Anatomical studies on the skeleton of pelvic limb of Korean native goat.
Kim J.S. | Lee H.S. | Lee I.S. | Yoon Y.S.
The anatomical structure of pelvic limb of thirty-one adult Korean native goats (Body weight : 14-17kg) was observed after skeletal preparation, and the osteometry was performed in each bone. The pelvic limb of the Korean native goat was composed of the hip bone, femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsal bones, metatarsal bone, phalanges and sesamoid bones. The hip bone consisted of the ilium, ischium and pubis which fused each other. The gluteal surface of the ilium was directed dorsolaterally. The tuber sacrale and tuber coxae were formed at the dorsal apex and ventrolateral part of the iliac wing, respectively. The lesser ischiatic notch was deeper than the greater one. The ischiatic tubercles were triangular and consisted of the dorsal, lateral and caudal ischiatic tubercles. The left and right hip bone indexes were 67.08, 66.20, the acetabular indexes were 93.78 and 92.10 and the obturator formen indexes were 53.84 and 54.77, respectively. In femur, both of the greater and lesser trochanter were well developed but the third trochanter was not observed. The left and right femur indexes were 26.55 and 26.14, head indexes were 81.66 and 81.49 and the trochlear-epicondyle indexes were 42.47 and 41.63, respectively. The patella was observed as an isosceles triangle with base lying proximal and the cranial surface was more convex. The tibial shaft was sigmoid (S-) shaped and the popliteal notch was deep. There was a large nutrient formen at the cranial aspect of the cranial intercondylar area. The tibial indexes were 22.09 (left) and 21.10 (right). The proximal extremity of the fibula was fused with the lateral condyle of the tibial but the distal one was observed independently as the malleolar bone.
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