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Isolation and characterisation of pigments from pigment-producing microorganisms isolated from environment and their antibacterial activity
Deveikaite, Goda | Zvirdauskiene, Renata
In the food industry, there is always a demand for food products which are colourful, have an attractive appearance, and also have nutritional and health-enhancing properties to attract the attention of consumers. Synthetic pigments are widely used in the global market, however, they can cause many side effects such as hyperallergenicity, carcinogenicity and other toxicological problems. Recent studies have revealed that microorganisms are an abundant source of natural colours that allow the industrial production of safe, environmentally friendly biodegradable pigments. The aim of the work was to isolate pigmented microorganisms from environmental samples, select fermentation conditions, isolate pigments from microorganisms and check their antimicrobial activity. Pigments have been isolated from various sources such as soil, food waste, flour, etc. Growth parameters of pigment-producing microorganisms such as growth temperature, pH, and tryptone and NaCl concentration in the medium were optimised to evaluate pigment production. After fermentation, five types of pigments were isolated by cell lysis with an ultrasonic bath and solvent extraction. The antimicrobial activity of the extracted pigments was investigated. During the study, the optimal conditions for the growth of microorganisms were determined: temperature of 30 °C, pH of 7, concentration of 3% tryptone and 6% NaCl in the culture medium. Glycerol was found as an additional carbon source, which had a positive effect on pigments production. The results of the antibacterial effect of the extracted pigments showed that P. aeruginosa was the most sensitive to the effect of the pigments. The pink-red pigment showed the highest antimicrobial activity against the tested pathogenic bacteria.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Retrospective analysis of 81 feline lymphoma cases diagnosed in surgical biopsies in Latvia (2011–2020)
Geine-Romanova, Lilija | Matise-Van Houtan, Ilze
Lymphoma (also known as lymphosarcoma) is a malignant tumour accounting for 20–30% of all neoplasms in cats. There have been no previous studies summarizing trends and characteristics of feline lymphoma in Latvia. The aim of this retrospective study was to determine the prevalence and characteristics of feline lymphoma cases among biopsy submissions to a private veterinary pathology service in Latvia. Data were retrieved by selecting records from Latvian cats diagnosed with lymphoma between 2011 and 2020, including signalment, clinical history, and type of lymphoma (anatomical classification, cellular morphology). In the 10-year period, the mean prevalence of lymphoma among feline biopsy submissions was 4.8% (range 1.9–7.2) without upwards trend. Lymphoma was most common in mixed breed (67%), middle-aged (median 8 years) cats with a slight male predominance (56%). Among purebred cats the development of lymphomas was observed at an earlier age. The predominant anatomical type was alimentary lymphoma (53%) followed by extranodal (38%) and multicentric (7%) lymphoma. Majority of alimentary lymphomas were in the small intestine (73%) and 88% of gastrointestinal lymphomas were transmural with remaining cases limited to mucosa (12%). Overall, representation of anatomical types of lymphoma in Latvian cats was similar to those reported elsewhere; however, the subset of intestinal mucosal lymphoma in our study was underrepresented. This finding suggests that until 2021 intestinal mucosal lymphoma was uncommonly considered as a differential diagnosis for cats with enteritis therefore biopsies from such cats were not performed. This study will help Latvian veterinarians to improve diagnostic work-up of lymphoma cases.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of coating on physico-chemical characteristics of puffed wheat grains
Konkubaeva, Nurzat | Juhnevica-Radenkova, Karina | Radenkovs, Vitalijs | Galoburda, Ruta
Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum) is used for the production of various ready-to-eat products such as breakfast cereals, puffed grains, and extruded products. Technological processes of grain processing and the addition of different ingredients cause changes in the physical and chemical properties of the product, which give puffed grains a unique porous structure and change their nutritional value. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of coating on the physico-chemical characteristics of puffed wheat grains depending on the coating material. The study revealed that the application of coating increased dry matter and thousand-kernel weight (TKW). Water activity decreased in puffed grain without coating (BZ), and puffed grain with whey powder (MC) compared to wheat grain. The reduction in the moisture content increased the crispiness of product. Application of coating led to a decrease in the hardness of both MC and puffed wheat grain with vanillin and sugar (BV). Applying additives to the product’s surface led to a decrease in the water absorption index (WAI). The water solubility index (WSI) increased in the MC and BV samples. Samples BZ, BV and MC had higher L* (lightness) values than wheat grains because the puffing process expanded the cells, confirmed by scanning electron microscopy, and caused starch gelatinisation. The a* (redness) value of wheat was greater than that of BZ, BV and MC, which may be due to the partial removal of the outer layer of wheat grains. The milled samples of BZ, BV and MC were slightly darker, having lower L* values, compared to unprocessed wheat grain.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Impact of fungicide treatment schemes on the severity of leaf blotches in winter wheat
Švarta, Agrita | Bimšteine, Gunita | Bankina, Biruta | Kaņeps, Jānis | Gaile, Zinta
The common control method of leaf blotches is the application of fungicides; however, the results of trials are inconsistent. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of the fungicide treatment intensity on the severity of leaf blotches and to assess the correlation between the development of diseases and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) yield in 2018–2021. The development of diseases was evaluated regularly. In this study, the severity of leaf blotches at the medium milk ripening (GS 75–77) was used. Tan spot dominated in 2018, 2019, and 2021, but Septoria tritici blotch dominated in 2020. Fungicides significantly decreased the severity of tan spot and Septoria tritici blotch, but the efficacy of used fungicide treatment schemes differed during trial years – it was more pronounced under higher pressures of leaf blotches. In the year with a high severity of Septoria tritici blotch, the best efficacy was obtained when fungicide was used two times (at GS 32–33 and GS 55–59), but for tan spot – when the dose of fungicide was done in two or three applications. Usage of fungicides increased wheat yield only under high pressure of diseases. A strong significant correlation between the severity of Septoria tritici blotch at GS 75–77 and grain yields was established only in 2020, when the severity of the disease was higher.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Fatty acid composition of different breed goat milk
Marcinkoniene, Liga | Ciprovica, Inga
The chemical composition of goat milk, especially fatty acid profile is recently renewed due to the role of monosaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in human nutrition. These nutrients are important to analyse in connection with the different breeds receiving the same breeding and feed. The aim of this study was to analyse goat milk fatty acid profile in relation to different breeds. Specimens for fatty acid analyses were collected from individual animals of breeds like Latvian Native (n=5), Saanen (n=5), and crossbreeds (n=5). Bulk milk samples (n=5) were also taken for milk quality testing and fatty acid range determination. Fat content was analysed according to ISO 1211:2011 and fatty acids were measured with the chromatographic method. Protein, lactose, casein and urea concentration was analysed according to ISO 13366-2:2007 and somatic cell count to ISO 9622/IDF141:2013.The highest fat concentration was determined in crossbreed milk samples (3.81 g 100 gE−1) and the lowest (2.96g 100 gE−1) in the Latvian Native breed goat milk samples. The highest butyric acid (0.12 g 100 gE−1) and caproic acid (0.12 g 100 gE−1) concentration was established in Saanen goat milk samples. Compared to other breeds, the milk of the Latvian Native breed goats is characterised by a higher capric acid (0.20 g 100 gE−1) concentration, while a higher concentration of total unsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids was detected in the samples of crossbreed goat milk. The average fatty acid composition of bulk milk samples was 68% for saturated fatty acids, 23% for monosaturated fatty acids and 4.3% for polyunsaturated fatty acids. In analysed goat milk samples, fatty acids showed the characteristic fatty acid profile of goat milk.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of storage period on acid value and sensory attributes of puffed wheat grains ‘Badyrak vanilla’ and ‘Badyrak with whey’
Konkubaeva, Nurzat | Kulmyrzaev, Asylbek | Deydiev, Anarseit | Radenkovs, Vitalijs | Galoburda, Ruta
Puffed grains made from whole wheat, corn or rice grains are ready-to-eat breakfast cereals that do not require additional preparation. Two recipes for puffed grain coatings were developed in the previous studies. Sunflower oil was used in the coating, which may affect storage stability. Due to lipid hydrolysis, free fatty acids may be released, causing rancid off-flavour. The aim of this study was to determine the changes in the acid value of lipids and sensory attributes of sweet-coated puffed wheat grains ‘Badyrak vanilla’ (BV) and ‘Badyrak with whey’ (MC) depending on temperature during their eight-month storage. The products were packaged in metallised polypropylene pouches, 30 g each. The acid value was studied monthly at different storage temperatures (20 ± 2 °С and 4 ± 2 °С). In puffed wheat grain products, 65% of fatty acids are polyunsaturated, 25% monounsaturated, and 10% saturated. The high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids over saturated makes oil more susceptible to oxidation. Literature studies and sensory evaluation of puffed wheat grains allowed setting a limiting acid value at 4.0 mg KOH gE−1 lipids. The increase in acid value was storage temperature dependent. Thus, the acid value exceeded the established limit in the fifth month for MC and the sixth month for BV when stored at 20 ± 2 °С. At the same time, noticeable changes in puffed wheat grain flavour were observed. The temperature coefficient (Q10) for MC was 2.0, whereas for BV it was 1.5, indicating that the acid value increase in MC was more affected by temperature than that in BV.
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