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Agricultural lands transformation and their use in land planning projects in Ukraine
Koshkalda, Iryna | Sadovyy, Ivan | Dombrovska, Olena | Gurskiene, Virginija | Maliene, Vida
Aspects and factors of agricultural land transformation are analysed in the work. Taking into account the world experience of land transformation, directions for improving the development and control system of land management projects implementation in Ukraine are offered. The compliance issue by land users with established types of agricultural land according to the data of state registers is highlighted. Nowadays, land management projects that provide ecological and economic substantiation of crop rotation and land management make it possible to develop environmentally safe and economically feasible land use projects. In production, the above-mentioned projects are sometimes used to transfer ecologically stabilizing lands (pastures and hayfields) to arable land. This is controversial to all recommendations, conventions and programs that emphasize the need for reduced ploughing of the territory. It is necessary to improve the control mechanisms of crop rotation and agrotechnical environmental protection measures. The introduction of land plots agricultural passports is an important but insufficient measure. The remote sensing data of the earth and the use of modern geoinformation technologies should become part of the state control over compliance with land management projects. There is already experience of using various indices at the state level to decipher agricultural crops. As a result of the research, we came to the conclusion that the use of land remote sensing data and modern geoinformation technologies in land management will make it possible to bring the indicators of ploughed areas to a rational level, while not creating artificial restrictions on economic activity. The methodical and regulatory acts for the development of land management projects, which regulate the size of the ecologically safe land area need improvement. agricultural lands transformation, land management project,
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Advantages of using QGIS to solve spatial planning tasks
Hoptsii, Dmytro | Siedov, Arkadii | Anopriienko, Tetiana | Khainus, Dmytro | Yaremko, Denys
The article discusses the prospects and advantages of using QGIS for solving spatial planning tasks. Attention is focused on the strengths of QGIS compared to other geographic information system software and the programme’s potential to eliminate the monopoly position in the market by well-known geographic information system software manufacturers. Even though QGIS is open-source software, this software product is generally not inferior to expensive geographic information system software. At the same time, the advantages of QGIS include cross-platform, rich functionality, the ability to use different geographic information databases, and the ability to connect and integrate various plug-ins into the programme. Particular attention should be paid to the ability to independently write plug-ins for solving specific highly specialised tasks in the Python programming language and their quick integration into the QGIS software environment. Examples of QGIS software for solving specific spatial planning problems are given. The possibilities of using QGIS in solving the issues of settlement planning, territory management, land management and environmental monitoring are considered. The conducted research gives grounds to recommend QGIS for wide application by developers of project documentation, as well as by executive authorities and local self-government bodies for analysing cartographic and project materials in making management decisions. This approach will help create a competitive environment among developers of urban planning and land management documentation. After all, today, many specialists cannot afford expensive commercial licenses of well-known geographic information system software developers. And any legislative requirements that oblige them to use them in practice lead to monopolisation of the market for these services by individual enterprises. At the same time, it has been proven that using the open-source geographic information system software QGIS will not lead to a deterioration in the quality of project documentation. The programme can ensure the proper quality, accuracy and interoperability of design and mapping materials created with its help and solve a wide range of tasks in spatial planning.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Assessment of rural development land use projects for farmstead site selection (Elektrėnai municipality as example)
Valciukiene, J., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Sletkeviciute, G., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
The purpose of this article is to analyse the rural development land use projects for farmstead site selection prepared in the municipality of Elektrėnai during the period between the years of 2012 and 2016, and to determine their potential impact on the growth of built-up areas and the rational use of land. According to the survey data, it can be stated that drafting rates of rural development land use projects for farmstead site selection tend to grow especially in those municipalities that are close to Vilnius and which have a good geographical position as well as a special landscape and national cultural heritage values (Vilnius district, Trakai district and Elektrėnai district municipalities). Having carried out the agricultural land change analysis, it is noted that during the analysis period (2012 - 2016) in Elektrėnai municipality, similarly to the whole Vilnius county, land utilities structure is dominated by agricultural land, mostly arable land, but the significant trend of agricultural land reduction at the expense of the growth of built-up areas was noticed. During the analysed period the built-up areas in the municipality of Elektrėnai increased even by 6 times, and the area of agricultural land declined on average, by almost 2 percent every year. A detailed analysis of specific projects and information gathered during qualitative research suggest that the prepared rural development land use projects for farmstead site selection are not prepared for the improvement of the actual farming activity conditions in constructing farm and other buildings.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The analysis of the implementation of the land consolidation project of the parts of Alksnėnai and Sūdava cadastral area
Laimutis, A., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Puziene, R., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
The land consolidation project of the parts of Vilkaviškis district municipality, Pilviškiai and Klausučiai elderates, Alksnėnai and Sūdava cadastral area is analysed in the article, the main indicators of the project, the meaning of land consolidation, the need to improve the order of the execution and implementation of these activities are described in the article. The survey was carried out to examine the opinion of the participants of the project regarding the advantages of the proceeding and results of the project as well as some of its drawbacks.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Land use planning as tool for sustainable development
Jankava, A., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Berzina M., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Dobuma, K., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia)
The purpose of the article is to evaluate role of land use planning project (hereinafter - LUPP) specified in the legislation of Latvia in sustainable development of territory. In Land Use Planning Law adopted in 2006, LUPP is project for arrangement of territory and measures of improvement of land use conditions, for part of an administrative territory of local government, separate immovable property or land parcel, which is developed for exchange of land parcels or elimination of inter-areas, for reorganisation of land parcel boundaries, as well as for subdivision of land parcels. In Latvia for sustainable development of the territory, legislative acts of spatial development planning system have been adopted at several levels, from which for detailed arrangement of territory detailed plan should be developed. The detailed plan often includes reorganisation of land parcel boundaries, but legislation determines that detailed plan should be developed in territories specified in spatial plan, mainly before commencing new construction. The LUPP is not planning instrument for territory development and may be developed in territories in which regulatory framework do not provide development of detailed plan. However, in local governments it is relatively common that for areas intended, for example, for individual building, for subdivision of land parcels, LUPP rather than detailed plan has been chooses to develop. In order to clarify these concerns, the study carried out survey of specialists of local governments and the article summarises analysis of results about development of LUPP in relevant local governments, as well as, on the basis of relevant regulatory enactments, compared the objectives and conditions for development of LUPP and detailed plan.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Comparative analysis of the selected land consolidation projects
Atkoceviciene, V., Vytautas Magnus Univ. Agriculture Academy, Akademija, Kauno raj. (Lithuania) | Jukneliene, D., Vytautas Magnus Univ. Agriculture Academy, Akademija, Kauno raj. (Lithuania) | Valciukiene, J., Vytautas Magnus Univ. Agriculture Academy, Akademija, Kauno raj. (Lithuania) | Orechovaite, D., Vytautas Magnus Univ. Agriculture Academy, Akademija, Kauno raj. (Lithuania)
Land consolidation is an important stage for agriculture and rural development. During the land reform, parcels of irrational size and shape were formed, which became difficult to cultivate efficiently. In essence, land consolidation projects must primarily be developed in areas with large, viable farms, and land parcels forming land holdings are not compact, distant from each other and from centres. Land consolidation projects have been under development for many years, but it is appropriate to pay attention to the expediency of implemented projects. Land consolidation goals and procedures vary from country to country, as the development of this procedure in each country is determined by historical trends, culture, traditions and land consolidation legislation. Many of those who have analysed this topic emphasize the need for consolidation, but it is very important that landowners understand the importance of this process and make sure of its opportunities and benefits. Land consolidation must be designed so that the benefits of the project are higher than the results of the conversion works before the project. The purpose of this article is to compare land consolidation projects which were prepared in different areas of Lithuania. Two objects of the research in which land consolidation projects had been carried out and implemented in 2013 were selected, where the number of sites in units decreased: 41.8% in one project and 28% in the other. Changes in parcel configuration were also noticeable, when in one of the projects analysed even 92 per cent of land parcels have become regular − close to rectangular − shapes. The average size of land parcels in this project increased from 5.32 ha to 9.14 ha.
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