Anti-bacterial and anti-adherence activities of a probiotic strain of Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei against Listeria monocytogenes
Bendali, F. | Hébraud, Michel | Sadoun, D.
Lactobacilliare very ubiquitous, frequently associated to human microbial floraand foodstuffs;where theyhave beingobservedtoaccomplish variousprotective roles against adverse microorganisms. A human strain ofLactobacillus paracaseisubsp.paracaseioriginally isolated from newbornfaeces was investigated on its anti-listerial activities. Using intestinal Caco-2 cellline in anin vitromodel and abiotic surfaces, stainless steel andTeflon(polytetrafluoroethylene)which arethe most largely used materials in foodindustry,it was observedthat this strainexhibited adherence and anti-adherenceproperties. The inhibitory effects of this strain on the adherence ofListeriamonocytogeneswere determined. A decrease in the number of adheringpathogen cells was observed, using either pre-incubation or co-incubation of thepathogen withLb. paracasei. Moreover, the anti-listerial and anti-adherenceactivities of its cell-free supernatant were examined. An antibacterial activityrelated to the production of a bacteriocin-like substance and a displacement ofthe pathogen from all the surfaces (Caco-2 cell line, stainless steel andTeflon)were registered. Together, these findings suggest that this strain could be usedto prevent colonization of the gastrointestinal tract and the food-contactsurfaces byListeriamonocytogenes.
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