Puncture-biopsy technique for histopatological diagnostic in ovine fascioliasis | Uso da técnica de punção-biópsia para o diagnóstico histopatológico da fasciolose ovina
Paulo Oldemar Scherer | Edwin Alberto Pile | Nicolau Maués da Serra-Freire | Guido Vidal Schäffer
In order to evaluate the efficacy of puncture-biopsy technique on the diagnostic of acute, sub-acute or chronic fasciolosis in sheep raised in epidemiological region, an investigation involving two groups of animals was carried out. Group 1 was made up by 65 sheep, which were later slaughterhouse, and Group 2 was made up by 12 animals, which were randomly selected from a single flock from the same area. From the sheep belonging to the Group 1, besides the biopsies, they were sampled faeces and all the livers were evaluated at slaughterhouse. Yet the animals that made up Group 2, besides biopsied, were sampled aiming F. hepatica ova detection under coprologic test. The biopsy’s material was histologically processed and stained by H.E. and Masson methods. All the animals that were positive for F. hepatica under coprologic test, as well as some that were negative, were positives to puncture-biopsy methodology. This technique proved to be an excellent toll for the diagnostic of F. hepatica infection, either acute, sub-acute or chronic. This method was also considered to be more sensitive than faecal single test, mostly in areas which parasite prevalence is known.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Objetivando avaliar a eficiência da técnica de punção hepática no diagnóstico da fasciolose ovina, quer aguda, subaguda ou crônica, em regiões endêmicas, esta foi experimentada em dois grupos de animais. O grupo 1, constando de 65 deles, posteriormente sacrificados, e o grupo 2, envolvendo 12 ovinos previamente selecionados ao acaso, de um rebanho original de 250, ambos oriundos do Município de Santa Vitória do Palmar, RS. Os resultados, em ambos os grupos, corroboraram os achados dos exames coprológicos; e, em algumas amostras em que estes resultaram negativos, a positividade foi confirmada através da técnica da punção-biópsia. Demonstra-se, assim, ser esse um excelente instrumento no diagnóstico da F. hepatica, nas três fases, principalmente quando acompanhados de informações quanto à epidemiologia da doença na região.
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