结果 21-30 的 124
Justification of Plants Water Demand in Conditions of Drip Irrigation
Yeghiazaryan, G.M. | Navoyan, G.R. | Tamoyan, S.J.
In the current work, a comprehensive methodology for the soil and climatic conditions of the Republic of Armenia has been developed to justify the water requirement/demand of plants in the case of drip irrigation. The proposed methodology enables to calculate the values of the individual components of the drip irrigation regime, and in practical terms, it was used to determine the water requirement of perennial plantations in the soil and climatic conditions of the Armavir and Kotayk marzes. Based on the obtained results, the crops drip irrigation norms/rates were mapped in the GIS environment. They can serve as a background for practical planning and justification of the drip irrigation water demand for various crops and contribute to the development of introduction rates of water-saving technologies in this field.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The Analysis of State Agrarian Policy, Support Programs, Laws and Legislative Acts Regulating Viticulture in RA: Existing Problems and Their Solutions
Aleksanyan, V.S. | Asatryan, H.S.
This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the state agrarian policy, laws, and legislative acts regulating the viticulture sector of RA. An analysis of the strategic documents, legislative documents regulating the sector, laws, normative legal acts, and other documents related to state policy was conducted. Obtaining results led to the conclusion that the legislative acts regulating the sector need to be updated and, in some cases, amended․ In addition, the control mechanisms of the sector have gaps in law enforcement. There is no strategic document aimed at viticulture development, and existing policy measures and programs are not properly implemented and are ineffective. The article concludes with recommendations aimed at alleviating the issues revealed by this research.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The Efficiency of Mineral and Water-Soluble Complex Fertilizers in Potato Fields
Gasparyan, G.H. | Yeritsyan, L.S. | Ayvazyan, S.A. | Sahakyan, A.J.
Application of fertilizers is among the prior agriculture measures to achieve sustainable potato yield in conditions of leached soils of Lori region, poor in essential plant nutrients. The field experiments established that to obtain maximum potato yield in addition to the introduction of the main mineral fertilizer (NPK) it is necessary to apply complex water-soluble fertilizer (CWF) via foliar feeding thrice during the vegetation period with 10-12 days of interval. In this case the yield amount was 286 c/ha, 40.0 % of which was large and 35.0 % were medium size. The tuber’s chemical composition was also improved. In the case of using N120P120K120 the yield amount was 261.0 c/ha, out of which 30.2 % were large and 40.5 % were medium size, while in the control variant 207.5 c/ha yield was received, out of which only 15.1 % were large and 35.9 % – medium in size.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Prevalence of Demodicosis of Dogs in Some Districts of Yerevan
Grigoryan, L.G. | Hakobyan, A.R. | Balasanyan, H.S. | Grigoryan, V.V.
In recent years, the successful development of dog breeding in Armenia has been hindered by various diseases, the most common of which is demodicosis. The spread of the demodicosis invasion in Yerevan is mainly due to the uncontrolled breeding of dogs, violation of sanitary and hygiene rules for dog rearing, and unauthorized sale and purchase of dogs. Lack of information about the disease among the dog owner and breeders is another important reason for the spread of the disease. Demodicosis in dogs proceeds with certain variations. The extent of invasion in autumn was 51.7 %, in spring – 34 %, in winter – (32.2 %), and in summer it was 18.5 %. The relatively low temperature of the external environment and the high relative humidity of the air are probably favorable conditions for the reproduction, growth, and development of causative agents of demodicosis in dogs. Studies have shown that the highest degree of demodicosis was observed among maternal livestock, and animals older than three months. The lowest degree of disease damage was observed in puppies up to three months old.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Research of Colibacteriosis in Honey Bees at Aragatsotn Region and Susceptibility of the Detected Pathogen to Antibiotics
Simonyan, J.T. | Simonyan, L.L. | Shahazizyan, N.A. | Voskanyan, H.Y.
The research was carried out in the Ashtarak and Avan communities of the Aragatsotn region of the Republic of Armenia. During the research enterobacteria were found in the samples brought from the Ashtarak community. Salmonella, Escherichia coli, or Proteus diseases were suspected. API 20 E microbial identification test-system was used for identification. As a result of research carried out in 2022, using the above method, Escherichia coli was confirmed in bees in the Ashtarak community of the Aragatsotn region. The susceptibility of the pathogen to antibiotics was also checked and it was found out that the most effective antibiotics are Gentamicyn, Levofloxacin, Streptomycin, and Amoxicillin.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Assessing Health Risks Associated with Antibiotic Residues in Armenian Honey
Pipoyan, D.A. | Chirkova, V.I. | Beglaryan, M.R.
This study assessed potential risks associated with antibiotic residues in Armenian honey. Honey sample analysis revealed multiple antibiotics, in varying concentrations. Estimated daily intakes of antibiotics were calculated for different consumer clusters. The margin of exposure was determined based on acceptable daily intake values. The findings indicate that there are no risks to consumers regarding antibiotic residues in honey. However, it highlights the importance of controlling antibiotics in beekeeping practices to ensure honey safety.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Development of the Technological Scheme of the Combined Frontal Plough and the Justification of the Parameters of Disc Working Bodies
Yesoyan, A.M. | Mikayelyan, G.M. | Karapetyan, A.G.
It has been established that there is a need for regular inclusion of soil plowing in the process of minimum tillage. The need for regular inclusion of soil plowing in the process of minimum tillage has been established. A technological scheme for a combined machine has been developed, and a combined front plough for smooth plowing capable of performing both basic and surface soil tillage in a single pass has been proposed. Several geometric, operational, and technological parameters of the proposed plow working body have been determined. The feasibility of using a combined front plough for smooth plowing has been confirmed.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Analysis of the Current Procedures for Cadastral Assessment of Agricultural Lands in Armenia
Efendyan, P.S. | Mkrtchyan, M.Sh | Khudaverdyan, N.A.
In 2021, the procedure for cadastral assessment approximated to market value of real estate for real estate taxation (adopted in 2019) came into force in the Republic of Armenia, whereby a new methodology for cadastral assessment of other land fund categories of the RA was determined. The procedure does not apply to agricultural lands, which to this day are assessed and taxed according to the methodology and values that were determined in 1997. In this article, we have addressed some points of the current methodology, which, in our opinion, require revision or additional argumentation.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Studying Stimulant and Fungicidal Properties of Preparation “Argitos Agro” against Powdery Mildew in Greenhouse Conditions
Atchemyan, L.H. | Mirzoyan, V.S. | Petroayan, N.K. | Karapetyan, G.A.
“Argitos Agro” is a plant growth stimulant with fungicidal effect and when disinfecting cucumber seeds and applying during the growing season, it does not have a significant effect on the development of powdery mildew disease. The preparation, indeed, has a stimulating effect on the germination of cucumber seeds, the growth of seedlings and plants, accelerates flowering, increases the yield and improves its quality indicators.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The Effect of Applying Mineral Fertilizers Through Drip Irrigation and Furrow Method on the Movement of Mobile Nutrients in the Soil and the Growth, Development, and Accumulation of Nutrients in the Walnut Leaves
Gasparyan, G.H. | Yeritsyan, S.K. | Yeritsyan, L.S. | Santrosyan, G.S.
A task was set to reveal the effect of water-soluble fertilizers of new composition and quality on the content of available nutrients at different depths of the soil, depending on the movement of the irrigation water, irrigation time, as well as its effect on the growth, yielding capacity and the quality of fruit in commercial size walnut orchards. The research has shown that the movement of nutrients in the soil is completely dependent on the movement of water when applying water-soluble complex fertilizers with drip irrigation. Therefore, the amount of the water should be adjusted so that the nutrients are available to the plant’s root system at all depths, improving the growth, and increasing the content of the basic nutrients in the leaves.Fertilizers with less water solubility are mainly preserved at a 0 cm - 30 cm depth. When the root system grows and spreads to the inter-row spaces, it is appropriate to periodically fertilize also the inter-row spacing by the furrow method.
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