Особенности эпизоотологии, патогенеза, клинических проявлений респираторного микоплазмоза птиц и эффективный контроль заболевания иммунизацией инактивированной вакциной из штамма 'КМИЭВ-29' | Characteristics of epizootology and pathogeny, clinical implications of respiratory mycoplasmosis of birds and effective control of disease by inactivated vaccine immunization from strain 'KMIEV-29'
Logvinov, O.L., JSC 'Agrokombinat 'Dzerzhinski' (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there were presented results of tests of preproduction model inactivated vaccine against respiratory mycoplasmosis of birds from strain 'KMIEV-29' in experimental and working conditions. The vaccine is a smooth homogeneous water-in-oil emulsion. The vaccine is manufactured from a culture of Mycoplasma gallisepticum. Study of harmlessness of the test sample vaccine showed that the test inactivated vaccine against respiratory mycoplasmosis of birds from strain KMIEV-29 is harmless. The experimental sample of the inactivated vaccine against respiratory mycoplasmosis birds from strain KMIEV-29 proved to be highly immunogenic and induced an expressed immune response in birds.
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