Influence of woodchip mulch and drip irrigation on fruit quality of sour cherries
Feldmane, D., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The contents of soluble solids, acids and their ratio as well as phenol content are important indices for quality evaluating of sour cherry fruits. These parameters are influenced by the cultivar and growing conditions. The trial was carried out at the Latvian State Institute of Fruit-Growing to evaluate the effect of woodchip mulch and drip irrigation on fruit quality of sour cherry cultivars 'Bulatnikovskaya', 'Desertnaya Morozovoi', 'Latvijas Zemais', 'Orlica', 'Shokoladnica', 'Tamaris', and 'Zentenes'. The biochemical composition of the fruits was analyzed in 2009 and 2010. The content of soluble solids was determined with the method of refractometry; the content of total acids by titrating with 0.1N NaOH; the total content of phenols with the method of spectrometry. The content of total soluble solids in sour cherry fruits was decreased by use of woodchip mulch. The content of acids, the ratio of soluble solid content to the acid content and the content of the phenols was not significantly influenced by woodchip mulch and drip irrigation. The cultivar 'Desertnaya Morozovoi' showed the highest soluble solid content in the fruits, the cultivar 'Latvijas Zemais' - the highest acid content, and cultivar 'Tamaris' - the highest phenol content in the fruits.
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