Change of growth length in winter wheat treated with agrochemicals
Obolevica, D. | Ruza, A. (Latvia University of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia). Dept. of Crop Production)
The objectives of the paper were to determine the influence of retardant, herbicide and nitrogen on growth dynamics and the development of vegetation stages in winter wheat. The field experiments were carried out during 1998 to 2000 in Research and Training Farm 'Peterlauki'. The growth dynamics was registered by aucsinographs. The data show that the growth of winter wheat was seriously hindered even two weeks after the treatment with agro-chemicals. The growth of winter wheat in length stopped in midflowering stage. Growth rhytm change is observed in winter wheat treated with agrochemicals. There are not observed any changes in initial plant growth, but beginning with the fifth day after treatment, plants are in stress conditions. Up to fourteen days, the intensity of plant day-night growth in length was changed in all the treatments
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