Improvement of weed control in blue lupine crops | Совершенствование мер борьбы с сорняками в посевах люпина узколистного
Parkhamovich, I.V., Vitebsk Regional Institute for Agriculture of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Tulovo (Belarus) | Bulavin, L.A., National Academy of Sciences (Belarus). Scientific and Practical Center for Arable Farming
In course of the research there was studied the effectiveness of weed control measures in blue lupine (Lupinus angustifolius) plantings in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus in 2008-2010. The research was realized in Vitebsk region on sod-podzolic light loamy soil (humus content – 2.06 – 2.12%, pHKCl – 5.1 -5.9, P2O5 -95 – 170 mg/kg, K2O – 141 – 195 mg/kg of soil). Cereals were preceding crops of blue lupine. As a result of realized research it was revealed that soil herbicide Primextra Gold TZ (2.0-25 l/ha) was more effective than preparation Gesagard (4.0 l/ha), increasing yield by 5.7-7.4%. In the conditions of sufficient moistening Primexta Gold TZ had an advantage over the double usage of herbicidal mixture of Betanal 22 + Goltix (0.5 + 0.75 l/ha) in the phases of 1-2 and 3-4 leaves of blue lupine, providing yield increase by 4.7-6.1% on average. When soil herbicides were applied in the conditions of excessive moistening they have a certain phytotoxic effect on blue lupine and were inferior to the influence of postemergence use of Betanal 22 + Goltiks mixture.
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