation of morphological, metric and meristic characters, it was decided that the alien fish caught from Kızılırmak was Piaractus mesopotamicus (Holmberg, 1887) belonging to the Characidae family. This species is also called as the small-scaled pacu. P. mesopotamicus is not among to native fish fauna of Kızılırmak. It is a fish species which originated from South America and is a tropical freshwater fish. These alien fish specimens which were caught by the amateur fishermen, probably translocated from a hobbyist aquarium to this aquatic system. Both directly and indirectly, invasive fishes affect a wide range of native organisms from zooplankton to mammals across multiple levels of biological organizations ranging from the genome to the ecosystem. This study is the first scientific record for Sivas aquatic systems related to alien fish species.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Hydrogeological and Biological Characteristics of Psoriasis Treatment Center, Turkey
Mustafa Değirmenci | Bülent Ünver
More than 1000 thermal and mineral water springs with temperatures from 20°C to102°C occur in Turkey. Kangal Balikli Hot Spring is known as psoriasis treatment center is one of the most important among these springs. The main scope of this research was to determine geological, hydrogeological and biological properties and water chemistry of the psoriasis treatment center and the stream running alongside the thermal pools. The spring water is an isothermal-hypotonic and oligometalic mineral water, having average of electrical conductivity: 530 μS cm-1, temperature: 35°C, CO2 8.70 mg l-1, pH 7.30 and O2 4 mg l-1. Calcium, magnesium and bicarbonates are dominant. Neither the chemical figures nor the temperature (35±1°C) of the water shows seasonal change. There are two fish species, Garra rufa and Cyprinion macrostomus, that adapted living at 35°C water temperature. The mean fork length and body weight of the fish living in the psoriasis treatment center is significantly lower than those living at the stream. Some of the fish in the pools showed symptoms of illness such as exophthalmus, scale loose, skin ulceration, pale gills, and bloated appearance. Gut analysis revealed that both species have been feeding on algae, insect parts, fish scales, and debris. In most cases the guts of fish caught in the pools were either empty or had very little content in it. Zooplanktons had little species and were not recorded frequently.
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