Dynamics of straw mineralization in sod-podzolic soils | Динамика минерализации соломы в дерново-подзолистых почвах
Bogatyreva, E.N. | Seraya, T.M. | Biryukova, O.M. | Mezentseva, E.G. | Biryukov, R.N., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center for Arable Farming (Belarus). Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry
Straw plowback appears one of the most important environmentally safe and recourse-saving technologies of agronomy, supplying economic efficiency along with biological balance. Therefore, research of the process of biodegradation of mulched straw and analysis of the level of its mineralization appears a serious scientific problem. The tempos of mineralization of straw of agricultural crops in the first 11 years after conducting field experiments on sod-podzolic soils are studied. It is determined that corn straw is mineralized on average by 83 %, lupine straw – by 75 %, barley straw – by 70 %, rape straw – by 50 %. The maximum speed of straw mineralization is typical of the autumn period: 0,23–0.80 % per day without nitrogen and 0.34–1.00 % per day with nitrogen fertilization. The minimum speed of straw decomposition is typical of winter and early spring – 0.03–0.08 % per day.
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