The spread and prevention of vibriosis in pigs fattened on cooperative private farms [Yugoslavia]
Filipovic, K. ("Bimeks", Brcko (Yugoslavia). "Kooperacija")
Detailed investigations were carried out with 8,438 fattening pigs in 21 pig feedlots in the regions of Brcko, Orasje, Gradacac, Bosanski Samac and Bijeljina (Yugoslavia). Dysentery was occurring during the whole fattening period, but most often in the 1st month of fattening. In one third of the investigated feedlots, the disease did not appear any more after the treatment. The disease caused high, direct losses in the infected feedlots. Total losses were about 3 times higher on the average than in feedlots without dysentery. The production results in the infected feedlots were significantly lower than in feedlots without the infection. A great number of medicines were used as therapy.
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