结果 911-920 的 1,443
Comparative Studies on Gene Expression of Rice and Wheat in Response to Fungal Infection
Nermin Mohamed
Cereals are the foremost necessary foods for growing population of human. Wheat (Triticum aestivum) is the first important and strategic cereal crop for the majority of world’s populations. It is the most necessary staple food. Although rice (oryzae sativa) has the second place because of planted area but it serves as the most important food source for Asian countries. Wheat and rice production may be severely restricted by biotic and abiotic constraints. Disease is the major biotic stress in several regions.Comparative sequence analysis is a powerful tool to study homologous gene families, define conserved gene functions between orthologs, and identify lineage- and species-specific genes. Most annotations of newly sequenced genomes are based on similarity with sequences for which functional information is available. Apart from conserved sequences, inter-species differences provide important clues about evolutionary history and species-specific adaptations. In our study, two RNA-sequencing data sets of resistant variety of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.,) after infection with leaf rust fungus, Puccinia triticina and resistant variety of rice (Oryza sativa L.,) after infection with blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae were compared. 31768 up-regulated genes in wheat and 3902 up-regulated genes in rice were filtered according to fold change more than 3 and removing variants, 250 upregulated genes of wheat and rice were aligned and phylogenetic tree was generated. The result of phylogenetic tree showed close relationship between ten aligned gene pairs of wheat and rice. Two pairs of aligned gene pairs were selected randomly, super family of these pairs were obtained, the result showed that each aligned pair of proteins shared the same protein family and the same annotation and all pairs participate in plant defense pathways. Then, the gene expression of the two pairs were validated by Real-time PCR after infecting wheat with Puccinia triticina and rice with Magnaporthe grisea. Each aligned pair of the two pairs shared the same manner of expression with few exceptions in rice.
shimaa attia | S. Makled | Shimaa Fawzy
The crops of the legumes, especially the domestic beans, are considered the most important food groups due to their high nutritional value, in addition to their importance in improving soil properties. The state aims to encourage the expansion of the faba bean production to fill the food gap and also to supply hard currency. Egypt is one of the most important importing countries for beans. The legume crops are considered the most important food groups because of the high nutritional value. The bean is a strategic commodity for the Egyptian citizen. The study aims at reducing the imports of the Egyptian faba bean. Egypt's demand for faba bean, estimation of the competitive advantage of the main exporting countries of Egypt, and the comparative advantage index. The study found that the quantity of Egyptian bean imports increased by an annual rate of about 2.41 thousand tons. This increase is statistically insignificant at 0.05 level, and the value of Egypt's imports of faba bean has taken an upward trend at an annual rate of about 7 million dollar This increase is statistically insignificant at 0.05 level, and the price of Egypt's imports of faba bean has taken an downward trend at an annual rate of about 14.5 dollar/tons This increase is statistically insignificant at 0.05 level and the study of the geographical distribution of imports of Egyptian fab beans shows that the United Kingdom, Australia and France Representing 88 % Of Egypt's imports of beans. The percentage of Egypt's imports of faba bean decreased at a growth rate of 14%. The volume of exports of the United Kingdom and France decreased by 38% and 96%, respectively, while Australia increased its exports by 5% The elasticity of demand functions also showed that the elasticity of the price demand of Australia's export price indicates that the de mand is inelastic and Egypt needs this commodity from the Australian market, and the income elasticity shows that the commodity is poor by increasing income. The explanation of the elasticity of the demand for the price of France's exports shows that the demand is inelastic and Egypt needs this commodity from the French market. It is also evident from the income elasticity that the commodity is normal, i.e., the increase in income is the required quantity of the commodity, while the elasticity of the price demand of the UK export price shows that demand is not Flexible and Egypt needs this commodity from the British market, as evidenced by the income elasticity that the commodity is poor by increasing the income decreases the required quantity of the commodity. The study of forecasting Egypt's imports of Australian beans shows that the volume of imports of beans is expected to increase from about 136 thousand tons in 2018 to about 245.6 thousand tons in 2025. It is expected that the quantity of imports of British beans will increase from about 58 thousand tons 2018 to about 277.3 thousand tons in 2025. It is expected that the quantity of imports of French beans will fall from about 0.334 thousand tons in 2018 to about 45.9 thousand tons. It is also expected that the quantity of Egyptian imports of beans will increase from about 410 thousand tons in 2018 to about 500 thousand tons in 2025, is expected to decrease the amount of domestic production of beans from about 144 thousand tons in 2018 to about 16 thousand tons And it was found that the available amount of consumption is expected to decrease from about 281 thousand tons in 2018 to about 72.5 thousand tons in 2025.
Amr Ewida | M. Nasr | H. Sarhan
The agricultural foreign trade sector is one of the most important sectors that have a direct impact on the economic development programs. Oranges occupy the first place among Egyptian citrus varieties, with Egyptian production of about 3.014 million tons representing about 70.4% of the total citrus production of 4.3 million tons (2012-2016). Its productive area reached 294.5 thousand feddans representing about 68% of the total area of citrus fruits, which amounted to about 433 thousand feddans during the same period. The problem of the study is the volatility of the quantity of Egyptian exports of oranges during the period of study (2000-2017), which made the Egyptian exports of oranges face great competition from many countries in foreign markets, which may lose them in their foreign markets and allow the competition to win these markets, The available statistics indicate that the average production of Egyptian oranges was about 2.6 million tons as an average for the period 2005-2017. However, the quantity of exports is only 23.5% of this production. The objective of the research is to analyze the structure of the demand for Egyptian exports of oranges by achieving two main objectives: The first aims to study the development of Egyptian exports of oranges and the main importing countries. The second deals with estimating the price and cross price elasticities through the almost ideal demand system for Egyptian orange. The research was based on the use of descriptive statistical analysis in the presentation and characterization of export prices of Egyptian orange, and the variables of quantities and prices of the most competitive countries in each of the studied markets, The econometric analysis was used to estimate the market model of the demand for Egyptian oranges in each of the markets studied using the Linear Almost Ideal Demand System (LAIDS) model. The research was based on UN.org data. Comtrade http: //, Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (2005-2017), as well as some scientific references related to the subject.
Mahmoud Salem | Thanaa Seleem | Eman Kadous
The traditional feed industry is based on concentrated raw feed materials and may be rich in energy or protein. The feed is a homogeneous mix of raw feed materials with some mineral salts and may be supplemented by some food additives such as vitamins, antibiotics, urea, antioxidants etc. In a soft or treated with steam and molasses and pressed into cubes, cylinders, granules or other forms. In view of the State's attention to livestock, in addition to increasing the demand for animal products for higher living standards and increased awareness of food, the feed industry is expected to rise in the next few years. The problem of the study is limited to the impact of the agricultural production market in Egypt on many local and international economic variables, which causes fluctuations in the supply and demand of these products in the local market and foreign markets. Egypt suffers from a deficit in its trade balance of agricultural inputs. In this deficit, as well as the decrease in the amount of concentrated fodder, mainly maize and the quantity produced from processed fodder, which also depends mainly on maize, especially poultry feed, which forms yellow maize 75% of the ingredients and therefore. The burden on the trade balance increases, especially as the dollar rises. Therefore, the study aimed to identify the economic indicators of the processed animal feed and poultry in Egypt. The study is based on the use of descriptive statistical methods (statistical measures) and quantification of averages and percentages as well as the work of the model of the variables studied and forecasting. The current model consists of four equations. The first is the formula of local production of processed feeds. Processed, the third equation is the formula of imports of processed feeds, the fourth equation is processed feed exports.
Asmaa Ali | M. Rihan | Fatma Fahmy | M. Abd El-Fattah
Egyptian orange is one of the most important agricultural crops export, which can contribute to the increase of foreign exchange of agricultural exports, where the Egyptian orange is in the first place for fruit export Egyptian exports, Accordingly, the aim of the research was to identify the main import markets of the Egyptian orange crop to study the external demand of Egyptian oranges for these markets and to determine the factors affecting the Egyptian oranges in the most important import markets and to identify the most important countries competing for Egypt in the most important importing markets. A study of the geographical distribution of Egyptian orange exports revealed that the Russian Federation, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are the main importing markets for Egyptian orange. Egypt's exports of orange to these markets reached 461.7 thousand tons, representing about 53.5% of the average quantity of Egyptian orange exports during the period (2013-2017), Egypt's exports of orange to these markets amounted to about 254.4 million dollars, representing about 51.6% of the average value of Egyptian orange exports during the period studied. A study of the demand for Egyptian oranges for the most important import markets showed that the price elasticity of the Dutch market was high Which means that demand for oranges in the Netherlands market is elastic Compared to the Russian market, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, where demand for Egyptian oranges Inelastic request, Therefore, the price of export of Egyptian oranges to the Netherlands should not be maintained To maintain Egypt's market share in this market.
Waael El-Desokey | mohamed abdraboh | Hamdy Mossa | Hany Gado
As the impact of upcoming climate change scenarios on livestock feeding security (quality, availability, and price), applying alternative feedstuffs is a must. Fattening calves considered as a most process related to traditional feeding system. In the present study we purposed new feedstuffs for fattened calves consisting citrus pulp silage, wheat germ, barley sprout and molasses. Within the above feedstuffs we using mechanical, chemical, and biological treatments. Moreover, the present study evaluates the production performance of 14 male cross Friesian calves (7 per each group) for adding 10ml/calve/day probiotic ZAD in treated group. Weight data where used to calculate Average Daily Gains ADG, nutrients digestibility, boneless meat percent, and feed conversion rate. From our results applying probiotics (ZAD) increased significantly (P<0.05) ADG in the hall fattened period by 1.011±0.107 kg/calve/day and 0.886±0.107kg/calve/day, also, increased the percent of boon less meat from 51.097±1.140 % and 44.410±1.518% in the treated control group respectively. Applying probiotic increasing significantly (P<0.05) digestibility of nutrient detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber by 42.853±7.092 and 54.010±3.774 in treated group compared with 25.180±7.902 and 37.679±3.774 respectively. Based on the results of the present study concluded that the effect of probiotic treatment on feed conversion rate of intake nutrients showing significant different (P<0.05) in Total Intake of Digestible Nutrients TDNI was higher in control group (4.579) compared with treated group (3.305). However, Dry Matter Intake DMI and Crud Protein Intake CPI tended to be higher in control group compared with treated group. In conclusion applying probiotics in agriculture byproduct silage in presence of sprout, molasses and wheat germ results in improving in nutrients digestibility, growth performance, and feed conversion rate of fattened calves. Based on our results we recommend such feeding system as a solution in calves' meat production to facing the upcoming climate change scenarios (i.e. direct and indirect effects on livestock sector.
Fatma Saad | M. El-Eraqy | Salwa Abdel Monem
Facing the food industry in Egypt, the challenges of external and internal negative impact on their competitiveness and access to global markets and the study showed that the number of enterprises operating in this sector amounted to about 37.7 thousand that run around 357 thousand workers. It also represents the food exports of approximately 31.7% and 14.3% of the total value of exports of industrial goods and the College Rankings 2016, the average annual value of the products of that sector, about 21.4 million pounds, accounted for about 31% of the value of industrial production for the same year. The research problem was the small size of the internal and external markets of frozen Egyptian vegetables. Despite the increasing global demand for frozen products, Egyptian exports do not increase at the expected rate. The rate of increase in global demand for frozen food products exceeds 510% annually, Compared to its Egyptian counterparts. The study aimed at studying the internal and external markets of Egyptian frozen vegetables. The study aims at identifying the economic characteristics of the local market for frozen vegetables in general, and in particular for the field sample of vegetable freezing plants and processing them in addition to the internal markets for marketing these vegetables. Prices, categories and consumer attitudes towards them. The study was based mainly on the available and available data published and unpublished by government agencies such as the Central Administration of Agricultural Economics in the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, the General Organization for Industrialization, the Chamber of Food Industries in the Federation of Industries, the Commodity Council for Food Industries, the Holding Company for Food Industries, the Commercial Representation Authority, General for Export and Import Control, as well as foreign trade base data at the National Information Center of the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics. And the most important results as follows that the difference between the prices of the products, vegetables, frozen for different companies in Super accumulator different varieties where ranked Alabama to buy smile from the above parties between the varieties by about 71% of the total parties the company has a smile, and then are classified Mallow estimated at around 14.8 % of the total group has a company-Bessemer, as expected from the results I classified the grape of the biggest differences between varieties increased by approximately 26.7% of the total team purchase Montana, the following varieties of spinach increased by approximately 24.4 % of the total group company Montana.
Mahmoud Salem | Thanaa Elnoby | Eman Kadous
The poultry industry in Egypt is one of the most important industries that contribute in providing the source of animal protein, which is characterized by high nutritional value, cheap price and high conversion coefficient of food compared to red meat. This industry is characterized by several characteristics, the most important speed of turnover of capital as well as not need a large agricultural patch, In addition to the relative increase in food conversion efficiency compared to other types of animals. The industry is also characterized by high return and low capital required to invest in this field compared to other productive projects. The problem of research is the high price of the prices of the inputs of the production of poultry and the low quality of the market, and fluctuation of market prices of the final output, which affects the revenue and thus affect the size of the economic project. Therefore, the study aimed at estimating the economic yield of the poultry farms in the fattening nurseries in Qalyubia governorate. These farms are characterized by a short cycle of the capital cycle in order to contribute to raising the level of individual income in the rural sector. It also provides job opportunities for young people. Of the animal protein, and based on published data and the use of field study for a sample of the municipality of Qalyubia, the research reached some results, including: 1- The average number of farms of broiler fattening was about 1.6 thousand farms by 6.67% of the total number of farms at the level of the province of Qalyubia. 2- The study of the most important problems and obstacles facing the poultry growers found that the problems of production and marketing were the high prices of chicks used in fattening, lack of quality chick, high feed prices, the lack of trained labor, the problem of control of traders and brokers in price, and the problem of irregular market price . 3- By dividing the sample of the study into three production capacities, it was found that the net yield of the first capacity (12.9-6 thousand birds) amounted to 308.9 thousand pounds / cycle, and net return of the second capacity (less than 6 thousand - more than 3.6 thousand birds) LE 323.2 thousand / cycle, while it amounted to about 274.1 thousand pounds / cycle for the third capacity (3.6 - 0.8 thousand birds). 4- The estimated profitability of the pound for the investor for the three capacities (first, second and third) was respectively 1.05, 1.12, 1.31 thousand pounds.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Assessment of hematological, biochemical and Oxidative Stress parameters on Agricultural Pesticides Application Workers in Egypt
Aly Mahmoud Abdul_Aal | mohamed elzemaity | Kadry Mahmoud | maher hammad
Abstract: The present study was carried out from November (2015) - October (2017) to determine the toxicological effects of pesticides exposure on agricultural application workers. Blood samples of the investigated workers were collected from Giza, Qalyubiyah and El-Buhayrah Governorates, Egypt. Thirty male individuals represented pesticide application workers were involved from the three governorates. Also, 25 male individuals (aged 18-55 years) were selected randomly from Cairo Governorate to represent the unexposed (control) group. Ten ml of blood sample per individual was collected and serological analysis for hematological (RBCs, TLC, Hb, PCV, MCV, MCH, MCHC), biochemical (ALT, AST, total protein, urea, creatinine and uric acid) and oxidative stress (GSH.R, MDA and AChE) parameters were carried out. Results: About 53% of workers involved was with an average level of education, between 18 and 35 years of age (57%), working in their field for 6 to 10 years (40%), about eight hours a day for six days a week on average (67%). Hb, MCH, MCHC, ALT, AST, AlP, TP, urea, creatinine and MDA were increased significantly by 5.58, 9.23, 3.75, 55.49, 42.44, 30.07, 6.83, 49.33, 25.48, and 133.02% respectively. While the levels of Alb, GSH.R and AChE activity were significantly decreased by 14.51, 8.33 and 21.04% respectively. a significant positive correlation between exposure duration and ALT, AST, creatinine, urea and MDA. While, there were significant negative correlations between exposure duration and total protein, alkaline phosphatase, AChE Activity, GSH.R, RBCs, Hb, PCV, MCV and MCH. Conclusions: Increasing of pesticide application workers vital parameters gives an indication of the occurrence of various health consequences due to chronic exposure to pesticides. These results can be explained by the fact that the negligence of workers in following occupational safety and health measures from wearing protective tasks, not smoking, drinking and eating during the application of pesticides, resulting from the low awareness of workers about the risks of the materials dealt with and the decrease in their educational and cultural level increases the chances of exposure to the pesticide. On the health of the worker.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Physico-chemical properties and antioxidant activities of extracted essential oils from irradiated rosemary and clove buds
Wafaa Shahin | Ahmed Gibriel | Hanan Abdo
Abstract Dried rosemary leaves (Rosmarinus officinalis Lamiaceae), and dried clove buds (Syzygium aromaticum) were irradiated with γ-irradiation by Cobalt-60 as an irradiation source at different doses (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30kGy) as an effective method for sterilization, pasteurization and food decontamination, considered as safe method , and stored for 12months at room temperature (22±3 0C). The evaluation of irradiation depended on the chemical studies and antioxidant activity of extracted essential oils. Results showed significant difference for the essential oils yield (content %) at different doses during storage time. Compounds were fractionated and identified by GC/MS for extracted essential oils from each of non – irradiated and irradiated dried rosemary leaves and dried clove buds samples, the main components of essential oil extracted from either non-irradiated or irradiated rosemary leaves were 1,8 cineole, camphor and γ-pinene 26.36, 12.63 and 16.98%, respectively, while, eugenol was the major component in clove essential oil (which extracted from non-irradiated and irradiated samples (81.69%). No differences were noticed in the % of essential oils constituents. Antioxidant activity as % of DPPH scavenging increased with the increasing of essential oils concentrations (250 up to 2500ppm). Furthermore, the effect of adding these extracted oils from non-irradiated and irradiated samples as well as their mixture (1:1) on the threshold odor scores of sunflower oil (Mean of acceptable odor levels) was observed. Rancimat test shown the high oxidative stability in sunflower oil supplemented with 0.3% clove essential oil which extracted from 15kGy irradiated sample was 11.99 hrs, its relative stability was 144.11% comparing with the oxidative stability of sunflower oil supplemented with 0.5% rosemary essential oil extracted from non-irradiated sample (9.76hrs) with 117.3% relative stability. Adding different concentrations of rosemary, clove buds essential oils which extracted from different irradiation doses samples and their mixture (1:1) caused slightly increasing in oxidative stability of sunflower oil.
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