Kviešu lapu slimību attīstība atkarībā no genotipa | Development of wheat leaf diseases depending on genotype
Stanka, T., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia). Faculty of Agriculture;Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Skriveri, Skriveri Municipality (Latvia). Research Inst. of Agriculture | Bankina, B., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia). Faculty of Agriculture | Bimsteine, G., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia). Faculty of Agriculture | Strazdina, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Dizstende, Libagi parish, Talsi Municipality (Latvia). Inst. of Agricultural Resources and Economics. Stende Research Centre
Wheat (Triticum aestivum) leaf diseases are important risk factors in wheat cropping system. Growing of resistant cultivars is one of the basic methods in the Integrated Pest Management System. The aim of this study is to evaluate development of wheat diseases depending on genotypes. Investigations were carried out at the Study and Research farm „Peterlauki” of the Latvia University of Agriculture. Development of diseases was evaluated in 16 different genotypes, 6 of them were created at the Stende Research Centre of the Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics, but others came from Bulgaria. Severity of diseases was evaluated weekly and AUDPC (area under diseases progress curve) was calculated to characteristic impact of diseases during the whole period of vegetation. Development of mildew mostly depended on genotype. Observed differences were significant; in general genotypes created in Latvia have higher resistance. Severity of tan spot and Septoria leaf blotch varied less; however, differences among genotypes were essential. Yellow rust was observed only in several genotypes. Latvian genotypes were more resistant against Blumeria graminis and Zymoseptoria tritici, but more susceptible against Pyrenophora tritici-repentis.
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