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The Effect of Different Current and Wave Type Electricity Values Used in Unconscious Pre-Slaughtering of Broilers on Carcass Defects and Quality Characteristics of Breast Meat
İhsan Bülent Helva | Mustafa Akşit
This study was conducted to determine the effects of electrical stunning including different currents (AC/pDC) and waves types (square, triangle and chirp) applied to unconscious to broiler chickens before slaughtering on carcass defects and breast meat quality characteristics. In this study were used 39-d-old (Ross 308) broiler chickens, from the same flock raised commercially under similar environmental and mean weight 2350 g. Six treatment groups were set up with 10 birds (5♀:5♂) each. A total of 60 broiler chickens were stunned with electricity at water bath for 5 s using AC and pDC currents at 200 Hz frequency and 120 mA/bird. After slaughtering, the amount of blood loss, vein hemorrhages in the carcasses, spot stains and fractures in the wing bones were detected in the chicks. In addition, pH and color values and water loss of breast meat were also examined. Electric current application did not cause any significant carcass defect in chickens. It was determined that triangular and chirp wave types caused more blood loss than square wave in chickens. The lowest water loss in breast meat was realized in the chirp wave type while pH15 value in the breast meat of chicks applied AC was found higher. It was determined that triangular and square waves in water baths and chirp wave type in individual applications were resulted in having more positive effects on the properties investigated.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Characterization and Antimicrobial-Resistance Profile of Escherichia coli O157 and O157: H7 Isolated from Modified Atmosphere Packaged Meat Samples
Özgür Çadırcı | Ali Gücükoğlu | Göknur Terzi Güzel | Tolga Uyanık | Abdulaziz Abdulahi | Mustafa Alişarlı
Shiga-like toxin producing Escherichia coli is still an important public issue which causes extremely dangerous health problems. This study was planned in order to examine the inhibitory effect of Modified Atmosphere Packaging application on E. coli O157 and O157: H7. The purposes of the present study were to detect E. coli O157 and O157: H7 strains from ground and cubed beef. A total of 100 MAP cattle meat products (50 minced meat, 50 meat cubes) were collected from the markets and butchers in Samsun province between May and October 2013. According to results, 1(1/50-2%) E. coli O157 and 1(1/50-2%) E. coli O157: H7 strains isolated from 50 ground beef samples, while 1 (1/50-2%) E. coli O157 strain was identified from 50 cubed beef samples. It was determined that E. coli O157 isolate obtained from the MAP ground beef carried stx1, stx2 genes; E. coli O157: H7 isolate carried stx1, stx2, eaeA and hylA genes while E. coli O157 isolate obtained from the MAP cubed meat only carried the stx2 gene. In antibiogram test, both E. coli O157 isolates were resistant to streptomycin and one E. coli O157: H7 isolate was resistant to streptomycin, cephalothin and tetracycline. As a consequence; in order to protect public health, products should be kept in proper hygienic and technical conditions during sale and storage and use of uncontrolled antibiotics should be avoided.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Samanlarda Biyolojik Muamelelerle Lignoselüloz Kompleksin Sindirilebilirliğinin Artırılması
Aydan Atalar | Nurcan Çetinkaya
Samanların hücre duvarında bulunan lignoselüloz kompleksin parçalanması ile selüloz ve hemiselüloz gibi rumen fermantasyonuyla sindirilebilir fraksiyonlar elde edilir. Rumende sindirilmeyen ligninin biyoteknolojik metotlarla parçalanarak samandan yararlanılabilirliğin artırılması son yıllarda hayvan beslemecilerin odak noktası olan alanlarından birisi olmuştur. Lignoselüloz kompleksin biyolojik metotlarla muamelesinde bakteriler, mantarlar ve bu mikroorganizmalardan elde edilen enzimler kullanılmaktadır. Bakteri muamelesinde Mycobacterium, Arthrobacter ve Flavobacterium türü bakterilerin lignini parçalayabilme özelliğinden yararlanılmaktadır. Enzim muamelesi etkili olmasına rağmen yüksek maliyet nedeniyle uygulamada yer bulamamıştır. Mantar muamelesinde beyaz, kahverengi ve yumuşak çürüme yapan 3 tür mantar kullanılmaktadır. Kahverengi çürükçül mantarlar tercihen selüloz ve hemiselüloza saldırır, ancak lignini parçalayamaz. Beyaz çürükçül mantarlar lignine saldırarak lignol bağları ve aromatik halkayı parçalarlar. Beyaz çürükçül mantarlar selülaz, ksilanaz gibi hidrolitik enzimlerle polisakkaritleri ve lignin peroksidaz ve lakkaz gibi oksidatif ligninolitik enzimlerle lignini parçalarlar. Lignoselülozik materyalleri en iyi parçalayabilen mikroorganizmaların mantarlar olması ve maliyetin düşük olması nedeniyle özellikle beyaz çürükçül mantarların uygulama potansiyeli bulunmaktadır. Bu bildiride biyoçeşitliliğin sağladığı avantajla biyolojik metotlarla samanların sindirilebilirliğinin artırılması tartışılacaktır.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Agricultural Chemical Use in Tomato Farming in Kazova Region of Tokat Province
Bilge Gözener | Murat Sayılı | Aysun Çağlar
Pesticide uses in Kazova region of Tokat province were assessed in this study. Data were gathered through Simple Random Sampling method with questionnaires made with 72 agricultural enterprises. Resultant data were assessed through arithmetic means and percentiles. A factor analysis was also performed on producer opinions about pesticide use in tomato. Average enterprise size was 20.27 da and tomato is cultivated over 56.98% of these lands. Of the participant producers, 97.22% were not member of any associations or cooperatives. About 91.67% of the participant producers prefer chemical treatments. Producer usually use chemicals based on their previous experiences and recommendations of chemical-fertilizer dealers. Price is the dominant factor while selecting the chemicals to be sued. The dose prescribed by the dealer is generally used. Of the participant producers, 91.67% indicated that they didn’t know about the time to be passed between the last chemical treatment and the harvest; 44.44% don’t think that pesticides they use leaved residues over the products and 95.83% indicated that chemical treatments didn’t create environmental pollution. With the factor analysis, KMO value was calculated as 0.553 and 14 variables thought to be effective on producer opinions about agricultural chemical uses were gathered under 6 factors (toxicity, attention in treatments, human health, conscious production and consumption, environmental harm, hygiene).
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of Soaking and Boiling on Anti-nutritional Factors, Oligosaccharide Contents and Protein Digestibility of Newly Developed Bambara Groundnut Cultivars
Olaposi Adeleke | Oladipupo Qudus Adiamo | Olumide Samson Fawale | Gbeminiyi Olamiti
Newly developed Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea L.) seeds (Accessions No: TVSU 5 – Bambara Groundnut White (BGW) and TVSU 146 – Bambara Groundnut Brown (BGB)) were collected from International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Nigeria, planted and harvested. The effects of processing methods (soaking and boiling) on anti-nutritional factors and oligosaccharides content and protein digestibility of BGW and BGB compared with Bambara groundnut commercial (BGC) seeds were investigated. Soaking and boiling significantly reduced the anti-nutritional factors of the samples and the effect increased as processing time was elongated. Sample BGC had lower anti-nutritional factors than BGW and BGB after soaking for 48 h. Tannin contents of the samples were reduced drastically by 99 % throughout the soaking periods. Greatest loss in raffinose level was observed in BGB (59%) and BGW (50%) after boiling for 60 min compared with BGC (43%). The loss in stachyose content of the samples varies with processing and BGC (59%) had greatest loss after boiling for 60 min while soaking for 48 h reduced that of BGB and BGW by 57 and 35%, respectively. Boiling for 60 min increased the in vitro protein digestibility of BGB (89.34 %) compared with BGW (87.48%) and BGC (82.89%). Overall, the results demonstrated that soaking and boiling of newly developed Bambara groundnut seeds could improve the nutritive quality of the seeds.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Chemical Composition and Rumen Degradation Characteristics of Different Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Lines Straw
Numan Kılıçalp | Hatice Hızlı | Dürdane Mart
This study aimed to identfy chemical composition, ruminal degradation characeristics and metabolizable energy (ME) content of five different chickpea line and a check cultivar’s straw using nylon bag technique. Feed samples were incubated as three replicates of each fistulated Holstein heifer for 0, 8, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72 and 96 h. Degradation characteristics of dry matter (DM) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) in rumen were determined by using this mathematical expression D=a+b(1-e-ct). Crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and ash contents of straw were ranged from 5.61 to 7.42%, 51.33 to 56.0%, 63.67 to 67.0%, and 8.0 to 9.0% respectively. Besides Rapidly soluble fraction (a), potantial degradability (a+b) and effective dry matter degradability (EDDM ) were ranged from 17.86 to 21.41, 54.40 to 59.43, 49.65 to 54.91% respectively. Estimated ME of chickpea entries straw were ranged from 5.96 to 7.37 MJ/kg. Metabolizable energy content of control chickpea cultivar was significantly higher than the other chickpea straw of lines. The research values of ME revealed that significant differences were determined among the lines in terms of energy content. In addition to, a strong relationship between straw NDF level and ME content were determined.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Prevalence and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Escherichia Coli O157 Isolated From Raw Milk Marketed in Chittagong, Bangladesh
Md. Kauser-Ul Alam | Shireen Akther | Nazmul Sarwar | Shamsul Morshed | Goutam Kumar Debnath
Escherichia coli is an emerging public health concern in most countries of the world. It is an important cause of food-borne human disease. The present study assessed the prevalence and determined the antibiotic resistance patterns of E. coli from raw milk marketed in Chittagong, Bangladesh. Of the raw milk marketed in Chittagong ~33(18%) of the 186 raw milk samples of it contains E. coli, indicator bacteria for any enteric pathogens. The mean viable count of total bacteria was 4.04×108 cfu/ml and the mean viable count of E. coli in the contaminated raw milk was 1.88×106 cfu/ml. E. coli from only six (18.2%) of the 33 positive samples yielded colourless colonies across the CT-SMAC, suggesting the probable presence of populations belonging to the serotype O157 and rest of the isolates 27 (81.82%) produced coloured colony on CT-SMAC considering the probable presence of populations belonging to the serotype non-O157. Growth of probable E. coli O157, as evidenced by the colourless colonies on CT-SMAC compared to coloured colonies from other bacteria. Confirmed isolates were further subjected to antimicrobial susceptibility test using the Agar disc diffusion technique. Antibiotics susceptibility profile showed that all the isolates in case of E. coli O157, penicillin (100%), tetracycline (100%), amoxicillin (83.33%) and erythromycin (83.33%) were the most resistant whereas ciprofloxacin (66.67%), gentamicin (50.0%), and streptomycin (50.0%) were the most sensitive antibiotics. In case of E.coli non-O157 susceptibility profile showed that chloramphenicol (40.74%), erythromycin (40.74%) and oxacillin (37.04%) were the most resistant whereas ciprofloxacin (70.37%), sulphamethoxazole/trimethoprim (S/T) (59.26%) and gentamycin (55.55%) were the most sensitive antibiotics. The antimicrobial resistance exhibited by E. coli O157and non-O157 strains in this study is an indication of possible antibiotic abuse.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Vallisneria spiralis (Linneaus 1753) Rearing in Different Nutrient Environments Studies
Hatice Tekoğul | Gamze Turan | Hülya Saygı | Semra Cirik | Edis Koru | Ulviye Karacalar | Şafak Seyhaneyıldız
In this study it was aimed to produce a commercial aquatic plant Vallisneria spiralis in a controlled- aquaculture system. In order to determine the potential of the plant to utilize different nutrient resources relative growth rate depends on biomass yield and individual plant number and length composition of V. spiralis cultivated in semi-shadow and non-shadow conditions were determined. Results of the present work showed that V. spiralis utilized different nutrient resources effectively such as cow, lamb, chicken and commercial fertilizer TSP in cultivation conditions and increased its weight and individual number compare to the control group where nutrient addition is not applied. In semi-shadow condition V. spiralis fresh biomass yield and plant number increase were the highest in cow group and found to be 1.52%±0.03 g.day-1 and 1.80%±0.05 individual.day-1 respectively. The mean length of V. spiralis was found to be the highest (83.56±26.14 cm) in lamb fertilizer group. In non-shadow conditions V. spiralis fresh biomass yield and plant number increase were the highest in cow group and found to be 2.73%±0.07 g.day-1 and 2.52%±0.6 individual.day-1 respectively. The mean length of V. spiralis was found to be the highest (92.74±27.93 cm) in cow fertilizer group as well.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Süt Kaynaklı Olmayan Probiyotik Gıdalar
Ali Soyuçok | Gülden Başyiğit Kılıç
Günümüzde piyasada bulunan probiyotikler, genellikle fermente süt ürünleri şeklindedir. Süt tüketimi, süt ürünlerinin kolesterol içeriği ve laktoz intoleransı sebebiyle sınırlanmaktadır. Ayrıca, bazı gelişmekte olan ülkelerde fermente ürünlerinin kullanımını kısıtlayan gelenekler ve ekonomik nedenler, alternatif gıdaların probiyotikler için taşıyıcı olarak kullanılması fikrini öne çıkarmaktadır. Bu sebeplerle et ürünleri, tahıllar, baklagiller, meyveler ve sebzeler, probiyotik mikroorganizmaların substratları olarak tüketicilerin ilgisini çekmektedir. Bu ürünlerin geliştirilmesi hem endüstriyel, hem de bilimsel açıdan önemli bir araştırma alanıdır. Bu çalışmada, süt kaynaklı olmayan probiyotik gıdalar hakkında bilgiler verilmiş ve bu alanda yapılan araştırmalar vurgulanmaya çalışılmıştır.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effects of Some Breeding Criteria on Financial Evaluation Indicators for Dairy Cattle Investment Projects
Adnan Ünalan
This study was conducted with the aim of determining the probable effects of different real interest rates (RIR: 5, 6 and 7%), some key breeding criteria such as calving rate (CR: 80, 85 and 90%) and mean lactation milk yield per milking cow (MLML: 5000, 6000 and 7000 kg) on the financial evaluation indicators such as Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) for a dairy cattle farm investment project taken as model, consisted of 100 heads of Holstein cows, which was established and operated during 20 years period in Turkey. In the study, firstly, current investment and annual operating costs for that kind of dairy cattle farm were determined according to optimal workmanship, housing, maintenance, feeding and health protection and then revenues were calculated from current sale prices of raw milk, slaughtered/breeding animal and manure. For each assumed different real interest rate, calving rate and mean lactation milk yield per milking cow, the parities of unit (1 kg) sale price of raw milk to unit (1 kg) cost of concentrate feed (M/F-parity) (current unit cost of concentrate feed was assumed as to be 1.00 Turkish Lira (TL) were calculated to make BCR that is one of the financial evaluation criteria for the investment projects, as to be 1.00. Calculations showed decreasing each 1% of the real interest rate in Turkey, increasing each 5% of calving rate and increasing each 1000 kg of mean lactation milk yield per milking cow had, separately, about 5-12% positive effect on the parity of unit (1 kg) sale price of raw milk to unit (1 kg) cost of concentrate feed.
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