Determination of foselthyl-aluminium by spectrophotometric method
Stojanovic, D. | Lazarev, S. | Turudic, M. (Institut za istrazivanja u poljoprivredi "Srbija", Beograd - Zemun (Yugoslavia). Centar za pesticide i zastitu zivotne sredine)
For the determination of fosethyl-aluminium the new spectrophotometric method has been developed based on the oxidation of phosphite from fosethyl-aluminium to phosphate with nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide. The phosphate, obtained in this way, was determined by spectrophotometric method with molibdate-vanadate reagent at 440 nm by the comparison of the sample absorbance with the absorbance of the standard solution, obtained from KH2PO4 as the primary standard. Based on the phosphate content, the fosethyl-aluminium content can be determined taking into account the fact that from two moles of fosethyl-aluminium give 3 moles of P2O5. The proposed method is reproducible and relatively accurate. The standard deviation and relatively standard deviation (coefficient of variation), for the samples with 50-95% of active substances is less than 1%.
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