Identification and population analysis of plant parasitic nematodes attacking roses in growing areas of West and Centre Java (Indonesia)
Marwoto, B. | Purbadi (Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias, Jakarta (Indonesia))
英语. Flower quality of roses (Rosa hybrida) produced by small growers is often unsatisfaction. This is due probably to the existence of plant parasitic nematodes in the fields. The objectives of this study were (1) to identify plant parasitic nematode species associated with roses, (2) to determine their occurence in the centre growing areas of West and Centre Java, and (3) to specify the importance they were in the rose production system. A survey with purposive sampling was conducted at 51 different farmer's fields in the period of May 1996 to March 1997. Composite soil and root samples were collected from the fields. The result indicated that seven species of parasitic nematodes obtained from the samples, i.e. Meloidogyne spp., Rotylenchulus reniformis, Helicotylenchus sp., Trichodorus sp., Xiphinema sp., Rotylenchus sp., and Pratylenchus coffeae. Population density and occurence of the nematodes varied among the existed species. Meloidogyne spp., R. reniformis, and Helicotylenchus sp. were detected in 86.27 percent, 78.43 percent, and 74.51 percent of the all collected samples, respectively. Meanwhile, the remainder species were found very rare in the samples. Meloidogyne spp. seemed to be the most important species associated with rose. R. reniformis and Helicotylenchus could also be categorized as the potential endanger type of nematodes. Infestation of the three mentioned species significantly reduced shoot and root fresh of Rosa multiflora (fence rose). Role of the other four species to the rose production system was not evident
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]未知. Hingga kini kualitas bunga mawar (Rosa hybrida) yang diproduksi oleh petani kecil kurang memuaskan. Penurunan mutu bunga mawar diduga berkaitan dengan infestasi nematoda pada sistem perakaran tanaman. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengidentifikasi spesies nematoda parasit, menentukan daerah sebaran, serta menetapkan species nematoda parasit yang paling penting di dalam sistem produksi mawar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan metode survai purposive sampling di 51 kebun petani mawar di Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah dalam periode bulan Mei 1996 sampai dengan Maret 1997. Contoh composit tanah dan akar dikumpulkan secara sistematik diagonal dari lahan petani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tujuh spesies nematoda, yaitu Meloidogyne spp., Rotylenchulus reniformis, Helycotylenchus sp., Trichodorus sp., Xiphinema sp., Rotylenchus sp. dan Pratylenchus coffea, ditemukan dalam contoh tanah dan akar. Kerapatan populasi dan frekuensi temuan nematoda tersebut beragam tergantung pada tempat pengamblan contoh tanah dan akar, serta spesies nematoda. Meloidogyne spp., R. reniformis, dan Helicotylenchus sp. tergolong yang paling penting. Infestasi ketiga jenis nematoda tersebut nyata menurunkan berat basah tajuk dan akar tanaman indikator (mawar pagar = Rosa multiflora), sedangkan peranan empat jenis nematoda yang lainnya terhadap sistem produksi mawar tidak terlihat nyata
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