Fascioliasis in an adult draught buffalo in Malaysia: a case report
Rosilawati K. | Ramli S. | Saipul Bahari A. R.
Fascioliasis is an importantparasitic disease caused by the liver flukeFasciola gigantica in Malaysia. Theinfestation of liver fluke in ruminants;cattle, sheep, goats and buffaloes can resultin economic losses to the country mainlydue to the drop in livestock production,reduction in growth rate, condemnationof liver, reduction in draught power andhigh usage of anthelmintics. This paperdescribes a case of liver fluke infestationin a two year old male buffalo that waseventually slaughtered. The buffalowas reported to be emaciated and wasreared in an oil palm plantation for useas draught power in buffalo-drawn cartsloaded with oil palm bunches; alongwith 18 other buffaloes of various ages.Previously, there were two cases of buffalodeaths from the same herd. The organand faecal samples were sent to KuantanRegional Veterinary Laboratory (RVL)for diagnostic work up. The receivedsamples were then sent to parasitology,histopathology and bacteriology sectionsfor laboratory analysis and confirmationon the pathogens. The bacteriology resultshowed Escherichia coli isolated in allinternal organs. Presence of adult flukes(Fasciola gigantica) were observed inthe bile duct of the liver through grossexamination and also histopathologicalevaluation and supported by the positiveresult of Fasciola ova via sedimentationtest conducted from the faecal sample, thusjustifying the final diagnosis as severe liverfluke infestation leading to emaciation andsimultaneously having colibacillosis.
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