Weeding results of post-emergence herbicides on chomophyte in Hemerocallis hybrida
Du E | Zhang Zhiguo
中国人. 大花萱草(Hemerocallis hybrida)移栽定植后,用不同浓度稀禾定、吡氟禾草灵进行了茎叶喷雾防除大花萱草田杂草试验,结果表明,稀禾定和吡氟禾草灵能有效防除禾本科杂草,对成株阔叶杂草防除效果很差;药后45 d,1 200~1 800 mL/ha 12.5%稀禾定、1 050~1 575 mL/ha 15%吡氟禾草灵对禾本科杂草的防除效果均较好,对大花萱草植株安全无害。
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]英语. Post-emergence herbicides were used to spray stems and leaves. The experiment results show the post emergence herbicides could control gramineous weeds in Hemerocallis hybrida, but had no effect on adult broad-leaved weeds. 45 days after spraying, the control effects of 1 200-1 800 mL/ha sethoxydim or 1 050-1 575 mL/ha fluazifop were good.It was secure to use the above dosage of herbicides on Hemerocallis hybrida.
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