[ 发表于: Journal of Veterinary Research ]

结果 1-10 的 148

Investigation of the Protective Feature of the Shell Part of Japanese Quail (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica) Eggs Against Ionizing Radiation


Şındak, Nihat | Sulu, Kadir | Gülaydın, Ali | Akgül, Mustafa Barış | Özen, Doğukan

Anatolia Academy of Sciences Ltd. - Turkey

In vitro 3D Spheroid Wound Modeling: An Alternative to Experimental Animal Studies


Akkaya, Esila Ece | Kul, Oğuz

Anatolia Academy of Sciences Ltd. - Turkey

Investigation of the Antibacterial Effectiveness of Various Licensed Surface Disinfectants


Kızıl, Sibel | Gürer Giray , Burcu | Direkel, Şahin | Gül, Emine | Çeçen , Efsun Melike | Kazan, Asya | Emekdaş, Gürol | Alkan , Nilüfer

Anatolia Academy of Sciences Ltd. - Turkey

Investigation of the Contribution of Different Antiseptic Solutions to Clinical Recovery in Uroretropropulsion Technique in Cats


SAYLAK, Nahit | Sukutli, Umut

Anatolia Academy of Sciences Ltd. - Turkey

Intestinal Mucosal Damage and Intestinal Permeability In Non Infectious and Infectious Diarrheic Calves In Relation to Diamine Oxidase Activity


Alıç Ural, Deniz

Anatolia Academy of Sciences Ltd. - Turkey

Treatment of Diaphyseal Tibial Fractures of Cats with Using Minimal Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis and Evaluation of Outcomes Postoperatively


Karslı, Birkan | Bakıcı, Merve

Anatolia Academy of Sciences Ltd. - Turkey

The Diversity of Hind-Gut Bacterial Microbiome of House Rats and Cockroaches: An indication of Public Health Risk for Residents of Semi-urban and Urban Morogoro, Tanzania


Kimwaga, Bernadetha Richard | Mzula, Alexanda | Mnyone, Ladslaus

Anatolia Academy of Sciences Ltd. - Turkey

Investigation of Dilated Cardiomyopathy Tendency by Echocardiography in Kangal Dogs


Toksoy, Görkem | Yasa Duru, Sibel

Anatolia Academy of Sciences Ltd. - Turkey

Intestinal Permeability Targeted Rectal Enema Nutraceutical Intervention in Dogs with Cutaneous Adverse Food Reactions: Gut-Brain-Skin Axis Directed Pro-active Treatment


Ural, Kerem | Erdogan, Hasan | Erdogan, Songul | Aslan, Tuğba | Balıkçı, Cansu | Gökçay, Gamze

Anatolia Academy of Sciences Ltd. - Turkey

Determination of Neonicotinoid Residues in Honey Samples Collected from The East-Southeast Anatolia Region of Türkiye


Dinç, Hikmet | Özdemir, Nurullah | Kapucuk, Fuat Serkan

Anatolia Academy of Sciences Ltd. - Turkey