结果 1-10 的 15
Histopathologic changes in bovine fetuses after repeated reintroduction of a spirochete-like agent into pregnant heifers: association with epizootic bovine abortion.
Osebold J.W. | Osburn B.I. | Spezialetti R. | Bushnell R.B. | Stott J.L.
Reduced progesterone and altered cotyledonary prostaglandin values induced by locoweed (Astragalus lentiginosus) in sheep.
Ellis L.C. | James L.F. | McMullen R.W. | Panter K.E.
Estrone sulfate concentrations as an indicator of fetal demise in horses.
Kasman L.H. | Hughes J.P. | Stabenfeldt G.H. | Starr M.D. | Lasley B.L.
Immune response of cattle to Haemophilus somnus lipid A-protein conjugate vaccine and efficacy in a mouse abortion model.
Inzana T.J. | Todd J.
Immunogenicity of the lipid A component of Haemophilus somnus lipooligosaccharide in cattle and mice was examined after purification, detoxification, and covalent conjugation to a protein carrier. After 2 inoculations, a substantial antibody response was induced in most cattle to lipid A and the protein carrier. To determine whether antibodies to lipid A would be protective, 5 X 10(7) colony-forming units of H somnus strain 649 were administered IV to endotoxin-responsive (C3H/HEN) mice. In one study, 8 of 13 C3H/HEN mice aborted when inoculated. In contrast, abortion did not result when mice were inoculated with the same dose of an isolate of H somnus normally found in the prepuce or with the rough mutant Escherichia coli J5. In addition, endotoxin-nonresponsive (C3H/HeJ) mice were significantly (P = 0.03) more resistant to abortion by strain 649 than were C3H/HeN mice, but inoculated C3H/HeN mice were only slightly more resistant to H somnus abortion, compared with control mice. Although a large antibody response to lipid A was detected, there was no significant difference in the immunized group between mice that aborted and mice that delivered normally. Thus, lipooligosaccharide and other properties of virulent H somnus strains may contribute to abortion in mice.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Distinguishing between ovine abortion and ovine arthritis Chlamydia psittaci isolates with specific monoclonal antibodies.
DeLong W.J. | Magee W.E.
Strains of Actinobacillus spp. from diseases of animals and ostriches in Zimbabwe
Mohan, K. | Muvavarirwa, P. | Pawandiwa, A. (Zimbabwian Univ., Harare (Zimbabwe). Dept. of Paraclinical Veterinary Studies)
Brucella melitensis biotype 1 outbreak in goats in northern KwaZulu-Natal [South Africa]
Reichel, R. | Nel, J.R. (Vryheid Veterinary Laboratory (South Africa)) | Emslie, R. | Bishop, G.C.
Isolation of Toxoplasma gondii from goats with a history of reproductive disorders and the prevalence of Toxoplasma and chlamydial antibodies
Sharma, S.P. | Baipoledi, E.K. | Nyange, J.F.C. | Tlagae, L. (National Veterinary Laboratory, Gaborone (Botswana))
The prevalence of neosporosis in aborted bovine foetuses submitted to the Allerton Regional Veterinary Laboratory [South Africa]
Jardine, J.E. (Pretoria Univ., Onderstepoort (South Africa). Dept. of Pathology) | Last, R.D.
Elective interruption of pregnancy in dogs (Canis familiaris, Linnaeus, 1758) | Interrupção eletiva da gestação em cães (Canis familiaris, Linnaeus, 1758)
Claudia Stoll Brunckhorst | Laudinor de Vuono | Renato Camparanut Barnabe
The problem of the choice of a reliable and safe method of elective interruption of pregnancy in bitches was analysed. The methods are common in the small animal practice in preventing the birth of unwanted litters and are considered an important factor not only for the solution of owners personal problems, but also for this species population control. The favorable aspects and the counter indications of surgical and medicamental interruption of pregnancy were discussed. The surgical interruption is considered as the best choice for animals not intended to be utilized for reproduction. The serious side effects restricted the use of estrogens, tamoxifen citrate and non- hormonal embryotoxic agents. Epostane needs more studies to confirm its efficiency. Although possible, the utilization of analogues of GnRH still has supplying and cost limitations. The specificity of the used agents and their possible side effects limit immunological control of pregnancy. The use of glucocorticoids is limited through the length of the treatment and side effects. Mifepristone and aglepristone, commercially unavailable products, have been indicated as promising drugs in the future due to their efficiency, security and utilization during all stages of pregnancy. Despite the previsible side effects and the necessity of hospitalization for the treated animals, prostaglandins are more and more utilized as abortive drugs. Throughout dopamine agonists, cabergoline presents the best results, especially when associated with the analog of the prostaglandin cloprostenol. It can be used as soon as the diagnosis of pregnancy is possible, with 100% of efficiency and little side effects. | Analisou-se a problemática da escolha de um método confiável e seguro para a interrupção eletiva da gestação em cadelas, prática comum em clínica de pequenos animais para a prevenção do nascimento de ninhadas indesejadas e fator importante não só na solução de problemas pessoais de proprietários, mas também no controle populacional da espécie. Foram abordados os aspectos favoráveis e contra-indicações da interrupção cirúrgica e medicamentosa da prenhez. A interrupção cirúrgica é considerada a melhor escolha para animais que não se pretenda utilizar para reprodução. A utilização de estrógenos, do citrato de tamoxifena e agentes embriotóxicos não-hormonais é restringida pelos seus graves efeitos colaterais. A epostana necessita maiores estudos para confirmar sua eficiência. Apesar de possível, o uso dos análogos de GnRH esbarra em limitações de fornecimento e custo, assim como o controle imunológico da gestação, na especificidade dos agentes utilizados e possíveis efeitos colaterais, enquanto o uso de glicocorticóides, na duração do tratamento e efeitos secundários inerentes aos corticosteróides. Mifepristona e aglepristona, indisponíveis no mercado, têm sido apontadas como drogas de futuro promissor em face de sua eficácia, segurança e utilização em qualquer fase da gestação. Apesar dos seus previsíveis efeitos colaterais e da necessidade de hospitalização dos animais tratados, as prostaglandinas são cada vez mais utilizadas como drogas abortivas. Dentre os agonistas de dopamina, a cabergolina mostra os melhores resultados, principalmente quando associada ao análogo da prostaglandina cloprostenol, podendo ser utilizada assim que o diagnóstico de gestação seja possível, com eficiência de 100% e poucos efeitos colaterais.
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