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The analysis of cadastral measurements of land parcels in Sakiai district Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Lithuania
Unikiene, I., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Puziene, R., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
This article analyses the issue of the inadequacy between the results of preliminary measurements performed during the land reform and results of cadastral measurements. The aim of the research is to analyse the change of areas of land parcels of Sakiai district, the mistakes which were made during the measurements and their causes, as well as to make the comparison between preliminary and cadastral measurements. The research methods are as follows: the review and analysis of scientific literature, the analysis of statistical data, the comparative analysis and the method of graphical modelling. The total area of analysed land parcels is 282718 m2. During the research, while comparing the preliminary data and the data of the measurements of land parcels obtained while performing cadastral measurements, it was established that an average increase of areas of land parcels is 0.0223 ha, decrease is 0.0034 ha, the total perimeter of all land parcels decreased by 24.9 m, the total area of arable land in land parcels increased by 0.1390 ha due to the increase of areas of land parcels, new mapped lands: tree and shrub plantations, grasslands, gardens. The average shift of turning points of land parcel boundaries in the locality after the performed cadastral measurements is 2.64 m. What is more, by applying some formulae, the accuracy of calculation of areas of land parcels was determined. It turned out that land parcels, which cover 96% of the area of the analysed land parcels, changed to the maximum permissible error of areas, and 4% exceeded the maximum permissible error. According to the data presented by the National Land Service it was established that 15% of the submitted cadastral files are not accepted. The most common causes are an inadequacy of land parcel boundaries to the documents of the planning of territories or the land holding projects (44%), mistakes in the preparation of files of cadastral data of land parcel, in the completing (23%), in the preparation of the land parcel plan (21%), and while filling in the form of land parcel cadastral data (13%).
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The study on the overlap of parcel boundaries
Damaseviciute, D., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Puziene, R., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
Cadastral measurement provides cadastral data of a parcel determining its boundaries. In theory, based on the legislative regulations, the boundaries of adjacent parcels should not cross the boundaries of parcels, therefore an overlap of parcels is not possible. Yet the question arises if this requirement is met. The study has been conducted to examine the assumption regarding the possible overlap of adjacent parcels when the parcels abut a road. The study object consists of 24 parcels randomly selected from Kėdainiai district municipality, Lithuania which abut the following roads of national significance: road No. 144 (Jonava – Kėdainiai – Šeduva) and road No. 195 (Kėdainiai – Krekenava – Panevėžys) as well as regional road No. 2007 (Akademija – Šlapberžė – Berželė). The cadastral measurements of the selected roads were carried out in the period of 2013–2014. During the study, the analysis of the conditions of overlapping of boundaries and the areas of the overlap have been carried out. The results of the study indicate that the boundary accuracy of parcels is inaccurate in relation to road boundaries.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Environmental impact of land consolidation
Gecaite, D., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Jankava, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Land consolidation – an important stage of agricultural and rural development. This is a significant land use planning process, when private, municipal and state land parcels located in rural areas are redistributed in a complex way, their boundaries and location are changed by the prepared land consolidation project of a certain area. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the benefits of land consolidation to farm structure and productivity, restructuring of rural areas and development, but there is not enough emphasis on the benefits of our environment, landscape and biodiversity. Experience of European countries shows that the land consolidation projects can be useful not only for farmers, but also for our environment and its individual components. The article gives an overview of not only the positive aspects of environmental preservation. The fact that the land consolidation projects can bring negative results (i.e. that they are implemented without regard to the sustainable transformation of the territory) is noted as well.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Legal aspects of state cadastral registration of land plots for the allocation of linear facilities in the Russian federation
Averina, L., Samara State Univ. of Economics (Russian Federation);Samara State Technical Univ. (Russian Federation) | Pecherskaya, E., Samara State Univ. of Economics (Russian Federation)
There are still many drawbacks in legal regulation of construction, cadastral registration of linear facilities, as well as land management in the above-mentioned aspects in the Russian Federation, therefore this study is a theoretical overview and analysis of the existing legal framework. The definition of linear facilities had been incorporated in the City Planning Code of the Russian Federation only in 2016, thus a legal regulation of the issue at stake is of great significance at the moment. The key issues in the area of state cadastral registration and surveying are developing, including cadastral registration and registration of linear facilities and land plots as a united (integrated) complex object of real estate. The results of the research indicate the necessity of developing specific rules for the allocation, construction and reconstruction of linear facilities in addition to determining the legal status of land plots, where such placement takes place.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The analysis of the implementation of the land consolidation project of the parts of Alksnėnai and Sūdava cadastral area
Laimutis, A., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Puziene, R., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
The land consolidation project of the parts of Vilkaviškis district municipality, Pilviškiai and Klausučiai elderates, Alksnėnai and Sūdava cadastral area is analysed in the article, the main indicators of the project, the meaning of land consolidation, the need to improve the order of the execution and implementation of these activities are described in the article. The survey was carried out to examine the opinion of the participants of the project regarding the advantages of the proceeding and results of the project as well as some of its drawbacks.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Improvement of the procedure of division of rented land parcels in Ukraine
Trevoho, I., Lviv Polytechnic National Univ. (Ukraine) | Riabchii, Valeri, National Mining Univ., Dnipropetrovsk (Ukraine) | Riabchii, Vladyslav, Lviv Polytechnic National Univ. (Ukraine)
The current situation in land leasing in Ukraine is analysed, when a tenant of a land parcel with immovable property is sold in part, which causes the following controversy: the land parcel in someone’s lease has buildings or constructions owned by another physical or legal person (other than the tenant). The interested party wastes a lot of time on resolving this controversial situation with the existing procedures in Ukraine. This problem is not always solved professionally because of the lack of sellers’ and buyers’ knowledge of specific features of land management and geodesy. Three main variants of mutual location of the seller’s and the buyer’s buildings and constructions are defined, which determines the possibility of dividing a land parcel. Recommendations on the improvement of the procedure and normative legal acts of Ukraine concerning the issue are developed, aimed at significant acceleration of signing and registering new lease agreements.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Conditions and prospects of improvement of nonagricultural land evaluation in Ukraine as constituent of the state land cadastre
Susak, T., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine)
The article describes peculiarities of formation of the estimated constituent in the structure of the state land cadastre in Ukraine. The author gives analysis of the current Ukrainian practice of consideration of the intended use of a land plot while making normative monetary evaluation of non-agricultural land plots within and outside settlements. The conducted analysis of the methodology of normative monetary evaluation of the land of settlements and non-agricultural land outside the settlements confirms that in the process of evaluation, each of the methodologies considers the intended use of land plots in a different way, causing different value correlation between the lands of different categories and kinds of intended use. Differentiation of the estimated indices of the methodology of normative monetary evaluation of non-agricultural lands within and outside settlements absolutely disagree with one another. The article supplies conclusions on the necessity to transfer to a consistent approach of such differentiation without reference to the land plot location within or outside the settlements. Basing on the analysis of statistical information on the sale of state- and communally-owned lands, the author defines the coefficients of correlation between the sale price of state- and communally-owned lands in 2017−2018 in Ukraine in terms of the kinds of intended use and the figures of the indices of differentiation of normative monetary evaluation of non-agricultural lands within and outside settlements depending on the intended use of the land plot. The author proposes changes to the approaches to differentiation of the indices of evaluation of the lands of different intended use on the base of market prices. The work also outlines the main problems and possible directions of transition to a large-scale evaluation of lands in Ukraine.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Cadastral data as a basis for rational use and protection of land
Tykhenko, O., National Univ. of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine) | Bavrovska, N., National Univ. of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine)
Without cadastral information, it is difficult to make any decisions about land. But in order for the system of state land cadastre to work effectively, it is necessary that the information in it is up-to-date, complete and reliable. The article analyses in detail the existing legislative and regulatory acts and draws conclusions from the methodological principles of keeping the state land cadastre in the part concerning the consideration of factors of influence on the quality of land accounting. The status of agricultural land use was monitored and land conservation measures recommended. The authors have analysed in detail the public information on the soil cover of Ukraine, which is displayed on the Public Cadastral Map of Ukraine. The necessity of enrichment of the cadastre with new information and indicators is investigated, which allows to solve a wider range of problems regarding the use of land as a spatial basis and the purpose of development of the multifunctional cadastre.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Research of compatibility and systemity of land management terminology
Trevoho, I., Lviv Polytechnic National Univ. (Ukraine) | Riabchii, V., Dnipro Polytechnic National Technical Univ. (Ukraine) | Riabchii, V., Dnipro Polytechnic National Technical Univ. (Ukraine)
The analysis results of common terms in land management and their interpretations in normative-legal acts of Ukraine are presented. It have been established collisions and significant differences in the wording of even such common terms as a land parcel, a boundary of land parcel, a size of land parcel, etc. The purpose of the study is to identify collisions and contradictions of some key terms used in land surveying and geodetic works, as well as development of concrete proposals for improving and perfection the relevant terms. For this purpose, the following tasks were set and solved: analysis of regulatory legal acts of Ukraine concerning the conceptual apparatus of land management, systematization and generalization of substantiation results of the relevant terms correction need, development of proposals taking into account works content on land management and geodetic works for information provision of the State Land Cadastre. In the course of the study, the comparative method of analysis and the systematization of inconsistencies in the current normative legal acts of Ukraine regarding the terms and their interpretation are used. During the proposals development, known approaches "from general to partial" and vice versa were used. The established disadvantages do not allow unambiguously interpreting and performing such important work as geodetic setting or restoration of the land parcels boundaries, resolution of land disputes between adjacent users of land parcels. Completed summaries of content and wording of the relevant terms justify a need for correction of the terms and additions to their definitions. It was set the features of each term. As a result of integrated approach to solution of the existing problem and systematization of established differences, the general wording and detailed specification of the analyzed terms interpretations are proposed. Knowledge of technological stages for geodetic and land management works provided an opportunity to improve the geodetic information support of the State Land Cadastre. The proposals for correction of the studied terms eliminate existing contradictions, provide an unambiguous interpretation of land management terminology, which leads to the exact execution of geodetic and land management works, and, accordingly, obtaining reliable information for the State Land Cadastre.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Research of the reliability of georeferential spatial dataset (GDR10LT) of the Republic of Lithuania
Gudritiene, D., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania);Kaunas Forestry and Environmental Engineering Univ. of Applied Sciences (Lithuania) | Abalikstiene, E., Kaunas Forestry and Environmental Engineering Univ. of Applied Sciences (Lithuania)
The systemized and methodically arranged according to the principles of geographic information systems set of the most important objects of Lithuanian territory’s geodetic base and topographic databases (GDR10LT) is collected and kept in data storage and covers the whole territory of Lithuania. The purpose of the georeferential base GDR10LT at the scale 1:10 000 is to collect, keep, use, renew and provide data to users. The literature analysis shows that the majority of authors presented studies about data composition and application but they did not analyse their reliability. The aim of the research was to revise the chosen territory of the georeferential base map by the field method and to determine the discrepancies between the situation in the area and in the map as well as the reasons of such discrepancies. It was necessary to verify the data reliability and outdated map information due to changes of the situation. The field research was conducted in three different areas, and the data was processed using tools provided by www.zis.lt. Statistical data analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel software. The object of the research was information depicted in georeferential base map (GDR10LT) of the chosen territories. The following research methods were used: literature analysis, analysis of cartography material, collation of field data, statistical data processing, and interviews. The conclusion can be made that GDR10LT data are reliable; two mistakes were found in the plot of 6407.5 hectares: a navigational obstacle and 800 metres of asphalt cover were not marked. Other determined discrepancies covered the territory of 17.46 hectares. The outdated map information was found. The marking of settlements generally were mismatched because of many new buildings in the area that were not mapped. Therefore GDR10LT should be updated more often in accordance with ORT10LT data.
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