Relation between spread of cultural heritage and indicators of regional development: case of Latgale region (Latvia)
Paiders, J., University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia) | Sture, I., University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia)
The paper deals with statistic analysis of the relation between variables of cultural heritage and that of regional development in Latgale region. Latgale was selected as the study area - it is one of the five cultural or historical ethnographic regions of Latvia with stable original features, which are formed in the result of the specific historical processes but stands out among other regions of Latvia with the lowest indicators of development. According to the results of analysis of correlation, the number of architectural and archaeological monuments per 1000 people or their density in area have no close correlation with the major part of the parameters under examination. The analysis of regression was carried out between 'the number of architectural monuments against the area', and 'the natural logarithm from the density of population in 2005'. The ratio is expressed by the function y = 0.0339x**2 - 0.1422x + 0.1671, where y is the number of architectural monuments per square kilometre, but x - natural logarithm from the density of population (the number of people per square kilometre). The coefficient of determination for this relation is almost the same as for a functional one - 0.9499. Both for the coefficients of the equation and free member of equation have very high validity (t - empirical respectively 21.7; -11.1; 7.9).
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