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Ex vivo evaluation of arytenoid corniculectomy, compared with three other airway interventions, performed on cadaveric equine larynges with simulated recurrent laryngeal neuropathy
OBJECTIVE To compare laryngeal impedance, in terms of air flow and pressure, following arytenoid corniculectomy (COR) versus 3 other airway interventions (left-sided laryngoplasty with ipsilateral ventriculocordectomy [LLP], LLP combined with COR [LLPCOR], and partial arytenoidectomy [PA]) performed on cadaveric equine larynges with simulated left recurrent laryngeal neuropathy (RLN) and to determine whether relative laryngeal collapse correlated with the interventions performed. SAMPLE 28 cadaveric equine larynges. PROCEDURES Each larynx in states of simulated left RLN alone and with airway interventions in the order LLP, LLPCOR, COR, and PA was evaluated in a box model construct that replicated upper airway flow mechanics consistent with peak exercise in horses. Results for impedance, calculated from airflow and pressure changes, were compared between states for each larynx. Multivariable mixed-effects analysis controlling for repeated measures within larynx was performed to calculate the predicted mean impedance for each state. RESULTS Results indicated that tracheal adapter diameter, individual larynx properties, airway intervention, and relative laryngeal collapse affected laryngeal impedance. The LLP and LLPCOR interventions had the lowest impedance, whereas the COR and PA interventions did not differ substantially from the simulated left RLN state. Residual intraclass correlation of the model was 27.6 %. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Although impedance was higher for the simulated left RLN with the COR intervention state than with the LLP intervention state, given the clinical success of PA for treating RLN in horses and the similar results for the COR and PA intervention states in the present study, the use of COR warrants further investigation. The residual interclass correlation suggested that individual laryngeal variation affected impedance and may have a clinical effect.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effects of ventriculectomy, prosthetic laryngoplasty, and exercise on upper airway function in horses with induced left laryngeal hemiplegia
Shappell, K.K. | Derksen, F.J. | Stick, J.A. | Robinson, N.E.
Effects of ventriculectomy and prosthetic laryngoplasty on upper airway flow mechanics and blood gas tensions in exercising horses with induced left laryngeal hemiplegia were assessed. Five adult horses were trained to stand, trot (4.5 m/s), and gallop (7.2 m/s) on a treadmill (6.38? incline). Inspiratory and expiratory airflows (VImax, VEmax, respectively) were measured using a 15.2-cm diameter pneumotachograph in a face mask. Inspiratory and expiratory transupper airway pressures (PuI, PuE respectively) were determined as pressure differences between barometric pressure and lateral tracheal pressure. Blood collected from exteriorized carotid arteries was analyzed for PaO2, PaCO2, pH, hemoglobin (Hb) content, and HCO3-values. Heart rate (HR) was determined with an HR monitor. Measurements were made with horses standing, trotting, and galloping before left recurrent laryngeal neurectomy (LRLN; base line), 14 days after LRLN, 30 days after ventriculectomy (44 days after LRLN), and 14 days after prosthetic laryngoplasty (58 days after LRLN). Before LRLN (base line), increasing treadmill speed for horses from standing to the trot and gallop progressively increased HR, respiratory frequency, VImax, VEmax, PuI, PuE, Hb, and PaCO2 values and decreased PaO2 pH, and HCO3- values; inspiratory and expiratory impedances were unchanged. After LRLN, inspiratory impedance and PuI were significantly (P < 0.05) increased in horses at the trot and gallop, and PaCO2 was significantly increased in horses at the gallop. The VImax and respiratory frequency were significantly (P < 0.05) decreased in horses at the gallop. Left recurrent laryngeal neurectomy had no effect on PuE VEmax, HR, PaO2, pH, Hb or expiratory impedance values. Ventriculectomy failed to improve upper airway flow mechanics induced by LRLN, whereas prosthetic laryngoplasty restored upper airway flow mechanics to base-line values.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Investigation of the effects of an ultraviolet germicidal irradiation system on concentrations of aerosolized surrogates for common veterinary pathogens
Pearce-Walker, Jennifer I. | Troup, Daniel J. | Streeter, Rebecca Ives | Ikner, Luisa A. | Rose, Joan B. | Kennedy, Melissa A. | Verhougstraete, Marc P.
OBJECTIVE To determine whether exposure to UV germicidal irradiation (UVGI) reduces concentrations of viable aerosolized microorganisms (attenuated strains of common veterinary pathogens) in a simulated heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. SAMPLE 42 air samples seeded with bacteriophage MS2 or attenuated strains of Bordetella bronchiseptica, feline calicivirus, feline herpesvirus-1, canine parvovirus, or canine distemper virus (6/microorganism) or with no microorganisms added (6). PROCEDURES A simulated HVAC unit was built that included a nebulizer to aerosolize microorganisms suspended in phosphate-buffered water, a fan to produce airflow, 2 UVGI bulb systems, and an impinger for air sampling. Ten-minute trials (3 with UVGI, 3 without UVGI, and 1 negative control) were conducted for each microorganism. Impingers collected microorganisms into phosphate-buffered water for subsequent quantification with culture-based assays. Results for samples yielding no target microorganisms were recorded as the assay's lower limit of detection. Statistical analysis was not performed. RESULTS The UVGI treatment resulted in subjectively lower concentrations of viable MS2, B bronchiseptica, and canine distemper virus (arithmetic mean ± SD log10 microorganism reduction, 2.57 ± 0.47, ≥ 3.45 ± 0.24, and ≥ 1.50 ± 0.25, respectively) collected from air. Feline herpesvirus-1 was detected in only 1 sample without and no samples with UVGI treatment. Feline calicivirus and canine parvovirus were not detectable in any collected samples. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results for some surrogates of veterinary pathogens suggested a potential benefit to supplementing manual disinfection practices with UVGI-based air cleaning systems in animal care environments. Further research is needed to investigate the utility of UVGI in operating HVAC systems.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effect of building ventilation design on environment and performance of turkeys
DeBey, M.C. | Trampel, D.W. | Richard, J.L. | Bundy, D.S. | Hoffman, L.J. | Meyer, V.M. | Cox, D.F.
Environmental variables in 10 commercial turkey confinement buildings, representing 2 natural ventilation designs, were measured during summer and the following winter. Sliding doors spaced at intervals along the walls of 5 of the buildings provided about 35% opening, and continuous wall curtains provided 60 to 80% opening in the other 5 buildings. Environmental variables assessed included airspeed; temperature; relative humidity; gases; particle number, size, and mass per cubic meter of air; and colonies of bacteria, yeasts, and other fungi per cubic meter of air. Colonies of yeasts and other fungi were quantitated in feed and litter. For most of the variables evaluated, significant differences were not attributable to building ventilation design; however, in winter, the total mass of particulate matter per cubic meter of air was higher in the curtain-type houses, compared with sliding door-type houses. Ammonia concentration in the air of sliding door-type houses progressively increased during summer and winter sampling periods. A significant effect of building ventilation design on turkey performance was not detected when using mortality, average daily gain, feed conversion, condemnations at slaughter, or average individual bird weight as measures of production.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Measurement of upper airway resistance in awake untrained dolichocephalic and mesaticephalic dogs
Rozanski, E.A. | Greenfield, C.L. | Alsup, J.C. | McKiernan, B.C. | Hungerford, L.L.
A technique for measuring upper airway resistance was developed in awake untrained dolichocephalic and mesaticephalic dogs. Twenty healthy dogs, 10 Collies (group dolichocehalic) and 10 mixed-breed dogs (group B-mesaticephalic), were studied. All dogs tolerated the procedure well and adverse effects were not observed. Mean (+/- SEM) value for upper airway resistance was 7.1 +/- 0.50 cm of H2O/L/s. There was a trend toward lower upper airway resistance (Ruaw) values in group-A dogs, compared with those in group-B dogs. Values of Ruaw were reproducible for an individual dog. The mean individual dog coefficient of variation for Ruaw was 7.5%. The overall Ruaw coefficient of variation for all 20 dogs was 31.4%. This technique for measuring upper airway resistance in dogs is clinically applicable for objectively assessing response to treatment of obstructive upper airway disorders.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Ex vivo modeling of the airflow dynamics and two-and three-dimensional biomechanical effects of suture placements for prosthetic laryngoplasty in horse
Lynch, Nicola P. | Jones, Sarah A. | Bazley-White, Lucy G. | Wilson, Zoe F. | Raffetto, Jennifer | Pfau, Thilo | Cheetham, Jonathon | Perkins, Justin D.
OBJECTIVE To identify the degree of left arytenoid cartilage (LAC) abduction that allows laryngeal airflow similar to that in galloping horses, assess 2-D and 3-D biomechanical effects of prosthetic laryngoplasty on LAC movement and airflow, and determine the influence of suture position through the muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage (MPA) on these variables. SAMPLE 7 equine cadaver larynges. PROCEDURES With the right arytenoid cartilage maximally abducted and inspiratory airflow simulated by vacuum, laryngeal airflow and translaryngeal pressure and impedance were measured at 12 incremental LAC abduction forces (0% to 100% [maximum abduction]) applied through laryngoplasty sutures passed caudocranially or mediolaterally through the left MPA. Cross-sectional area of the rima glottis and left-to-right angle quotient were determined from photographs at each abduction force; CT images were obtained at alternate forces. Arytenoid and cricoid cartilage markers allowed calculation of LAC roll, pitch, and yaw through use of Euler angles on 3-D reconstructed CT images. RESULTS Translaryngeal pressure and impedance decreased, and airflow increased rapidly at low abduction forces, then slowed until a plateau was reached at approximately 50% of maximum abduction force. The greatest LAC motion was rocking (pitch). Suture position through the left MPA did not significantly affect airflow data. Approximately 50% of maximum abduction force, corresponding to a left arytenoid angle of approximately 30° and left-to-right angle quotient of 0.79 to 0.84, allowed airflow of approximately 61 ± 6.5 L/s. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Ex vivo modeling results suggested little benefit to LAC abduction forces > 50%, which allowed airflow similar to that reported elsewhere for galloping horses.
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