[ 发表于: Journal of Veterinary Research ]

结果 1-10 的 36

Prevalence and risk factors associated with Campylobacter spp. occurrence in healthy dogs visiting four rural community veterinary clinics in South Africa


Karama, Musafiri(University of Pretoria Faculty of Veterinary Science Department of Paraclinical Sciences) | Cenci-Goga, Beniamino T.(University of Pretoria Faculty of Veterinary Science Department of Paraclinical Sciences,University of Perugia Laboratorio di Ispezione degli alimenti di origine animale Department of Veterinary Medicine) | Prosperi, Alice(Experimental Zooprofilattico Institute of Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna 'Bruno Ubertini ,University of Bologna Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences) | Etter, Eric(University of Pretoria Faculty of Veterinary Science Department of Production Animal Studies,University of Montpellier) | El-Ashram, Saeed(Foshan University College of Life Science and Engineering ,Kafr ElSheikh University Faculty of Science) | McCrindle, Cheryl(University of South Africa Department of Agriculture and Animal Health) | Ombui, Jackson N.(University of Nairobi College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences Department of Public Health, Pharmacology and Toxicology) | Kalake, Alan(Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development,)

Scientific Electronic Library Online South Africa - South Africa

Brucellosis and chlamydiosis seroprevalence in goats at livestock-wildlife interface areas of Zimbabwe


Bhandi, Solomon(University of Zimbabwe Faculty of Veterinary Science Department of Clinical Veterinary Studies,Research Platform Production and Conservation in Partnership) | Pfukenyi, Davies M.(University of Zimbabwe Faculty of Veterinary Science Department of Clinical Veterinary Studies,Research Platform Production and Conservation in Partnership) | Matope, Gift(Research Platform Production and Conservation in Partnership ,University of Zimbabwe Faculty of Veterinary Science Department of Paraclinical Veterinary Studies) | Murondoti, Absolom(University of Zimbabwe Faculty of Veterinary Science Department of Clinical Veterinary Studies) | Tivapasi, Musavengana(University of Zimbabwe Faculty of Veterinary Science Department of Clinical Veterinary Studies,Research Platform Production and Conservation in Partnership) | Ndengu, Masimba(University of Zimbabwe Faculty of Veterinary Science Department of Clinical Veterinary Studies,Research Platform Production and Conservation in Partnership) | Scacchia, Massimo(The Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Abruzzo and Molise) | Bonfini, Barbara(The Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Abruzzo and Molise) | de Garine-Wichatitsky, Michel(Research Platform Production and Conservation in Partnership ,Kasetsart University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Scientific Electronic Library Online South Africa - South Africa

The haematological, proinflammatory cytokines and IgG changes during an ovine experimental theileriosis


Razmi, Gholamreza(Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Department of Pathobiology) | Yaghfoori, Saeed(Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Department of Pathobiology) | Mohri, Mehrdad(Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Department of Clinical Sciences) | Haghparast, Alirez(Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Department of Pathobiology) | Tajeri, Shahin(Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Department of Pathobiology)

Scientific Electronic Library Online South Africa - South Africa

Safety and immunogenicity of Rift Valley fever MP-12 and arMP-12ΔNSm21/384 vaccine candidates in goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) from Tanzania


Nyundo, Salama(Sokoine University of Agriculture Department of Microbiology, Parasitology and Biotechnology) | Adamson, Ester(Sokoine University of Agriculture Department of Microbiology, Parasitology and Biotechnology) | Rowland, Jessica(Sokoine University of Agriculture Department of Microbiology, Parasitology and Biotechnology) | Palermo, Pedro M.(University of Texas at El Paso Department of Biological Sciences) | Matiko, Mirende(Sokoine University of Agriculture Department of Microbiology, Parasitology and Biotechnology) | Bettinger, George E.(University of Texas at El Paso Department of Biological Sciences) | Wambura, Philemon(Sokoine University of Agriculture Department of Microbiology, Parasitology and Biotechnology) | Morrill, John C.(Orion Research and Management Services) | Watts, Douglas(University of Texas at El Paso Department of Biological Sciences)

Scientific Electronic Library Online South Africa - South Africa

Peste des petits ruminants in Africa: Meta-analysis of the virus isolation in molecular epidemiology studies


Mantip, Samuel E.(University of Abomey-Calavi Department of Animal Health and Production ,National Veterinary Research Institute Viral Research Division) | Shamaki, David(National Veterinary Research Institute Viral Research Division) | Farougou, Souabou(University of Abomey-Calavi Department of Animal Health and Production)

Scientific Electronic Library Online South Africa - South Africa

African animal trypanosomosis (nagana) in northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: Strategic treatment of cattle on a farm in endemic area


Latif, Abdalla A.(University of KwaZulu-Natal School of Life Sciences) | Ntantiso, Lundi(Makhathini Research Station) | de Beer, Chantel(Agricultural Research Council-Onderstepoort Veterinary Research)

Scientific Electronic Library Online South Africa - South Africa

Molecular diagnosis of acute and chronic infection of Trypanosoma evansi in experimental male and female mice


Behour, Tahani S.(Animal Reproduction Research Institute Biotechnology Research Unit) | Aboelhadid, Shawky M.(Beni Suef University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Parasitology) | Mousa, Wahid M.(Beni Suef University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Parasitology) | Amin, Adel S.(Animal Reproduction Research Institute Biotechnology Research Unit) | El-Ashram, Saeed A.(Foshan University College of Life Science and Engineering ,Kafrelsheikh University Faculty of Science)

Scientific Electronic Library Online South Africa - South Africa

Molecular and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of canine parvovirus 2 (CPV-2) in dogs in southeast Anatolia, Turkey


Polat, Pelin F.(Harran University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Internal Medicine) | Şahan, Adem(Harran University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Internal Medicine) | Aksoy, Gürbüz(Harran University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Internal Medicine) | Timurkan, Mehmet O.(Atatürk University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Virology) | Dinçer, Ender(Mersin University Research and Application Center)

Scientific Electronic Library Online South Africa - South Africa

Serum biochemistry in cows of different breeds presented with reproductive conditions


Molefe, Keitiretse(North-West University Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Science Department of Animal Health) | Mwanza, Mulunda(North-West University Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Science Department of Animal Health)

Scientific Electronic Library Online South Africa - South Africa

Seasonal activity of ticks infesting domestic dogs in Bejaia province, Northern Algeria


Kebbi, Rosa(University of Bejaia Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences Department of Environment Biological Sciences) | Nait-Mouloud, Mohamed(University of Bejaia Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences Department of Environment Biological Sciences) | Hassissen, Lila | Ayad, Abdelhanine(University of Bejaia Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences Department of Environment Biological Sciences)

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