Ветеринарно-санитарные показатели свинины при использовании белково-витаминно-минеральной добавки Иммовит и экстракта солянки холмовой для профилактики и лечения токсической гепатодистрофии у молодняка свиней
Bondar, T.V. | Aleksin, M.M. | Rudenko, L.L., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was realized a complex of studies of quality swine slaughter products against the background of combine applications of the albuminous-vitamin-mineral additive Immovit and an extract of hill-growing saltwort for the preventive maintenance and treatment of a toxic dystrophy of liver. Research results showed the analysed preparations did not render negative influence on quality and safety of produced meat products. Against the background of application of the albuminous-vitamin-mineral additive Immovit in combination with an extract of hill-growing saltwort there was stated the improvement of swine slaughter product quality. In products from the animals which were administrated with a complex of examined preparations there was stated an optimized moisture content, the increasing of a relative biological value of a product (101,3-103,8%), and according to the indexes of bacterial safety the experimental pork considerably surpassed the meat indexes from animals of control groups. At the same time, in slaughter animal products of control groups there were revealed coliform bacillus bacteria.
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