Эффективность различных способов создания микроклимата для поросят-сосунов
Kuksa, I.M. | Kolesen, V.P., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
In the pig enterprises of Belarus the most widespread sources of heat for pigs heating proved to be the infrared radiation lamps. In recent years there was stated the wide application of electric heated rugs of various designs or the electric heated floors. The special brooders, equipped with various sources of heat, passed the experimental check possibility of use for heating of pig houses. Their advantage was in decreasing of heat losses in the sleeping areas of pigs that demanded lower expenses of energy for heating of stores. However, till the present the effective brooder design, which could be convenient in use, cheap, easily sanitized and providing an optimum microclimate for piglets, was not offered for the production yet. Agricultural enterprise Kadehks has developed a design and the pre-production model of a warmed den for pigs under the name Logovo Dlya Porosyat UKhL-4 (Logovo). Application of brooder Logovo in combination with the warming plate made it possible to design more favorable mode for sleeping areas of pigs, to reduce preheating time of plates up to 10 days, to save (in comparison with incandescent lamps) up to 155 kw/h of electric power used for heating of pig sleeping area without decreasing their growth rate and safety. Application of the presented device in combination with heating plates made it possible to reduce the expenses for pig production and for the equipment of heating plates temperature regulators. Application of the differentiated heating mode with the possibility to deactivate the heating plates from the electric power sources after 10 days of the suckling period made it possible to lower the expenses for production of female socket of pigs
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