Effects of raising seedlings and planting method on characteristics of Dianthus caryophyllus L. seedlings and growth after planting
Matsui, H. (Fukuoka-ken. Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino (Japan)) | Tanigawa, T. | Kobayashi, Y.
The objective of this study was-to elucidate the effects of soil medium, cell size, the period of raising Dianthus caryophyllus L. seedlings, the amount of fertilizer on the rooting of the seedlings in cell-trays and the effects of planting method on growth of the plants. Rooting of the seedlings was most accelerated in a soil medium mixture with a 1:1 ratio of peat moss and Bora, compared to other soil media. There was no significant influence of cell size (2 to 31 ml/cell) on the rooting of seedlings in 'SETONOHATUSIMO'. The weight of the root decreased with a cell size of 21ml compared to 26,31ml in 'KIBOUNOHIKARI'. In 'SETONOHATUSIMO' the longer, the period of raising seedlings. the heavier the weight of roots became. When the periods of raising seedlings were over 30 days, the mortality rate of the plants after planting increased in 'SETONOHATUSIMO' and the weight of the root did not increase in 'KIBOUNOHIKAR1'. Fertilizer application accelerated the rooting of-seedlings, but there was no significant influence on the growth of the plants. There was also no significant difference in rooting resulting from the amount of fertilizer (100, 200, 300 mgN/l ) applied. The seedlings whose root balls were only placed on the surface of the soil of bed grew the same as the ones planted in the soil
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