Studies on the pathogenesis and interspecies transmission of respiratory syncytial virus isolated from sheep
Bryson, D.G. | Evermann, J.F. | Liggitt, H.D. | Foreyt, W.J. | Breeze, R.G.
Inoculation of lambs with an ovine isolate of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) by a combined intranasal and intratracheal route resulted in mild respiratory tract illness, with respiratory tract lesions. Lung lesions were characterized by bronchitis and bronchiolitis, hyperplasia of bronchial and bronchiolar epithelium, peribronchiolar and perivascular accumulations of lymphocytes, alveolar and perivascular accumulations of lymphocytes, alveolar septal thickening, and collapse. Respiratory synctial virus was recovered from the respiratory tract of inoculated lambs, and RSV antigen was demonstrated by immunoperoxidase staining of bronchiolar and alveolar epithelial peroxidase staining of bronchiolar and alveolar epithelia cells in pneumonic lesions of lambs euthanatized on post-inoculation days 5 and 6. Other primary respiratory tract pathogens were not isolated. Clinical signs of respiratory tract illness or respiratory tract lesions did not develop in the in-contact control lamb. Inoculation of the ovine RSV isolate into calves and deer fawns resulted in infection in both species, and at necropsy, pneumonic lesions were present. A mild to moderate respiratory tract illness developed in the calves, but clinical disease was not seen in the fawns. Lung lesions in fawns were similar to those seen in lambs; lesions in calves were characterized by collapse, scattered areas of parenchymal necrosis, and bronchiolitis. Respiratory synctial virus was reisolated from the lower respiratory tract of inoculated calves and fawns, and immunoperoxidase positive epithelial cells were seen in pneumonic lesions Other primary respiratory pathogens were not detected. Respiratory syncytial virus infection was not demonstrable in control animals that were in contact with inoculated animals. We concluded that an ovine RSV isolate, when inoculated in a severe challenge regime, caused mild primary pneumonia in lambs and lesions similar to those described in epizootics of naturally occurring ovine respiratory tract disease. Also, the ovine RSV caused lower respiratory tract lesions in infected calves and deer.
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