Biological component in the estimation of the water quality at the Barje [water] reservoir [Serbia, Yugoslavia]
Miljanovic, B. (Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Institut za biologiju) | Pujin, V. | Djukic, N. | Maletin, S. | Ivanc, A.
The investigations of dynamics and composition of plankton, bottom fauna and fish community have been done at three localities (1-inflow, 2-the middle, 3-dam) at the Barje water reservoir (Serbia, Yugoslavia) during 1997. During winter period diatomea Asterionella formosa was dominant at all the localities. At the same time among zooplankton species Rotatoria group was dominant, with the emphasis of Polyalthra dolicoptera at the locality 2, while Keratella cochlearis was dominant at the localities 1 and 3. The present species are oligo- and betamezosaprobionts. Among the investigated bottom fauna species Oligochaeta and Chironomidae were present. The number of oligochaeta was between 1665-7878 ind./square m. By qualitative analyses the domination of Tubificidae family was present. It is known that the presence of this group of organisms and it's high number indicate the organic pollution of ecosystem. 30 individuals of the bighead, (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) with the average weight of 5.6 kg was captured by net.
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