Measuring Financial Access around the World


Kendall, Jake | Mylenko, Nataliya | Ponce, Alejandro

Savings rate; Consumer loan; Deposit insurance; Transportation infrastructure; Rural banks; Micro-lending; Offshore centers; Savings accounts; Financial reforms; Retail banking; Public funds; Banking sector outreach; Access to finance; Regulatory barrier; Creditor; Securities; Banking services; Contract enforcement; Minimum balance; Bank access; Nominal interest rate; Domestic credit; Checking account; Data availability; Formal savings; Universal banks; Ownership structure; Income statements; Financial development; Microfinance institution; Deposit; Bank accounts; Bank markets; Return; Collateral; Outstanding loans; Financial studies; Commercial banking; Holding; Bank branch; Country to country; Debit cards; Financial products; Access points; Business activity; Fungible; Poor access; Individuals with bank accounts; Credit information; Micro-entrepreneur; Loan application; Development bank; Bank policy; Formal financial institutions; Postal banks; Double bottom line; Legal systems; Private sector development; Lenders; Types of instruments; Payment systems; Account holder; Economic stability; Microfinance institutions; Retail financial institutions; Ministries of finance; Time deposit; Credit union; Wealth effect; Group lending; Income inequality; Financial system; National savings; Macroeconomic management; Branch density; Moral hazard; Individual accounts; Bank deposit; Financial access; Government banks; Eastern caribbean central bank; Loan; Settlement; Financial infrastructure; Regulatory reports; Commercial bank loans; Access to credit; Private funds; Customer base; Factoring; Account management; Credit markets; Bank account; Branch banking; Credit unions; Formal financial services; Financial outreach; Consumer credit; Developing country; Loan products; Supervisory agency; Mfi; Credit access; Social banking; Bank supervision; Commercial bank branches; Deposit service; Individual loans; Household debt; Political economy; Enterprise credit; Mandates; Creditor right; Transparency; Micro-enterprise development; Equal opportunities; Regulatory authorities; Macroeconomic stability; Central banks; Deposit money banks; Financial product; Deposit insurance schemes; Loans to individuals; Financial regulators; Checks; Market size; Inequality; Financial instruments; Deposit account; Bank regulation; Financial regulator; Financial access indicators; Physical access; Deposit services; Commercial bank; Tax; Consumer loans; Access to financial services; Supply of credit; Private credit; Financial exclusion; Government accounts; Financial intermediation; Deposit taking institutions; Financial penetration; Financial service; Political stability; Borrowing; Banking sector; Savings services; Regulatory policies; Regulatory framework; Modern financial systems; Micro-enterprise; Account ownership; Bank governor; Portfolios; Settlement systems; Post offices; Tax incentives; Supervisory agencies; Account holders; Mfis; Credit market; Government savings; Finance companies; Agriculture banks; Transaction; Creditor rights; Average balance; Deposits; Deposit accounts; Bank branches; Financial service providers; Dummy variable; Financial systems; Amount of loans; Education spending; Business loans; Offshore financial centers
Policy Research working paper ; no. WPS 5253 BankCreative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0
Policy Research working paper ; no. WPS 5253

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