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The agrarian landscape and the change in its subdivision of plots
Krasinskaite, Karina | Valciukiene, Jolanta | Jukneliene, Daiva
The article presents an analysis of changes in the agrarian landscape and the subdivision of its plots, using three Lithuanian municipalities as examples (Kaunas, Trakai and Šilutė). Statistical, comparative and multicriteria analysis methods were applied in the study. It was found that in all the studied municipalities, the area of the agrarian landscape was decreasing during the study period. The largest decreasing trends were in the municipality of Šilutė district, where the area covered by agrarian landscape decreased by more than 3%. At the same time, in the municipalities of Kaunas and Trakai districts, the area of agrarian landscape decreased quite evenly and did not reach 3%. It was also found that the number of agricultural holdings also decreased: by 27% in Kaunas district municipality and by over 33% in Trakai district municipality, but the area of agricultural holdings increased in all of the studied municipalities: in Kaunas district by over 5%, in Trakai district by over 37% and in Šilutė district by over 8%. The average size of a farm in Kaunas district remained rather stable, increasing by only 1%, in Šilutė district municipality the average farm size increased by more than 71% and in Trakai district municipality the tendency was the opposite, i.e. the average farm size decreased by more than 36%. The multicriteria analysis shows that the most common factors influencing changes in the agrarian landscape and its subdivision of plots vary between municipalities, but in general the following factors influence the changes in the agrarian landscape and its subdivision of plots: the land productivity score, the number of inhabitants, the distance to the centre of the city, the average size of the farms, the number of holdings, and the amount of land area occupied by bodies of water. The information collected and the results obtained show that in the municipalities analysed, the causes of change in the agrarian landscape and its subdivision of plots have a positive impact on the sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Agribusiness development and insurance as a factor of Georgia’s economic growth
Mosiashvili, Valeri | Bibiluri, Ani
Georgia is a small state, stretched between two seas, which has always aroused constant interest in the world due to its geopolitical position. Many called it Iberia or Iveria, and often called Gurjistan. At the crossroads of Europe and Asia, this small oasis attracted many conquerors not only because of its importance, but also because of its culture, historical buildings and fruitful lands. Georgia is a sunny and fertile country, where everything blooms and pleases. Our ancestors from ancient times engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding and had an active connection with the land. According to historical sources, Georgia is more than four thousand years old, and the Georgian alphabet and writing are unique to the whole world. Since the fourth century, Christianity has been our state religion, but the country unites representatives of many cultural ethnic groups and religious beliefs. A completely different historical page began after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when Georgia found itself alone in the face of new challenges and realities. Although we do not have oil and gas ores, which allows the state to develop rapidly, in other areas we may well take a leading position. For example, it is possible to develop the tourism sector at a high level, since the country is distinguished by its historical monuments, some of which are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. However, a small state like Georgia can focus on agriculture and succeed. For rural welfare, there is the Rural Development Agency, which coordinates projects with the Ministry of Environment and Agriculture of Georgia and assists enterprises interested in this area. Since 2014, the Agricultural Insurance scheme has been operating, the purpose of which is to promote the development of the insurance market in the agricultural sector, promote agricultural activities, save income and reduce risks for those involved in this activity. Our topic is about the development of agribusiness and insurance, which is one of the key factors in Georgia's economic growth.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Social aspects of rural development
Rzasa, K., University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland). Dept. of Planning and Spatial Engineering | Ogryzek, M., University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland). Dept. of Planning and Spatial Engineering
The Agricultural Property Agency (APA) was founded on 16 July 2003 pursuant to the provisions of the Act of 11 April 2003 on the establishment of the agricultural system. The APA was established for the purpose of managing the agricultural property of the State Treasury in Poland. Its main tasks included the endorsement of ownership and structural changes relating to agricultural land in rural areas as well as the promotion of social goals. This article focuses on the social aspects of the APA’s operations based on an analysis of the data supplied by the Regional Branch of the APA in Olsztyn. The obtained information and materials were analyzed to identify programs and activities initiated by the Olsztyn branch in pursuit of social goals. The results of the analyses were presented in the table format. Community interviews were conducted and photographs were taken during the field study. The results were used to describe the social aspects of APA’s operations in rural areas.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Assessment of rural development land use projects for farmstead site selection (Elektrėnai municipality as example)
Valciukiene, J., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Sletkeviciute, G., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
The purpose of this article is to analyse the rural development land use projects for farmstead site selection prepared in the municipality of Elektrėnai during the period between the years of 2012 and 2016, and to determine their potential impact on the growth of built-up areas and the rational use of land. According to the survey data, it can be stated that drafting rates of rural development land use projects for farmstead site selection tend to grow especially in those municipalities that are close to Vilnius and which have a good geographical position as well as a special landscape and national cultural heritage values (Vilnius district, Trakai district and Elektrėnai district municipalities). Having carried out the agricultural land change analysis, it is noted that during the analysis period (2012 - 2016) in Elektrėnai municipality, similarly to the whole Vilnius county, land utilities structure is dominated by agricultural land, mostly arable land, but the significant trend of agricultural land reduction at the expense of the growth of built-up areas was noticed. During the analysed period the built-up areas in the municipality of Elektrėnai increased even by 6 times, and the area of agricultural land declined on average, by almost 2 percent every year. A detailed analysis of specific projects and information gathered during qualitative research suggest that the prepared rural development land use projects for farmstead site selection are not prepared for the improvement of the actual farming activity conditions in constructing farm and other buildings.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The role of agricultural property agency in spatial development of rural areas
Kurowska, K., University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland) | Cymerman, R., University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland)
The changes in the ownership structure were to be implemented by the Agricultural Property Agency of the State Treasury, which, under the Act of Law of 11 April 2003 on the structuring of agrarian system (i.e. The Journal of Laws of 2012, item 803, as amended), on 16 July 2003 became the Agricultural Property Agency with eleven local branch offices. For the purposes of this article the monographic method was used for the overview of relevant literature and legal provisions, whereas the statistical analysis was employed in the data of the Central Statistical Office and reports on the activities of the Agricultural Property Agency. Until the end of 2015 the main objective of the Agricultural Property Agency was to restructure and dispose of the assets within the Agricultural Property Stock of the State Treasury. Since its foundation, the Agency expanded the Stock by 4.74 million ha. Over time, the operating conditions for the Agency were in a state of flux – they were being adjusted to the changing socio-economic situation. At the beginning, leasing was the basic form of disposal of the Stock land. After Polish accession to the European Union an increased interest in the acquisition of agricultural property was observed. By the end of 2014, as a result of land sale, free-of-charge land transfers or other transactions, approximately 3.2 million ha were disposed of, i.e. about 70% of the whole land which was taken over. Currently, according to the legal provisions, long-term lease is the basic form of disposal of the Stock land.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Environmental policy and land management in rural areas of Ukraine
Stoiko, N., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Kryshenyk, N., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Soltys, O., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Cherechon, O., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine)
The research studies the issue of ecological stability of rural territories that is the most important component of the national environmental policy of Ukraine. A special attention is paid to degradation of arable lands as the main ecological problem of land management. On the example of Lviv region, the authors calculated the index of ecological nonconformity of current use of arable lands, proving a considerable excess of permissible ploughing of lands in the region. The carried analysis confirms that no measures were performed concerning land protection, including conservation that in the recent years. In this context it is necessary to improve land resources management on the basis of sustainable development. Integration is considered to be the main principle of land resources management. The research proves that solution of ecological problems of land management requires achievement of a set of coordinated targets concerning development of rural territories, land resources management and national environmental policy based on the principles of suitable development. The targets include: planning of land use outside settled areas on the landscape and ecological basis; land inventory; formation of the land bank of agricultural lands; development and support of alternative kinds of activity on rural area; development of an efficient mechanism to encourage performance of land protection measures; improvement of environmental responsibility of population and development of ecological education. The methodological basis of the research is the concept of sustainable development, which expects support for a continuous character of development in order to meet the current needs along with ensuring the needs of future generations. The fulfilment of the task requires examination of scientific works on the issue of sustainable management of land resources and an ecological component of rural territory development.
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